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Posts posted by hankpac

  1. I have used the original bag to line the mylar bag to prevent punctures. Works well.

    Just leave the product in the original bag, nip off a corner so the bag will vacuum, and viola.

    As to the question (another person posted this) about setting cans on the floor, the only reason I avoid this is due to setting the bucket down too hard, and cracking the plastic. Using a pallet obviates this, since the boards have some spring. If you don't have room or just don't want to use pallets, be sure that someone strong lifts the buckets down from over three high, to avoid just that occurrence. Setting a bucket down hard, when full onto it's corner, can crack the bucket, and if you don't see it, you have compromised one line of defense. If the product is stored loose, it will leak out, and allow moisture and ants in.

    INVENTORY everything.

  2. Margin, I guess you too are entitled to your opinion, even if you are wrong.

    We are also taught that the mere thought, or "attraction" is the same as the actual act, and just as sinful.

    No amount of rationalization can make homosexuality "Normal" Splitting hairs is only an obfuscation, not an explanation, and in the end, these abnormal people are still just as screwed up in the head as before.

    As someone else said above, their activity goes against the grain of the spirit.

    I too have met few people more self righteous than my fellow Mormons. It is a sad fact. There is a lot of holier than thou in some Wards. But, often when counseled, by their leadership, mistaken Bishops, and Quorum presidents are set straight, and with an effort, can make amends.

    But Homosexuals often, (far more often than not) insist that there is no sin, that there is no crime, and that what they do is normal, to the point of trying to effect law, and societal mores.

    It is the new custom in America to be "Offended". Well, Oh, I am so offended at the handwringing, whining and pandering to these people, when they should be called to repentance.

    We ARE expected to make judgments, to assess what is around us, and NOT to tolerate sinfulness. To tolerate, and excuse is to abet.

    I stand for a strong moral imperative. I will not waver or take one step backwards.

  3. God is pretty outspoken about homosexuality.

    The scriptures define it as an abomination. That is the harshest language. Pretty clear.

    God not only defines it so, but that definition leave no room for justification or rationalization. No question about it, the single authority says homosexuality is wrong, bad and condemnable activity.

    I also object to the word "Gay". I worked as a medical professional for 25 years. I never saw a more miserable group of people in all my life or professional experience. Even when NOT treated badly, these people are NOT "gay".

    These issues arise by activists in the group trying to be considered normal, when there is nothing even remotely normal about them.

    The scriptures are plain spoken, and all the "justification", and "tender understanding", only serves to subvert God's law about the subject.

  4. It IS prejudiced. That doesn't make my post wrong. And I am NOT apathetic, I am vehemently opinionated on this subject. Enough so that I made MY move to the country, made my move to marry a well rounded, capable woman, who has all the right skills and education, and made my move to cover all my bases in preparedness. No I am far from the point of apathy.

    Thank you for respecting that I have a right to my opinion, as do you.

    Try calling the nanny state when your power goes out, or the trucks stop rolling due to a fuel shortage or the stores have no more bread.

    Every German was NOT a Nazi, and every city dweller is not a worthless liberal. But every city dweller will be a refugee one day, and there is no place for them in the rural areas. Those masses will be a statistic.

    I base my comments on not only observation, but also training in the national guard, and civil defense (which should be called civil mass burial). I have listened to the briefings on what the people in the city are supposed to do, and it isn't pretty.

    Good luck, you will need it.

  5. You have a tough situation, but unless the police know about this they cannot be alerted. They should receive a copy of the email. Also the court that you had the order from should get a copy. and the district attorney.

    Next, if you are dead set against having a firearm, you have further assisted him in making you a victim. That means that your relationship with this guy is typified by "enabling" on your part. You see, a fire arm is NOT a risk to your kids, no matter how rambunctious, because it never leaves your hip. It is not put in a drawer, it is not carried in your purse, and it is never ever "Locked up" just in case. It is on your person ALWAYS.

