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Posts posted by jmcic

  1. i get ya i just moved 1800 miles from wisconsin to utah because it was the answer to a prayer and i am having to deal with a lot of change. i have yet to go to my own ward yet but that scares me. i am just following where mt Heavenly Father leads me. i hope things get eaiser for you

  2. i konow the Gospel is true. and my friends are the greatest its me who needs the work i am slowly trying to change my perspective and pam let me know when that next get together is and if my car is here from wisconsin by then im in. LM you are right i just dont want my insecurities to push my friends away i need to change not them.

  3. thanks guys you are all right. i feel it is deeper then that i have a tendency of stressing out and then letting it ruin my mood and i feel like scratch that i know that it makes my friends feel like i manipulate them and use it as a way to get attention. i have to get the stress monkey off my back but i feel like i stress my friends out more then i am stressed. i have to figure something out i dont want to lose these people they mean the world to me. i have a lot to learn i wish i could be happy about the blessings i have been given. i want to be normal again and not a "party pooper". i just need to figure it all out

  4. So i finally moved to utah. i am excited and it is way easier for me to live the gospel. the friends i have here have been so helpful in my move but when we are in a group i feel like i am a third wheel like i dont belong. and the girl that i had gone on a few dates with hardly shows any interest now. am i doing something wrong. am i not doing enough? idk

    any suggestions?

  5. Well to truly understand how I got here you have to start from the begining.

    I was born into a Catholic home and raised that way till my mom moved out of my grandparents home, then we tried the Lutheren Church. We went to that church for quite awhile. My mom started dating my now step-father whom to be quite honest I could not and sometims still cannot stand. So when that happended church went out the door. I found this little church in the town i lived it and i liked it but that didn't last because a girl I was datng that was a member made up stories about how I had threatend to kill her, to be quite blunt I am not that kind of guy. One day after school when I was in highschool I came home to find my grandfather(my step fathers dad) dead. I tried to revive him but to no good. From then on ther till about the age of 20 i hatd God and wanted nothing to do with Him. I filled my time with going out with random girls, smoking, and drinking way too much. I then found this church which was a evangelical church and was baptised into it but I still went on with my hedanist lifestyle.

    Ok, fast foward about 5 years. I am now 25 and I am in college again. I am siting in the commens area of the school putzing with my laptop. This weird girl comes up sits next to me and says "ohhhh, a new toy can I play" I thought she was cute so I said yes. Every week from there on we would see each other every Tuesday and hang out and talk.

    One day she says "If I give you a book will you read it", I didn't know any better so i said sure. She hands me a Book of Mormon, I thought ya sure like Im going to read this. I took it and went home and let it collect dust under my beed for a week. The next week she comes up to me and says "Hey, you read the book?" "nope" I answered. She then says looking very hurt "Well I invited the Sisters to meet with you" I looked at her and said "Why would you do that? Did I show any intrest in YOUR CHURCH AT ALL NO NO NO." Even after that I still agreed to meet them.

    Now let me say this remember I was raised most of my life as a Roman Catholic so when I heard sisters what did I think righhhht little old ladies in habits and a yard stick. So at 2 pm in walks these two beautifull young girls Sister Wiser and Sister Redford. I was like whoah slow down these are the Sisters. The first meeting was just getting to know each other and Of course I was trying to impress these young girls so I showed them how much about "GOD" I actually knew. But I still wasent convinced. So next week we started the disscussions. A week after that I started going to church with Sarah(sorry you know her as the Weird girl). I have to admit I liked it it was fun.

    Now the ahaaa Moment we (the Sisters and I now with Sister Redford and Sister Christansen) were disscussing repentance. I was siting there and it hit me I said " I am such a Fraud." Sister Redford gave me her pattented "what" look and i reaped it "I am such a Fraud, I have been living my life and saying how much of a Christian I was" Right then and there I knew it was all True.

    So what was the next step I set a baptism date for Jan 27th, the next week I was confirmed, the week after that ordained as a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. Then a strange thing happended. I was sitting reading my Scriptures and a friend acme up and said " whats that" I told him they were my scriptures and that I was just studying. He then said "who are those two girls you meet with" I told him they were the sisters and explained what that was. He asked me if he could join us and I said sure not thinking anything of it. So he started taking the disscussions. and set a baptism date.

    i was then able to baptize him and it was awesome to see the change in his life. i have since held many callings even served in the temple. life is not easy i fight with struggles and temptations everyday but its my testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that has kept me strong

  6. i can relate fire i had a a missionary friend that served in our ward and i thought we were friends and when she got home she ignores me all together and talks to everyone else. its not easy but you cant let what other people do get you down. what i do is focus on those friendships where people like me for me and treat me as a true friend would

  7. I've been reading the scriptures and praying more than ever for the past week and i spend the majority of the day beating myself up.

    Reading and praying is good, i went through a situation recently and was put on probation for a few months. but you must not beat yourself up you must forgive yourself as well. my bishop told me that once you confess and heavenly father forgives you, you must also forgive yourself. i hope things get better and you are in my prayers

  8. When you buy a home you get it inspected. When you buy a car you what to know it's history.

    Marriage is 1000x the commitment. I would think one would want to know. I would provide the info, though not go into detail unless they wanted it(some may not)

    P.S. I heard one of the brothers from bonanza died recently. Not haus or little joe but the other one.

    i agree i just recently had to go through this and i did the same told my history but did not go into detail and it went well she respected me for it

  9. i agree with everyone her she needs to speak to her bishop but it is something she needs to do you need to be gentle about this and just love her as a sister. i know from experience that she may know that she has to speak to the bishop and she may just be terrified i know i was when i had a small problem i had to discuss with him but what she needs to understand is that he is not there to judge her but to help her. he will be stern but loving and help her to truly repent the repenance process is hard but its amazing how much better you feel after you speak to your bishop