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Posts posted by Hansel_Halvorsen

  1. your aunt may get a kick our of your country's hero Stone Wall Jackson. He was very religious and held the sabbath in high regard. Unfortunatley sometimes he had to wage war on a Sunday... his solution to this was, as general, to declare another day of the week "the sabbath" that way he could observe the sabbath in honor of the Lord every week. Of course Im sure keeping the calender accurate was hard this way haha.

    I dont think it matters what day we worship. As long as we set a day aside for the lord's purposes.

  2. If you cant say it in front of the man and his mother to their face without hesitation or the slightest feelings of reserve, then I'd bet on it being in the "bashing" section of the game.

    For the record, most bashing is true so we guys cant be too upset. Just gotta keep in mind..the truth hurts. hahaha no worries!

  3. I got two private messages in my inbox from Goodness99. I believe Goodness99 is a scammer or an automated spam generator. Here is the message I recieved in duplicate today....

    FROM: goodness99

    DATE: 07/22/2008 07:13:57

    SUBJECTS: Hello


    My name is miss Dorris i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.Here is my email address( [email protected]) i believe we can move from here.I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.miss Joy.(Remember the distance or colour does not matter but love matters a lot in life)

    Please reply me with my email address here

    [email protected]

    Just a heads up to the Admin and fellow posters.

  4. Al Gore winning for putting together a slide show *which he probably had a technical team do, I mean lets face it the guy may know how to use powerpoint but not really* on global warming, is a lot like somone winning for making an out of context slide show of the dangers of owing a kitchen knife. Filling the slide show with a lot of spin and photos of knife injuries. Everyone we must ban kitchen knives! We must switch to an alternitive cutting utensile!

    Al Gore is such a looser. I think he snapped when he lost Florida.