    Some jurisdictions have to have a "reason" to issue a concealed carry license or permit. Yours is EXACTLY the correct "reason" .

    However, your mind set will obviate this factor. It is too late to become a self protector, since it requires much practice, and much attitude adjustment.

    You will have to wait, while he is beating down your door, for the police to arrive. As they say, "when seconds count, the police are minutes away."

    You should understand another "real world: fact of life: domestic disturbances are the least liked call on the part of police and medics. They know they have a higher likelyhood of getting injured or killed on a domestic disturbance that on any other type of call.

    They often do a "slow code 3" or :'wait until they settle it" type response. This may not be true in all places, but it happened in enough places I worked to know it wasn't just an anecdote.

    Relocation is a good idea, but consider what will happen if you leave the jurisdiction of the court. Just something to consider.

    It is difficult to know exactly what is going on just from your posts, but from long years of experience in the ER and on the street, these things I mention are often the case.

    Final thought. It is extremely dangerous to get all your advise from the internet.

    If you truly fear for your life RIGHT NOW, then get out. Take the kids to the shelter, and get out. Talk tot he police, now. Another unfortunate fact of life in these cases,is that when things reach THIS STAGE, the next step is for the jerk to take the woman's life.

    If you really think you are in danger, GET THE HELL OUT now. And call the police.

  6. there is a saying: "It could be that your purpose in life is to serve as an example to others", which is usually interpreted to mean, all your mistaken ideas, wrong decisions, and bad judgments could teach millions how NOT to behave.

    Ever feel that way?

    Anyway, When you were touched by the spirit, and given a testimony of whatever Pres Uchdorf was speaking of, you had a duty to follow up. Revelation is given when thee is "true intent", so at that moment, even if you have forgotten, you must have intended to act on whatever was revealed to you. And if it is fading, it is due to failing to act on that revelation.

    As to your doubts, I hope that you understand, that no one is converted by strict precise logical thinking. No one is converted because the were "argued" into it. Every true conversion came after deep and sincere prayer, and a promise on your part to act on the revelation that the Church is true. Many people are baptised, without being converted. It happens a lot, and many promptly go inactive immediately afterwards if they do not work on their own progress, and seek answers from God through the Holy Spirit.

    If you are seeking the answers from a forum, you won't find it here. If you seek answers from your teachers, home teachers, companion, even the Bishop (unless he says seek out the Lord in mighty prayer), you won't find it. In fact even reading the BOM won't give you your answers.

    You will still have to do all that, and I encourage you to including seeking counsel from the Bishop, but until you are absolutely faithful in getting on your knees, and crying out to the Lord, don't expect much to come of it.

    A parable: A man sat by the well, lamenting that he had no water. He had a bucket, he had a rope, He had tied the rope to the bucket. The bucket had no holes. He had the strength and ability to lower the bucket and pull up the bucket brimming with water.

    Others came and went with their load of water, and still he lamented that he had no water.

    finally he said "I don't even believe that is water in the well. Others have said they got water, and left here, but even though I saw them leave refreshed, and even once saw a bit of water slosh from their bucket, I am beginning to doubt i there is water there for me to bother trying to lower and then raise the bucket.

    Finally he lowered the bucket in, but by now, his rope was weak, and frayed. Part way up with a heavy load (OH it is so hard to lift) the rope parted. He walked away from the well, saying; "I tried everything I could, but I no longer believe there is water in that well. I think even those who got water from that well, must have had it with them, and fooled me."

    When you read the scripture, look at how hard some people pray, to get their testimony. Consider how hard even the most spiritual of people have "wrestled mightily" with their faith.

    As to enduring, remember, you only have to endure to the end!

  7. The original poster has her answer, as far as the actual procedure goes.

    However, when she posted, and again later, she alludes to insecurities that are at the foundation of her desire to get this done.

    If one just goes into the office that does this, there probably won't be any counseling done, which would happen if the procedure were done following a referral from her doctor. Why is this important?

