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Posts posted by Laureltree

  1. I understand what you are saying now....but to me they are just doing what the rest of us are doing when we act upon our weaknesses..I dont think god would intentionally state in the bible not to do something, and then create gays, les, trans and say... sorry with it. I think we are all born with weaknesses, and its up to us on weather we act upon them...its all about choice....

  2. Every member doesnt need a calling, but they may have one :) With this said, if you feel like you need one to help strengthen your testimony, you can always tell your bishop im sure he will be grateful to help you out :)

    The title says it all but I will provide a little background:

    I moved to a new ward about 4 months ago and I have yet to receive a calling. I am not upset about this I just find it odd since it is such a small ward (around 50 sacrament attendance on a good week). That got me wondering, does every member need a calling? I know it probably only a matter of time before I get one but to be perfectly honest I am 100% happy without one.

    I do seem to remember reading some church source that suggested that every member have a calling to help them feel needed, for me that seems a little disingenuous. What is your wards Philosophy concerning callings?

  3. Ok...I'm not gonna sugar coat this, because I just delt with this awhile back with my teen....Talk to the stake pres, get it taken care of....And STOP making excuses for yourself.... Your asking WHY ? Once you have an addiction its not easily gotten rid of, you dont wanna keep making light of it and then go on a mission....get married , have kids and find its progressed through the years....Do yourself & your future wife a favor....Get help, get it taken care of....Serve a mission with honor, then marry the girl of your dreams with the knowledge you can keep the sacred covients you both have made, and you can stay faith to her....

    Im saying this because I work with people allot that have addictions to porn, it has destroyed there lives, there families and there self esteem....YOU are worth more than that.....SEE.....The stake pres.....:)

  4. The ones that cannot tell which genetics they are....Are Hermaphrodites....NOT Transgendered....Transgendered are born male/female and choose to be the opposite sex, they then get a sex change and other procedures from there to create what they choose to be.....A Hermaphrodite is born with both, and it’s very hard to tell which gender they should be. Hermaphrodite is a medical condition caused by mix croms......Where Transgendered disorder is a choice....that an individual makes on their own NOT made by god. You need to make sure you are correctly explaining which is this point you are inaccurate.... Policy of the church will not change, just like the scriptures have not changed on this subject, I find it funny how society likes to manipulate the scriptures as well as change them to fit their needs, rather than living god’s will. The gospel will never conform to people....There are laws and covenants, we cannot just go rewriting them because I want to wear a blue hat today, be gay today, drink a beer today....We live the laws as they are written, because they are written for a reason. May I ask where you are from bytebear ? and are you lds ?

    It's not as easy as just picking a gender if you are born with genetic dispositions for both. Most people are born XX or XY, but some are XXY or XXYY or a dozen variations. In those case you really are neither male nor female, or both. So, it really is something that cannot be determined by a medical decision. Some people never identify as a single gender. As we discover more about genetics and what makes one inclined to be gay/transgendered, etc., the policies of the church will change. It is already changing in fact. For at least the past decade, the focus has been on the sin of fornication and not the inclinations of the person. But certain blessings are gender based (either individually or as a couple) and I don't see that changing - so perhaps committed gay couples could be endowed, but not sealed (at least not as spouses). They certainly cannot inherit the blessings of Abraham since it will always require a person of the opposite gender to make that blessing possible no matter how liberal your views are.

  5. I can answer this one! We had a transgendered individual in our ward.

    Officially, if one is born with both male and female genitalia, but the doctors chose to make them either male or female, and the person later gets a 'sex change' operation, then they may be baptized as full members, including going to the temple. This has to be sent up the line, though.

    The reasoning being that the Doctors may have made a mistake, whereas someone born male is not a mistake of mortality.

    You are talking about a Hermaphrodite, that is not the same as transgendered. Transgendered are born male or female, yet choose to be the opposite sex....not born female & male and someone else chooses for them. Transgendered normally under go a sexual change & physical change , along with voice therapy and other procedures. This does not follow along with the guidelines of the church , as does someone who's born a hermaphrodite, and the parents or DR mistakenly pick the wrong sex....This is a choice.

    Hermaphrodite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  6. They have a great stainless steel cleaner at home depot or lowes, it said stainless cleaner :) and they also have a cleaner for poress tiles like travertine and granite.....I only know this because I clean homes for a living...:) You can go to walmart too, just make sure it said your surface, under what it cleans.

    Stainlees cleaner :

    ZEP 16 oz. Stainless Steel Cleaner - ZUSSC16 at The Home Depot

    Granite :

    18oz. Rock Doctor Granite Cleaner - 35104 at The Home Depot

    Travertine :

    Stone-Specific Quart Cleaner and Resealer for Polished Marble, Travertine, and Limestone - SSMCRQT3 at The Home Depot

    These are what I use, Im sure you can find some cheaper..:)

  7. Morningstar , you hit it right on the nail :)

    Every wife has been here atleast one, weather its an old girlfriend or an exwife....and it truly can take a toll on your eart, your feelings twards dear hubby, and your spirituality.

    Your relationship should never compare to thiers. Honestly, if the ring means so to him about it, pick one out and renew your vows :) :winks: and make a wedding night you both remember......

