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Posts posted by Sibelius19

  1. A person's maturity and personality is what makes them who they are. Maybe there would be an early 20 or under 20 girl who would not make you feel old if you talked with them. Age segregation is kind of silly, but it has its good points. However, if people are living the gospel, they wouldn't need to be too concerned with age segregation with the purpose of keeping really old people and young people apart. We can learn a great deal by mixing a group of people with a wider range of ages. Think of how much we learn from the eldely. If the only purpose of a singles ward, or a singles activity is to get people to meet and get married, then that might be a little different. Not everybody--even in this church--has the same opinion of how an individual should be "courted." I for one believe in building friendships and getting to know people.