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Posts posted by sugarcrane2

  1. "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I saw it on pinterest. " - - - - LOVE IT!

    I'm over it this year and I like it better that way to but when I brought it up everyone was shocked, I thought maybe I was out of the loop

  2. On Super Saturday do you all have the classes scheduled or have it come and get your packet in your own time? What seems to work better? I’ve only been to 2, last year not very many people showed and it was get your packet and do it on your own and the other (maybe 7 years ago) that was scheduled and each class had a time. More people where there but it was also a different state. I personally like the idea of being scheduled but I might just be an old fuddy duddy on it

  3. My brother in law thought that fraction seemed high to. But then why bother? Do I really think that I will be more righteous then 2/3rds of my fellow brothers and sisters? 1/3 is like 2 people out of a 6 person family. I will keep doing everything that I can do because of God's grace an what not. Any way we are told that the other kingdoms are better then this life so I'll keep doing my best, why not. I just think the lottery almost has better odds.

  4. Hello,

    We are making a big move to a place we have never been to. I am going to call the Bishops and possibly the Primary leadership in the areas that we are thinking about moving to. I was wondering what questions have you asked them when moving to a new area?


  5. Sr primary will not sing. It's mostly boys and I'm not sure what to do with them. I’ve done games and interaction type things. Those sometimes work but it's harder when teaching a new song not just reviewing. The only thing that I have seen work a little better, is food. Which I don't want to do all of the time (can't either do to fast Sunday). The bulk of Sr Primary is a difficult class. The parents are stating to rotate going to class with them to help the teacher. (Just to give you all an idea of how they are.) I told one boy that I was going to get his dad his he didn't settle down and that made him almost cry. Which was not good nor what I wanted to happen. Last year I told them that if they didn't sing I would have them do a song just the guys in the program and they did sing. But it made me feel like I was punishing them with signing.

    I was thinking of doing a chart and having them sing off the songs to me individually; when all song are marked off they would get a prize. Not sure about this as the last thing they need is more prizes. Every time they do something they ask for a prize. I’m not above bribery but I wish there was a better way.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  6. They are not members of the church to start with, for the drinking I'm talking run boyfriends over, police being called multiple times type of drunk. The criminal thing come on I’m a criminal because I speed when I drive so that’s a little harsh they do drugs and other stupid things that get you thrown in jail for a night or two but nothing really major that we know of. The mom did raise a son good enough to marry so no they are not monstrous they do have some redeeming qualities. The whole leaving thing was that while I was pregnant and we found out about the defect I had a break down and basically closed everyone off for a day while I locked myself in our room and had a pity party so yes not my best that day my bad. You are right in part about some of it is venting but I wanted to also point that this is not just normal I hate my in laws kind of a thing. This is these people are not healthy for our family but I was raised that family is family no matter what. I feel guilty in just writing them off and am having problems supporting my husband in doing that.

    I was hoping that others may have had to put distance between them and family and how they did it so that they were still acting in a loving manor. Can it be done?

  7. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. He joined the church a year after we were married. His family was not happy but were tolerant at the time. Things have gotten worse as time has passed with they way they treat us. They don't visit very often no matter how many times I invite them (we can't go to their house as they smoke and our son has med issues and is on o2 most of the time). They even asked us to get a babysitter for him at Christmas time so the rest of the family could go to their house to celebrate. I was pushing for family activities but stopped after I found out that his mom told him to leave me when we were in the mist of all of the medical problems. The siblings both participate in illegal activate and are all heavy drinkers. The last straw was just recently. His sister had an abortion as a form of birth control then lied to him about it. He has stopped talking to them. I guess they call and he won't answer or return phone calls. He told me that he did not want them to come for his birthday and that there would be issues if I did. Part of me is glad. But on the other hand its family. They don't believe that what they are doing is wrong. They haven't really hurt us. I personally don't think I could be friends with someone who thought it was no big deal to have an abortion. We would just have such a different regard to human life. But like I said its family, what do you do when you’re fed up with toxic family?

  8. I don't know. I can get the jest of art without the nudity. It is kind of like when you meet a very nice looking woman and she has a wonderful disposistion, a great smile, a generous soul, I appreciate her beauty, but I don't have to see her naked to appreciate her.

