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Posts posted by kRasivayapRincess

  1. mine is good @ buttering up & martyrdom.. just really insightful.. but idk i just am glad that i have noticed this early on.. n cutting it in the bud before it gets to the points of these other tactics coming into use.. that wouldn't be good.. i think we all as parents are also in a sense have our own

    "temper tantrums" like when we argue w/our kid's or yell or scream or ya know do other unncessary actions... but yeah know parenting is different in each household.. =) i think this basically sums up my household & what i have observed being a parent of a silly 4yr old who is going on 17 lol

  2. 1. Badgering- the please please please!!! why? why? why? mom! mom! mom! mom! badgering can be particularly taxing when its done very loudly & also when it's done in public.. Badgering is what is referred to as a great "blender" tactic, since it mixes easily with other munipulative strategies. The basic element in badgering is of course,it's repetition...

    2.Temper (intimidation)-displays of temper or what we would call the obvious agressive attaks like for a child who aren't so adept w/words yet may throw themselves on the floor,bang their heads,screaming WAY loud or kick ferociously.. Tantrums are often prolonged if (1) if the child has an audience (2)if the adults involved continue talkin,arguing, or pleading w/the youngster or (3) if the adult/s don't know how what to do...

    3.Threat- Frustrated kids will often threaten their parents with dire predictions if the adults don't come across with the "desired goods" The message is obviously clear "is something "bad" is going to happen unless you give me what I want immediately" lol one example of a mother trying to get her lil girl to get to bed.. said angrily " all right I'll go to bed but i'm gna lay there all night long with my eyes wide open" other threats aren't so funny like threats to take lives-run away etc..

    4.Martyrdom- martyrlike testin tactics are a perennial fave of kids.. When using martyrdom the child may indicate that his life is sooo unfair and or sometimes youngsters may actually do something that has a self-punative like not eating dinner. Crying,pouting and simply looking sad can also be effective munipulative devices.. the goal of martyrdom is obviously to make the parent feel guilty. Acting hurt or deprived can be a powerful way of influencing adult behavior.

    5.Butter Up- Different from the 1st 4 tactics which usually tend to make you feel uncomfortable this one is the "feel good" one .. with buttering up the basic message to the parent/s is- you'll feel really bad if you mistreat/discipline/deny me after how nice i've been to you.. buttering up is intended to be an advance set up for parental guilt. apologies can be sincere but they can be examples of butter up testing..Butter up munipulation is obviously the least obnoxious of all the testing tactics some ppl dont think it should be labeled as a testing @ all.. It's hard to distinguish the testing tactic from genuine affection..

    6.Physical Tactics- the last & perhaps the worst tactic of them the frustrated child may physically attack the adult.. physical methods of tryin to get one's way of course they are more common in smaller children who dont have well developed lang. skills..

    so i was just thinking to myself being a parent which one or which of these tactics day-day our children use.. how do we avoid these?? I have found that the most annoying munipulative manuever used by children is a tactic that combines two of the three favorites..This tactic which drives many parents nuts is a combination of badgering & martyrdom.. hahah of course it's Whining... yay well that was all =) enjoy... just a tad peak into my thoughts =) woot...

  3. Dear Funky & WN:

    So there's this REALLY HAWT man well he ain't hot but he's like Super awesome & funny.. I really like him somehow but like I'm tu shy tu tell him that I like him well not really cuz I've mentioned it b4 but said I use tu like yu.. How do I tell this guy that n how du I kno he likes me ?! lol sincerely 702 love-struck =D ahaha had tu chime in lol bored atm

  4. I come here off and on. Although of all the LDS forums I've belonged to this is the only one that is up and running with a bunch of conversation. Others have either shut down or people lose interest and stop posting.

    Yuh I hear how that goes.. well not really but yuh lol I get bored a lot durin my days so ive started comin here the past 2days or so more often

  5. not the ones on there i have some other ones actually but my laptop i use for turn tables crashed so I have to re do that stuff :( but I thinkits on there a belletrax one I re did that one.... Fun stuff yeah I am wayy like crazy like that way like energtic guess its a good thing @ times~~~~ I always dance though lol idk fun times when you are dancing I hope to one day when I get old lol to open a club that would be awesome nah lol who knows