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Posts posted by FlamedwFaith

  1. False

    By calling God "Father" we are more rightly describing ourselves and our relationship with God. Jesus teaches that we have a filial relationship with God; God sees us as if we were a daughter or a son. And we, on our part, can approach God in the familiar confident way a child approaches a loving parent. What is more, we approach God through God's only Son, Jesus Christ, who unites us to himself

  2. I think I have lost my faith. While looking at Mormon beliefs and investigating my own beliefs somehow things didn't stack up quite the way I imagined they would. I feel like my faith is a child's fairytale and everything is a lie. I just don't believe anymore. I don't know if it's a permanent or temporary case. I guess when you start pulling apart the foundations apart in your faith, that you don't quite expect not to be able to put them back together again. I'm wondering whether examination is foolishness or wise...and rational faith seems rather irrational if it leads to none. I thought it would be more like building on rock, but it seems not. If Christianity is so diverse, then what is the truth, if any.

    The whole grace aspect of standing because God holds you there and there is nothing that He cannot do...I mean if I had faith it was entirely through grace and the faith in that was there in a personal way. I guess it was integral or perhaps borrowed...if not completely childlike. Religion seems so much of a construct. Is there really any more to life than living it as best you can...I think perhaps not and that all else is illusion and as elusive as believing in something that is as chameleon as faith.

    I don't know if that makes any sense. But putting it out there for discussion.

    Perhaps ypur faith is just now starting......Keep searching and praying that Jesus would open your heart, remove all obstacles and speak to your heart clearly, wisely and boldly.

    We will stand in prayer with you.