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Posts posted by norgaards

  1. I have tried searching via for some family in the US. I need to find out if some of them are deceased. I searched 'Historical Record', 'Family Trees' and 'Library Catalog', and found them, but I don't see any confirmation on their death anywhere. Does anybody here know about other places to find this information?



  2. It is certainly not condemned. My branch president is, for instance, allways paying more in tithing than he should. The Lord requires at least 10% but "God loveth a cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7). So those who does that will be even more blessed, I believe. Also consider that at this time or stage we are only paying 10% of our income to the Lord, which is the smaller law, and not sharing all our wealth with everyone as required under the united order in the celestial kingdom (see GS United Order).


  3. Is it possible he saw them while he was in spirit but not with mortal eyes?

    Yes, that quite possible. I say that because that's what happened to me when I first was converted back in 1979, three years before I found the Church. I don't want to discuss this in details as it is a holy experience for my. Can only say that while I had my personal experience, I was out of the ordinary condition in the flesh. After I had received the vision, or visit you may say, I returned to the normal condition and could again see the things around me. So I suppose that it may have been the same way - in the spirit.


  4. Hi there

    I've posted a thread regarding the same, however, in another forum. I just discovered this missionary forum, so I'm trying again. It should probably have been posted here in the first place.

    Since january month this year I've been referring the missionaries to 15 people who requested a copy of the Book of Mormon through my web sites and Each site receives a little more than 1000 visitors every month. How many investigators visit your sacrament meeting each sunday?

    Last week I received an email from my son who is serving on a full-time mission here in Denmark. He told me that the missionary district leader had asked him to tell me that a ung woman, 19 years of age, who requested a copy of the Book of Mormon through now had a birth date for her baptism, as a member of the Church here in Denmark. I actually cried when I read that. I've said several times before that if only one soul would find the truth through my web site during 20 years, I would be thrilled.

    English into Spanish translation needed to reach latinos

    This is missionary work! - it works, and there is no country borders! The mentioned 15 requests came from: Australia, Austria, Chile, Denmark, Croatia, Ghana, India, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, the US and the UK.

    I know that the personal contact is important, but I would never have been able to give out 15 copies of the Book of Mormons in 10 month and having a person ready for baptism if it had been in my near environment.

    One of the General Authorities recently said that today the city square or meating place isn't down town anymore. People meet online, and after the good news with the above young lady I now have a strong testimony that this really does matter. As long as we refer people to the missionaries and having them bringing them the Book of Mormon, that's what matters.

    Hope that someone speaking spanish sees this and would like to be involved in this online member missionary work. Please note that this is in no hurry. You could take all the time you need to do it. You must be a member of the Church.

    If interested please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks for listening and I hope that my second language english is understandable.

    Best regards


  5. I'll try to explain what i believe as good as i can as English isn't my mothertongue.

    I think that it is the weaknesses of the flesh which we experience in this mortal life. It is also bad habits (which is called chains in the scriptures) which we struggle to overcome. What may be weakness for one person isn't necessarily weakness for another person. The Lord nows what opposition a person needs personally to make what may be weak in him strong (2.Ne. 2:11).

    As already cited we become more conscious about our own weaknesses when we come unto Christ and see our weaknesses in his light (Mosiah 4:5). At the same time , however, we become partakers in the mercy or power made available through the Atonement, which will make our weaknesses strong.

    This blessing doesn't come to us if we are standing with a leg in each camp. To get it we must follow Christ's example:

    The Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him, (John 8:29)

    And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. (1.John 3:22)

    My own experience is that we need to move forward in obedience to the Lords commandments, and leave our weaknesses behind our back to get the blessing or the power through which our weaknesses can be made strong. When we do that we will be counted among those who 'overcometh' (Revelation 3:21) and the Lord will help us overcome our weaknesses.

    I have a testimony about this verse in Isaiah - which is interestingly also given in D&C 89:18-21:

    He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

    But they that await upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:29-31)

    We will only be partakers of that blessing, not being weary or faint as regards to our testimony, if we move forward in obedience and faith.

