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Posts posted by tooelegirl

  1. ok, I wasn't sure how blunt to be when describing what my daughter and her boyfriend were doing. They are not only kissing, french kissing, but fondling each other to the point of orgasm. Now, that seems pretty serious to me. I have never even seen them hold hands, so to find this out is very upsetting to me. I thought that they were being good kids, but they seem to have found ways to fool everyone. They always made sure that they were alone in a car. (I didn't know that they were ever alone) One time they were with his nephews, (the oldest being 8), then they would make up some excuse to take each other home, and then they would be alone. The last time, they were supposed to be home at 8:15, and didn't get home until 8:30, but left his house 45 minutes before that, and it only takes 15 minutes to get to my house. I never thought they would be doing things like that. Anyway, my original question, do we all sit down and talk about what has happened, and get things out in the open, or just act as if nothing has happened to avoid any further embarrassment?

  2. I have a daughter who is 17 years old who has been "dating" her boyfriend for almost a year now. We have been careful about how much time they spend together and where they are and who they are with. They always have to be with other people when they do go out on an official date. Even our Bishop assured us that he was not concerned with them dating. Well, last night we found out that she and her boyfriend have been doing things that are leading them to a "home run". We went and talked to the Bishop, and things are going as good as can be expected. Her boyfriend's parents don't know yet because he is at scout camp right now, so her boyfriend doesn't know that she has already talked to the Bishop. I know that it will be awkward for both of them and for us because we are in the same Ward. My question is what do we do now? Do we invite the parents over and all of us sit down and talk about what has happened, or do we just act as if nothing has happened and just keep being friends? We as their parents get along fairly well, but what do we do? Is there a standard procedure for something like this? I have never been in this situation before, and really never thought that I would be. It's really kinda scary and devastating.:hmmm:

  3. Anyone out there struggle with this issue? I have been over-weight for about 10 years, and it's time to get it off. I have had 5 hernia operations due to c-sections and then complicated by the weight, and I don't want anymore!!! I am currently trying the "11 day diet" and that has been working for me, but I realize that once I quit that, I'm going to gain it all back. I need something that I can do for the rest of my life. I hear too many things that are very confusing. Too much protein is bad for you; too many carbohydrates are bad for you; don't eat white flour, rice, or pasta; dairy products are bad for you. What are we supposed to do? I know that weight watchers is good, but I don't have the money that they require per month. I just really need some help. I know that I am an emotional eater, I love to eat!!!! What plans have worked for you? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    :confused: in weight loss misery

  4. Wow, this sounds a lot like most mothers' concern.

    I agree with those that have said to take time out for yourself. Everyday. I know that that really helps. I have 6 children, and when my oldest was 8, I had my last child, so they were pretty close together!! ( I know, I was crazy). I was told by a lot of people to enjoy my children when they are little because it gets harder when they are older. I thought that they were crazy; what could be harder than changing stinky diapers, cleaning up throw-up, cleaning up everything, no sleep, no free time, basically no me time? After my oldest child became a teenager, that was when I realized that I needed mommy time. I have handled my two youngest children better because of it. My oldest son will be home from his mission soon, and I look back and wish that I could go back to those days when they were little. Just take time and count your blessings. Our children grow up so fast. Think about the things that you do have, instead of the things that you don't. Heavenly Father loves us, and He will always do what is best for us. Sometimes we have to walk in the darkness for awhile before we see the light. That is the hard part. Life is hard, but it is also fun. Enjoy every minute of it, because it goes by so fast!!:):