    Because often, when insecurity is at the basis of the request for surgery (any surgery) it turns out that the surgery was not the answer to the problem. The patient is still insecure, unhappy, or still has whatever problem she (or he, to a lesser extent) went in with.

    However, if a person has some counseling along with the procedure, and has her self-image bolstered, and doesn't go in expecting the wrong things (if I got this done, then I would feel better about myself, and would be happy), she will do much better, than without.

    I have seen many people who end up going back again and again, seeking that final magic touch that will make them happy, able to accept compliments, feel better, etc.

    I have also seen patients who are really successful after surgery, who went in well prepared, and knew what to expect.

    A final thought: A compliment (You really look nice today) doesn't mean he thinks you look like someone else (someone you are not) it means to him, your appearance is pleasing and makes him feel good. Try saying: "Thanks, I am glad I please you." Or "When you say that it makes me feel good/pretty", every time, until you actually mean it. Absolutely do not say what you usually say, practice it, until you can do it. If you keep denying the compliment, eventually you stop getting them, and it becomes self-fulfilling (He never compliments me. I must be unlovely or ugly, he hates me, he can't stand my looks...etc).

    People who are insecure in this manner, often hold other people up for themselves as ideals of what they wish they looked like. "I wish I was thin like her, and pretty like her, and handle the kids like that one does, and was adored by thousands like that one, and could cook like that one, and had a house like hers, etc etc."

    This is a recipe for failure. Instead we should be appreciating that our mate, who chose us for eternity, loves and appreciates us exactly how we are.

    If he says you look great. Believe it. Say thanks. Say "and that's just one side of me."

    Or even, "I was hoping you would like me in this". I bet you get a "Oooh, baby do I ever." as he closes in for the big hug.

    I also suggest re-reading Islander's post (#10) as he/she says much the same thing I am saying.

  8. Anatess, and others. It all depends on the scenario. A simple power outage, or collapse of all the banks. shut down of interstate trucking and stoppage of supply of fuel and food into the city, or widespread rioting. Earthquake in the middle of winter, with resultant fires, loss of power and water or simply martial law and curfew, with food rationing and fuel rationing, and restricted travel.

    Location can make or break you in any of these scenarios. In every single recent emergency worthy of the description, 911, emergency services, were shut down, or non-responsive. If you couldn't take care of yourself, no one was out there to take care of you. In NOLA it has been documented that Police from out of town (CHP, to be specific) looted people's homes of their firearms under the guise of "safekeeping" These people never got their weapons back.

    Personally, I LIKE the idea of people staying in the city. Less trouble from them that way. People in the country often already have a handle of preparedness, already work together in crises, and already have a handle on food storage and production, and already have a good grasp of how to deal with life's vagaries without help from the "Nanny state".

    Stay in the city, PLEASE. We don't need you out here, we don't want to feed you out here, and we can do just fine with out the entire population of every city in America. Really.

    And if you find that offensive, well, too bad. In the weighing of the difference between NEED, and otherwise, we don't NEED Chicago, SF, SLC, LAX Portland, Seattle, NOLA, Atlanta, NYC. If the Muslims wiped every single large American city off the face of the map, these superfluous citizens (mostly liberals anyway) wouldn't make a single bit of difference except that they would no longer be a carbon producing burden on the planet and humanity.

    I live in a retreat community, and have a valuable position there. I serve the people I live among, and support a community that has a useful place in the environment. It took a long time to find this place, and it took a lot of hard work over a long period to have a skill set and life values that would fit here.

  9. Klippers: I went to the web site posted, but didn't see where the unit you mentioned and pictured in your post has the ability to replace air with an inert gas.

    I purge some bags of product with CO2, but I didn't see a nipple or connector for running in Nitrogen or CO3 or other inert gas after vacuuming.

    I can afford up to 1500 bucks for one of these, since I do a large amount of vacuuming, and the bulk capacities of one of the larger table-top models would be great.