    Second marriages are hard enough, but when the advisary's influences our thoughts, talk about a doward spiral, and I know...Ive been there :) Work on positive things that can boost, enhance, and creatively make your marriage more romantic and stronger each year....:) You've had him for 30 years...Thats awesome !, He must think your one pretty amazing woman.....:) I'm sure if you ask him to list some of your amazing qualities, you would be shocked at how much he truly does love and appreciate you, beyond what he ever loved his first wife , just a thought...:) We as wives tend to over think and look into things way to much, sometimes letting go of negitive self talk...helps reinforce the positive things we knew all along...hugs...:)

    I hope things are doing better :)

  8. I found out this morning that my husband is "cheating" on me. I consider it cheating, but he says it's not because it hasn't been "all the way". There is still nudity involved, and he's done it with 5 different women. My heart is broken, because we have 4 children all under the age of 10. The thing that is hardest for me, is that we've been doing all the "right" things. I thought we had a good marriage. This has really hit me out of left field. We go to church every week- all our meetings. We do FHE every week, read our scriptures every night as a family, family and couple prayer. We go to the temple monthly.

    His father did the same thing to his mother. She stuck it out, staying with him through 25 years of marriage. In the end he ended up leaving her any way. Now she's 50+ and all alone.

    Do I stick it out, hoping and praying that I don't end up alone in the end. Do I get out now, while I'm still young? Why is this happening to my family?

    Sounds like he needs an addiction recovery class ....It might help repair the damage

  9. I have a 13 yr old, she wears lip gloss. I let her know early on, that you are 16 for driving a car, and 16 when you wear make up. Allot of mothers will disagree with this, but my thoughts are this. I did not raise my daughter at 13 to look 16, and 16 to look 21, and so on....My daughter is a young woman, and its more important she stay a young virtues woman and a good role model, than popular top model at 13. Funny thing is, she ended up popular, and a good role model for several of the girls who look up to her. Who could ask for more :)

  10. One of the YM in my ward is leaving on his mission tomorrow- we aren't close, we never dated or hung out outside of the youth program but I would still like to write him.

    What do you write to a missionary?

    They ask friends family etc.. to write spiritual and encouraging a friend like manner, not discussing dating.. but just support, and encouragement :)

  11. Since I usually throw out all of my concerns to you guys anyway, might as well toss this one out there.

    I have been baptized for nearly a year, but I don't feel like I identify myself with the church. I don't feel like a Mormon. When I talk of the church I keep finding myself saying they, or the church, but not we, or I. Whenever I tallk about Joseph Smith being a prophet the words feel like I am mouthing them, like they are hollow and I don't really believe them.

    The logic in my mind is sound, the restoration, especially the authority part makes sense. I know I have believed in the church, but I can't shake these feelings.

    As always, what are your alls thoughts on this?

    I know I throw a lot of stuff out there, and I do appreciate you guys taking the time to comment.

    I felt the same way until I found my own testimony through prayer and scripture study :P

  12. Yeah you need to wait for Pam to do that....

    This is really weird there is no members by your name?!

    Definately for Pam...

    Maya, Yea I seen that too, I laughed because Ive been with ldstalk since I didnt exist lol You truly can be wiped away in this modern world lol :D

  13. This quote was posted in the daily WOW but I think it deserving to be put in a forum that more will read. It is something that all of us (including myself) need to read and to ponder on.

    My brothers and sisters, let us bind up the wounds-oh, the many wounds that have been caused by cutting words, by stubbornly cultivated grievances, by scheming plans to ‘get even’ with those who may have wronged us. We all have a little of this spirit of revenge in us. Fortunately, we all have the power to rise above it, if we will ‘clothe [ourselves] with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace.’ (D&C 88:125.)”

    Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, Jun 1991, 2

    Love this Quote pam, thank you so very much :P

  14. It is time for LDS supporters of Prop 8 to be honest about their reasons for supporting the amendment. It’s not about adoption rights, or the first amendment, or tradition. These arguments were not found worthy of the standards for finding facts set up by our judicial system. The real reason is that a man who most of us believe is a prophet of God told us to support the amendment. We must be honest about our motivation, and consider what it means to the delicate balance between our relationship with God and with His children here on earth. Maybe then we will stop thoughtlessly spouting arguments that are offensive to gays and lesbians and indefensible to those not of our faith.

    I actually voted not because of what the prophet said but what ( I ) believe in, its amazing how everything is blamed on the church, rather than what the people truly stand for and believe. The prophet cannot ( Make) us do anything, its all about choice, I had these standards before I joined the church and I will keep them, even if the church changes its values on it .

  15. I asked my son if he was going to serve a mission. He said very sadly"I HAVE to my Pahtriarticle Blessing says so"(I know thats mispelled) If he deosn't feel it and WANT to and is only going because he HAS to,isn't that wrong?

    Angel...You need to have faith in the lord, he's working on your son.. I can say this because a month ago I was walking in your shoe's....

    My son had been through allot with my ex and our divorce, it took a tole spiritually on him. OUr last conversation was..Mom " I'm going to graduate, go in the military, then college and someday marriage." I started sending him to Seminary, We started doing prayer morning and night, plus scripture study, and said nothing to his comment but oh....ok..

    A month later he gave his testimony on how his seminary teacher made a bet with him, part of that bet included reading a scripture and praying over it. My son gave his testimony that he gained from that experience on Sunday. Not only does he have a testimony now, but is very excited to serve a mission. When we live by example, and leave it into the lords hands, miracles happen. Sunday after church our conversation went like this .:P Mom" can you believe I graduate in two years, then a mission, then college and marriage, its going by so fast". If you noticed, he didnt mention military :D and he mentioned he does want to serve a mission and get married. I truly beileve teens need firesides, they need seminary, they need our example of family prayer & scriptures, and they need there church meetings to help them become who they truly are. They might say they hate it, its boring, etc.. But every heart changes when touched by the spirit :P

    your in my thoughts and prayers :lol: