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Posts posted by deseretlady

  1. I used to post on the forums at Beliefnet, but there was such viciousness, bitterness and downright meanness there. I go back occasionally just to read some of the posts, but rarely say anything myself.

    If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all. At least that is what my mom used to tell

    me. And now that I am older, turns out she was a pretty wise woman. :o)

  2. Hello everyone,

    My name is Susan and have been a member of the LDS church most of my life. I have not always been faithful and active, so of course, I have had a lot of hard roads to travel. Most of them were my fault due to the choices I made. However, I discovered (the hard way :o)) that my life was better with the gospel in it than without it. It has not been an easy road and I have gotten discouraged many times and slipped back into old habits when my faith would waver. The only thing I can really say for my self is that I have not given up. I realize now, what a precious gift I have and I never ever want to lose sight of that again.

    May God's blessings be upon you all.