  10. Fist of all, a card or short note, is appropriate: "I am your new home teacher, My phone number is.... Please contact me when itis convenient for you to have us visit, with a message from God." or some such.

    BUT...When someone hands me a job to do with inadequate information to do the job, I give it right back. The person who gave you this assignment (probably the counselor in the RS Presy) should have checked with the Bishop or clerk for a phone number.

    The recipient should have asked the RS Pres for a contact method, or some council (background, like is hard to get in to see, part member family, etc.)

    If all of that is not forthcoming, then the note, followed by a short accompanied visit (with your companion and a priest hood holder) will suffice to put them on notice to expect your visits monthly.

    Good luck

  11. Remember what was said to you during the anointing and clothing. Those words should be deep in your memory, and THAT is the driving fundamental reason to wear them.

    Don't look for excuses to NOT wear the garment, instead find a way to wear them comfortably. Try all the different styles and cloth types. work at it. You made a commitment. Live up to it.

    Speak with the Temple President's wife.

    Go through an initiatory again (for another person who is dead) and really listen to these words.

    These are the garments of the Holy Priesthood. when you wear them you are clothed in the garment of the Holy Priesthood. This is not just underwear. You are "on duty" so to speak. YOU are held to a higher level of responsibility, and you are held to a higher standard. If you are not capable of living up to that standard, you will eventually be so. But this is not passive, you must try to become so. You must work at it.

  12. Most smaller communities that are close enough to a large metro area, will in fact be inundated, under the right circumstances. Others that are farther way from such centers, will either wise up fast, and post pickets, and guard stations, and run patrols, shutting down roads, and ways in, or they will also be overwhelmed.

    People who make it to certain areas, will not automatically pass. Feeling sorry for someone doesn't mean they get in. One will have to have a marketable skill, and or a supply of something valuable to get in.

    This is just a fact of life.

    And no, they won't take your kids. They will have enough mouths to feed, and a feudal system that may include slavery of the local low-lifes, and welfare recipients who lived there Pre-collapse. Those types will have priority over refugees.

    Time for the newbies to re-read "Lucifer's Hammer", and perhaps Piers Anthony's "Battle Circle". Also "Earth Abides" and "false Dawn".

    If you haven't considered alternative scenarios, read a bit of speculative fiction, which has been researched. It will surprise you, since many of the scenarios are actual events that have occurred in other settings.

    This is why so many people say Americans are sissies. In some places these things are every day events. Americans have not only never seen some of these things, they can't even conceive of them, nor will they be able to deal when they occur. Like the character in "Lucifer's Hammer" who is told to quickly get some survival things together, and piles up things like make up, heels, stockings, and dresses.


  13. After years of discussing and doing various preps, a friend of mine, was asked to do the FHE at our "empty nest " Monday night session (several older couples with no kids).

    She walked in with a day bag. She sat it down and proceeded to empty it talking about the reasons for each item, and how long it took to find it, and put it in the sack. She said at the beginning of her talk, that she waited until 15 minutes before the session to start, and with no preparation, began hurrying through the house to see if she could gather a complete 72 hour kit that was full of essentials, without unnecessary items, and without forgetting anything.

    My wife and I consider ourselves pretty prepared for most probable instances in our region, as are a couple of others in our group.

    We were impressed with several things:

    Her bag was pretty complete: I would have felt comfortable shouldering that bag with no changes, and walking into the wilderness on the spot.

    She wasted almost no time dithering: She knew where stuff was in her house, and she knew what she wanted in the bag, and where to get it from storage.

    She had food, shelter, clothing, and a stainless steel pistol (minimum maintenance) She had water, a map and compass, a military scripture set, and copies of her legal documents all bundled or laminated, and in a double zip lock bag.

    She had two forms of light, and two means of starting a fire. She had a pen, pencil and marker. She had foil, duct tape, and parachute cord. She came in wearing jeans, boots, two pair of socks, gloves, a light jacket, and a heavy jacket/waterproof over her arm.

