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Posts posted by LDSpunkrocker

  1. since returning to the church the lord has blessed me with the strength to overcome some of my addictions but im really struggling with one, i do good for a couple weeks then slip up and fall into it again sometimes only that one time sometimes for days, i could really use all they prayers i can get to overcome this struggle. thank you it is greatly appreciated

  2. was i wrong in how i felt? this seemed like someone who waltzed into church after being inactive and tried to school the congregation on some deep doctrine that he had no authority to discuss..maybe im just being judgmental. i do believe we have a heavenly mother i just had never heard it discussed in church or as a testimony during sacrament meeting.

  3. wish i could say i was young haha, gonna be 40 in a couple years, i still listen to some punk but ive removed alot of music from my collection recently, i played in a local band that opened for alot of well known punk bands...yeah i have definitely had an interesting journey to say the least and its not over yet, but im closer now than i ever was. :)

    i look around now and i see kids with mohawks and spiky hair, things that were rebelious when i was younger is the norm today... so now im rebelling against Babylon so to speak. im blessed to have a love for all kinds of music so that has made getting rid of some of the bands i listened to easier but its still hard, ive been listening to punk since i was 12 years old so im giving up a part of me...small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things for all the lord has done for me

  4. so, this sunday during fast and testimony meeting this guy got up to bear his testimony, he starts by talking how he hasn't been active in many years then he starts going on about how important heavenly mother was and how great it was to see two sister pray at conference and that he had heard the church was changing and that he wanted to come see for himself, i really felt uncomfortable and you could see it on everyone's face but for some reason nobody did anything, he also stated he knew this from revelation, im pretty sure this is not doctrine as taught by church leadership even if i think its a likely idea but i got such a creeped out feeling about this guy. i prayed silently for him to stop, this is a ward with many recent converts and i think it could be damaging...maybe i was wrong but he cut it short and got down, i dont know what to think of this... ive only been active again for a month. has anyone else experienced similar things? sorry this is more rambling than coherent :lol:

  5. thanks, yes its been tough, alot of steps forward and then slipping up, starting back over. i guess thats just life though, i let it keep me from going to church for too long, seems like the more i go the more strength i have against these things. anyway, even though i rarely signed in for the last few years has been one of my most frequented websites..sorry for lurking haha:lol:

  6. hi, i was on here briefly a few years ago but now that i am active in the church again (finally) i just wanted to reintroduce myself. bear with me, im horrible with punctuation and expressing my thoughts.

    My name is Sam and i was born into a great LDS family, i was baptized at 8 years old but quickly discovered the desire to do my own will was stronger than my faith. i quit in my heart around 12 years old and stopped going to church once i was 18, my path led me to alcohol, smoking and drugs and becoming a skinhead in high school which i had a hard time distancing myself from the older i got. i became involved with many things that are contrary to what god wanted of me and i have been paying the price for those. well here i am 20+ years later and i am about a month active in a great ward here in mesa and i have given up my nicotine addiction as well as the marijuana habit i had. i have a long way to go and many obstacles to overcome but i can say i have come a long way from where i was. i am so grateful for the atonement and i am forever grateful to my heavenly father for sending his son to pay for my sins and to rescue me from the hell that has been my life for decades. im back and im back to stay even though its hard to change my lifestyle i can do it with the lords help as he has already shown me.

  7. It's been a long time since I posted on but then I saw this thread. I'm on my second week of sobriety from a six year daily weed habit and all the things I lied to myself about why I used marijuana has gotten so much better. I started smoking pot because I was having severe migraines and I got to the point where I just wanted the pain to go away, and it did but then I was smoking for my anxiety and then just to unwind next thing I know I'm smoking every single day, wake up and smoke, go to work and smoke, come home and smoke, I've been in a haze for six years and I feel so much better now that I quit. I think the worst part was that I suffered spiritually because of it. You cannot be an active latterday saint and go around high all the time.

  8. thanks man, today is day 7 without any xanax, i enrolled into a 3 night a week therapy so im hoping i can learn some better coping skills, on top of all the anxiety i also have pretty bad asthma so there are times where i tend to over use my rescue inhaler which dont help at all, just got back from a long walk with my dogs and that has helped , im still worried about bed time though, the thought of not being able to sleep and anticipating the anxiety isnt helping me either. i thought about tapering off but that would mean i would have to go back on it after these 7 days of hell and i dont know if i could do that. i have kicked other addictions so i know i can do this with the lords help.

    be carefull with the xanax, benzo's are highly addictive but im sure you already know about that . you'd think that being in arizona thered be some sun today but its been overcast, hot showers seem to help me a bit. have you found what triggers your anxiety? im still trying to identify mine.

  9. Well its been a while since i really posted on here other than a few drive by comments, i managed to get myself addicted to xanax over the last few months. i have always had issues with anxiety and had a few "bad" panic attacks in my life, the last few months i had been feeling overwhelmed with life and everything going on in the world, i had been focusing on mostly the bad and started feeling alot of anxiety, road rage etc. the ER Dr. gave me some ativan a couple months ago and it seemed like a breath of fresh air, i could function, things werent bothering me anymore so when i ran out i tried to get more (i am uninsured medically) well the doc wouldnt prescribe anything so i decided to do it myself, i was able to get a bottle of xanax and started taking them as i was the ativan, one in the morning and one at night to sleep and i felt even better, well 2 months passed i ran out of the pills and last thursday i had the worst panic attack of my life, i thought i was having a heart attack, rushed to the hospital where the did nothing, i didnt even realize at this point it was the xanax withdrawals i was shaking constantly, sweating, hot and cold, i ate maybe one full meals worth of food in 6 days, sleep was impossible and by yesterday i was scared to death so i went into a detox center so they could observe me. i had a priesthood blessing sunday night and got a couple hours of sleep, my wife at this point was beside herself, she felt helpless and i felt like i was living a nightmare, i got home today, still a bit shaky and there are a few withdrawal symptoms i am having but it all pales in comparison to the last 6 days. i think this is possible the worst drug i have ever had to kick and i wasnt even using it to "get high" i thank heavenly father that i am making it through, it is not advised to detox off this stuff cold turkey like that but i was able to do it through the power of prayer, constant prayer and the blessings. i dont know if this is the right forum for this so i apologize. has anyone else been through this? how did you do it? what do you do after it runs its course? again i apologize, my mind is still a little foggy. i dont know if i could have done it if it wasnt for the priesthood, i should probably get in touch with my bishop and finally get myself to church. hopefully the missionaries stop by tonight, no one is home and i need someone to talk to.

