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Posts posted by mormoncutter

  1. I have felt the same way. It's hard I know, what really helped me get through was a prethood blessing that my bishop gave me. Mabey you could ask yours to give you one, I know it will help. And if you ever need any one to talk to i'm here.

  2. My bishop and tharapist decided that I no lnonger need therapy. I havent cut in 2 or 3 months and they said that I'm doing really well. But I just don't feel like I'm ready to be done. I can't really explain how I feel right now but I don't know what to do. I just need some advice right now. I don't know what to do. Should I give it a try and not go back or should I call him and say I need to continue. Plz some one just talk to me and help me out with this.

  3. My grate aunt has cancer and has been given 3 months left to live, and she and i are pretty close and shes my grandmas sister and so they're really close as well so If you could just pray for my grandma and I, it would be much apreceated. We are just not deeling with it really well. I didn't beleave it untell she gave me her favorite unicorn nick nack. And she started to just give away stuff to the family. idk what I"m going to do but I know with the lords help all will be ok.

  4. My best friend shot himself in the head to months ago, and I've been thinking a lot about it lately because his birthday was a week ago. One of my friends who is lds said that he is going to go to hell because he took his life. Is that true? Because I really don't think that god would send you to hell fore killing your self especially if you had a mental disorder, and my friend was suffering from vary saver depression. So what after death? is he going to go to hell? Will I ever see him again?

  5. Ok, I think that talking to her first would be a good thing, mabey the two of you could meet with your bishop and have him counle with you about talking to the boya parents and mabey he could help you with what to say as well.

  6. My story hapend about a year ago, when my bishop was first called, I had been inactive for most of my life, and I was doing things that wernt really good, I don't know why but one Sunday I decided to go to church, sitting there in sacrament I relized that the girls basketball coach was the new bishop and I didn't even know we were in the same word. after church the bishop stoped me and asked if I would come talk to him. He said he new that I needed help. It was so hard to try to talk to him that day cuz I have a really hard time trusting people becuse of what Ive been through, but he pulled out his Book Of Mormon and started reading somthin In Alma, and It said that god doesnt give you more then you can handle, then he prayed with me, and I knew the Book Of Mormon was true and that the Church was true, and sence that I have gone to church every sunday and I meet with my bishop once a week. I have even givin up some of my adictions.