    She had a small baggy of toiletries, and sundry medical stuff like.

    As an exercise, packing up under a time constraint is valuable, and educating.

    We have done it several times since then in our household.

    Another time tested execise that we did more often when the kids were still home, is to take the 72 hour kits, and move into the back yard for one night, at a moment's notice. We did it once a quarter, in each season. the purpose was to skill check, or to test new gear. If someone had earned a merit badge recently (three boys), they were expected to use that new skill. If it got to cold, or stuff just wasn't working, we could easily move into the house, and I would pack up the stuff in the morning. We had some great nights, some chilly nights, but we all learned a lot, and had fun.

    My 72 hour kit is still packed.

    Good luck.

    There are lots of lists on the net, just do a search. print out several, heck print them all out. Then modify them to YOUR needs. Add and subtract as you find less or more need for this or that. Modify again, as you try to learn new skills such as fire starting without a match. (all three boys could do this one by age 10). Check the pack frequently, and carry it everywhere for a week or two so you get used to the weight, and decide if there is something you need to ditch. You will be surprised just how MUCh a liter of water weighs.

    (8 lbs to the gallon).

  14. Same here....I am confused on the length of storage of such grains or freeze dried produce.

    Speaking to Freeze dried foods: there should be no confusion at all. If one goes to the Mountain House web site, and searches, there is a chart that shows how long each form of freeze dried food, (type of packaging makes the differences) is expected to store, and at what temperature. Storing the # 10 can (20 year estimate) in the attic can shorten the storage time to months rather than decades.

    Basically: foil pouches last the shortest amount of time, but still adequate for a hunting pack or 72 hour kit, if you cycle through them every two-4 years. Vacuumed foil pack last longer, and #10 cans packed in NTG last up to 20 years.

    This is for UNOPENED packaging ONLY. Opened packages of any form, that you pour into a smaller package, is to be used in 30 days. And THAT is straight from the manufacturer, in answer to an E-mail inquiry.

  15. "...as other women come in to change their toddlers' poopie pants that easily stink up the whole room because it's so small. I wish there were a separate poo room. I usually end up in there for at least half an hour because of how long my daughter nurses and on average, about three people will come in to add to the waste pail full of poopy diapers..."

    There IS a separate Poo room: the rest rooms. If your facility is not badly designed, the counter by the sink is supposed to be wide enough to change babies. Men's room too. Older facilities often have a fold-down table for this job, with a belt to hold the kid. Taking babies to the nursing room to change a nasty diaper is inappropriate, and poses a health risk.

    The bathrooms are designed to handle infectious waste.

    Also, the bishop, and PFR should be on top of having the cans emptied immediately after meetings: the families with babies should be taking care of this, and the task should be rotated. Each diaper should be rolled, taped, and put in an individual bag, brought from home for the purpose.

  16. If you are asking this question, and seriously considering ways to avoid being called, you are already unworthy.

    Now watch. You will NOT get called. Because God IS involved. Someone else will be, and he will have trepidation, and he will struggle, but he will say yes, and step right up.

    So, now you have to do some serious soul searching, heavy prayer as to why you would step back from a call from God.

    We should ALL strive to be worthy of a call at unexpected moments, strive to be worthy to die right this second and face God in judgement, strive to be worthy of a Temple Recommend.

    This fear of a calling says that one has a weak testimony of God: This way: Don't truly believe that God would stand behind his chosen, and support and lead us by revelation. Don't truly believe that Heavenly Father has sent this call to you, by way of his earthly messengers and servants. Test it for yourself: What is really behind your reluctance. Really. You don't have to tell us, but for yourself, what is really wrong with you?

  17. I recently picked up a brass device for filling your own propane canisters. It has one end for attaching to a 5 gal propane tank, and the other to attach the smaller canister: once both are hooked up, flip the 5 gal tank over, so the smaller one is on the bottom, them open the valve. wait until filled. shut off the valve, then flip it over again, and remove, attach next one and repeat.

