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Posts posted by Getaclue

  1. That's the problem with the INTERNET, the anonymity of it. If you have specific proof of this then send it to a mod or Heather so that it can be verified. If it is true, then it will be handled.

    will do... both the Bishop and Stake Pres are aware of what is going on... and I hope soon the State of Idaho will also since some of the pictures and the blog post are infractions of the law.;)

  2. well... is it something that they've atoned for? and is it possible that this person could have changed? and that they are respresenting who they really are now?

    not a chance in OUTER DARKNESS...

    lovemykids - call your ward leaders and report what you know... I know what your talking about...

    as leaders in the church we are to 1st to learn about child abuse and keep informed on it. and 2nd we need to protect the child and from what I have seen so far on this site and this members actions he is so full of it and so misleading people on here and after reading his blog he is still harming his children and I believe committing more crimes and breaking the restraining order.

    3rd we are to help the offender to repent of his sins and on this one Im having a hard time... a guy like this needs to Burn in the OUT DARKNESS IMHO the savor hit the nail on the head when he said a mill stone should be tied around the neck and the person should be drowned at the bottom of the seas.