  10. your story seems very familiar, kinda like mine, i was a satanist. i have been working towards active membership in the church and i have found the closer i get the harder satan works on my faults and weaknesses. like the crossstitch of Jesus that was hanging in my grandparents home said " I never said it would be easy, I only said it'd be worth it" id like to contribute more but i gotta go to work. hang in there, your doing something right if he is working this hard against you. maybe a priesthood blessing and your name in the temple?

  11. The reasoning that putting up more bars will entice more youth to drink is just laughable anyway. Minors don't get alcohol from bars. They get alcohol from parents and friends. So, by their line of reasoning, if I want to curb underage drinking, then i should disallow teens from having friends and parents?

    me and my friends drank in bars at the age of 19 in california, the bars out here in az are full of underage drinkers, the bars just dont care unless they get caught

  12. This introduces a lot of questions. For example do G-d ask us to do something he would not? If G-d does not worship how can we be condemned if we don't? If G-d does worship - should we not worship what he does? If we are truly one with G-d - should we not worship what he does? If we are one with G-d, we ought to know what G-d worships.


    The Traveler

    I think he worships but we only worship him. who knows what things will be like after the millennium though.

  13. Lucifer's Flood (Reluctant Demon Diaries) (9781599793146): Linda Rios Brook: BooksProduct Description

    When Screwtape Letters meets Paradise Lost, the result is Lucifer's Flood--a tale told by an angel of wavering conviction who sided with Lucifer during the cosmic rebellion in heaven but realized his mistake too late. Writhing in fear of the judgment that awaits the rebellious angels and finding no solace for his misery, the fallen angel pours his emotions into a written account that details the war in heaven and the biblical events that followed.

    *info from

    has anyone read this book? i read it a few months ago and found it very interesting, highly unlikely but it satisfied some curiosities.

  14. I may need to go back and re read the scriptures pertaining to Sodom and Gomorrah but im pretty sure that god was having trouble finding even one righteous man. i believe we have alot more than one righteous preson in the world. i do believe we are in the last days but i dont think we're as wicked as in those days.

  15. off topic and out of curiosity, why do you use the oroborus and the sun wheel in your avatar?

    Another, simple for some complicated for those brought up in a monotheistic mindset, idea is one of Duality. One entity controls that which is evil and another that which is good. In my faith there is a god that created the physical/mortal world and another, pure god that embodies good virtues and the soul.

    Christianity tries to do a similar job with their aspect of a god and his lesser counterpart satan, but falls short because the god is supposed to be completely omnipotent thus allowing something 'evil' like satan to exist is at the very least inane.

    Another problem with the Christian experience is lopping everything into 'free will' or 'agency' which does wonder for murderers and burglars but falls short in the realms of locusts and guinea worms.

    This predicament is further hampered by concepts like predestination, predetermination, 'everybody goes to heaven,' and other divine plans. If a person's actions or life has been predetermined, even in the most slight of contexts, then the presiding god would know of such 'evil' outcomes and continue to let such outcomes occur. This means either 1. god is uncaring, 2. god is not omnipotent, or 3. god uses some people as examples.

    A final thought has more of a metaphysical than theological base: good and evil are simply fluid, complementary concepts. The old adage 'Yin without Yang' and 'there can be no good without evil' apply here. Specifically, the concepts of 'good' and 'evil' are fluid and based on morays, ethics, and taboos.

    The Problem of Evil exists, has always existed, and will most likely always exist, unfortunately.

  16. I honestly don't believe "bad" people exist (& I have had the misfortune of meeting a gent who fits the characteristics of a sociopath. I think he's an opportunist and my former employer who is perhaps one of the most greediest persons I ever met. ) or pure 100% good people exist because we all make mistakes and are indeed very human.

    I'm in school right now majoring in psychology. It's going to be interesting. :)

    a pedophile and child killer would be a bad person in my book. evil people exist.
  17. I'm just curious on what Mormons think about paganism, similarities between them, etc... can't really find too much via googling it, at least not from any decent sources. also what about pagan symbols, Thor's hammer pendants, etc...

    personally I just think it's interesting and kinda cool :D thunder god, Vikings and such...

    I have and wear thors hammer( Mjolnir ), i view it as purely historic, i just really love ancient cultures. the story of odin hanging on a tree and sacrificing himself to himself seems like a warped version of the crucifixion. there are some good stories in the poetic eddas and havamal. my roommate is a pagan, i believe in religious freedom.
  18. QFT. Elder Holland's talk really didn't sit well with many apostates. The RfMers in particular have been having a field day with it. Personally, I wasn't bothered much by it. If he wants to speak passionately about a book which he strongly believes is true, then that's his prerogative as a person of authority in the Church. However, I wouldn't recommend using his talk to try to bring back lost sheep. It'll probably do more harm than good.

    it most definitely spoke to me.