    However, aside from having a few prefilled canisters, I prefer to have several 5 gallon tanks, and on my travel trailer (my REAL 72 hour kit) I have two ten gallon tanks, and a spare 10 gallon tank. On one of the premounted tanks, I replaced the hose with a 5 foot hose, so I can hook up the spare, without lifting it up to the frame. It sits on the ground, and I can remove the empties, and take them in without moving the trailer.

    for the barbecue and lights, I have adapter hoses, and connectors. Just have to shop around a bit, find what you need. Heck even Walmart has an adapter tree to run the stove, lantern, and etc from one tank.

    Finally, they have come out with a free-standing kitchen range for camping: runs on propane, has 3 burners, and an oven. You can set it on the ground, or on the camp table. Pretty cool! Most outdoor suppliers have them. Corn Bread!

  18. A hate crime is easily defined as one committed due solely because of what the victim IS, rather than for what he has. Steal from someone, simple or aggravated theft. But steal from him because he is gay, or black or whatever reason and it is a "hate crime"

    rape someone, and it is rape. Rape someone because they are black: hate crime. burn someone's house down, that's arson. Burn it down because he is a Mormon, well, hate crime.

    don't play games with words, when you really know better.

  19. A filter that filters not only visible grit, but particulates, and chemicals, and also bacteria and viruses and Prions. Expensive, but worth every penny.

    Bleach only kills SOME bacteria and viruses. Those with a spore coat will survive. Boiling only kills SOME bacteria and viruses. Those with a spore coat will survive.

    That isn't much of an issue under NORMAL situations like treating tap water that you are going to store, BUT>>>treating run off water, or creek water during a flood, or water from your curbside gutter (which is what you have to be prepared to do) is another matter.

  20. dry goods: Items that do not require special methods for storage. Dry goods are NON-food items. Usually textiles, such as blankets, bolt cloths, towels, and such (also called "soft goods"). Also can include tools, but those are "durable items".

    Does not include beans.

    Storing water: make sure if you store a significant amount up there that your support is adequate: a gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds, so 500 gallons weighs in around 4,000 pounds. 150 gallons weighs about 1200 pounds (a little more than half a ton). Be very careful about how you stress your ceiling joists, bearing walls, and such.

  21. Perhaps we should all take a step back a second: the States can do whatever they want; without regard for Religious concerns.

    However, there is a possible benefit to legalizing same sex marriage, and that would be that there would be NO legal deterrent to plural marriage.


    Right. Celestial marriage is a everlasting covenant right? Only lasted a few years, on earth, in the new dispensation, and was pulled from us for governmental convenience. We had to disavow the custom and practice, in order to be come a state. (shoulda stayed a republic, IMNSHO).

    So, No more "fundamentalist's" practicing a bastardized form. No more hidden, but "known" plural marriages, but fully sanctioned legally and lawfully married people, sealed in the Temple.

    While the rest of the world continues it's downward spiral.

    We need a fully restored Church, not parts and pieces.

  22. I use antibacterial household cleaning type, to clean my hands after doing something particularly germy, like draining the holding tanks of my trailer. But I use the baby wipe type (meant for skin) for most other bodily cleaning (like face washing) this is simply a soapy preparation. However there are antibacterial "Medical" usage wipes, mostly containing Benzalkonium chloride (what used to be in Bactine)

    Betadine wipes, and Phisohex are both pretty toxic (turns out after we in the medical field used them for so many years) so pretty much have to avoid those for wholesale use on skin.

  23. Store the wheat in CO2 or with O2 absorbers, or nitrogen or anything.

    The prattle the pro-o2 side is giving you is psuedoscience.

    There shouldn't even be a debate. I have planted nitrogen packed wheat that had been stored for 25 years. It sprouted.

    Whoever is teaching that class is doing their students a great disfavor.

    There is no metabolism going on when seed is stored. Seed by it's very nature is a storage form, a dormant form, a resting, waiting dried out form.

    NOTHING is happening.