    A family friend does nude maturity/ new baby shots. Yes the women is beautiful fully dressed but it is another thing completely when you see a nude mother nursing or holding her rip belly. It's natural and pure you can see everything but that is not porn (that why you can nurse in public) it’s the body performing the way God wanted it to. It is appreciating His handy work. The body is a work of art no we don't cast our pearls before swine and show it to the world but neither do we hide shamefully.

    I think dressing immodesty is a whole other discussion.

  9. I just got called as the second counselor in the primary. I haven't been in a presidency since YW. We have a presidency meeting coming up but I like to know what to expect. What kind of meetings will I need to attend other then presidency meetings? Is one of the counselors generally over the Jr and the other over Sr? I know I will be doing sharing time once a month but that's about it. Any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance

  10. I'm kinda well.... shocked by this quote


    Originally Posted by Palerider

    all lessons are to be followed in class as well as the activities....there is not suppose to be any outside material brought in.....all material used is suppose to be borrowed from the Material Center.I could go on with more but I won't. I think you all will get my point....

    Yes we are to stick to the manuals but really I can't find a different coloring page? I can't bring in a fish craft for the "I'm Thankful for Fish" lesson? Heavenly Father wants us to teach what he has given us in the manuals you do that and you find ways to make it relevant it the children. I first taught that lesson 5 yrs ago and one of the kids still has it hanging in his house. He remembers that God loves him and hopefully that I loved him to. There are hundreds of online recourses that have ideas for primary our presidency has even talked about her favs. We don't need to go back to the being told how many steps we can take on Sunday and still keep it holy. We have been given the chance to prove that we can follow the spirit and use his guidance in preparing a lesson. We are given stewardship of that class and are promised Divine guidance when we ask for it. Stick to the lessons, pray and have fun with them.

    The nail I think its fine, those 3 year olds know more then we think and if they don't one day they will. They will see that and remember that Jesus knows what they are feeling because he has felt it to, he knows them and loves them and isn't that the whole point of primary?

  11. I found this when I googled Freeze dry at home. Has any one tried doing it?

    You probably don't have a good vacuum chamber at home, but you almost certainly have a refrigerator. If you don't mind waiting a week you can experiment with freeze drying at home using your freezer.

    For this experiment you will need a tray, preferably one that is perforated. If you have something like a cake-cooling rack or a metal mesh tray that is perfect. You can use a cookie sheet or a plate if that is all that you have, but the experiment will take longer.

    Now you will need something to freeze dry. Three good candidates are apples, potatoes and carrots (Apples have the advantage that they taste OK in their freeze-dried state). With a knife, cut your apple, potato and/or carrot as thin as you can (try all three if you have them...). Paper thin if you can do it. The thinner you cut, the less time the experiment will take. Then arrange your slices on your rack or tray and put them in the freezer. You want to do this fairly quickly, or your potato and/or apple slices will discolor.

    In half an hour look in on your experiment. The slices should be frozen solid.

    Over the next week look in on your slices. What will happen is that the water in the slices will sublimate away. That is the water in the slices will convert straight from solid water to water vapor, never going through the liquid state (this is the same thing that mothballs do, going straight from a solid to a gaseous state - mothballs are the only thing in a normal person's life that sublimate naturally). After a week or so (depending on how cold your freezer is and how thick the slices are) your slices will be completely dry. To test apple or potato slices for complete drying, take one slice out and let it thaw. It will turn black almost immediately if it is not completely dry.

    When all of the slices are completely dry, what you have is freeze-dried apples, potatoes and carrots. You can "reconstitute" them by putting the slices in a cup or bowl and adding a little boiling water (or add cold water and microwave.) Apples you can eat in their dried state, or you can reconstitute. What you will notice is that the reconstituted vegetables look and taste pretty much like the original! That is why freeze drying is a popular preservation technique.

    Here's the link: Freeze Drying At Home

  12. Just so you all know I am the SIL and I love being pregnant. I even like labor once I get the epidural:). I just had a baby with a major heart defect that will cost thousands of dollars. Yes family is helping out but it still has put a strain on everything. The first time I was going to do it was to cover medical bills the second time to adopt because we want more children but the risk is high for another child with the CHD and not sure on the third time. It was just I can see myself being pregnant 3 more times and then I would be done. Yes I did check with my Bishop and it is strongly discouraged so we are not going to be doing it.