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Posts posted by kurisuchina

  1. Talking about the whole abstinence thing, I wasn't suggesting that schools go to abstinence only programs. I was merely referring to the schools that cut out talk of abstinence entirely or don't take it seriously. I know there are schools that cut it out entirely and there approach is basically "Here's a condom, go have fun." Then there are schools like mine that say "Oh ya, and there's that whole abstinence thing but whose going to do that?" I think in many places that still do teach abstinence, it isn't being treated as a serious part of the sex ed curriculum. And I think it should be.

    As for legislation on abortion, there are still a lot of women and girls being coerced into abortions. Yes, education is still the most important thing, especially for these girls. But if a girl's parents or her boyfriend talks her into getting and abortion when she really didn't want to, then it is something legislation could prevent. And what about laws that allow a girl to get an abortion without parental consent? That doesn't really promote strong family ties or family councils. And what about laws allowing someone to take a minor across state lines to get an abortion. In these kinds of situations girls who have been raped or are victims of incest have little protection. No I don't think abortion should be completely illegalized. It is true that the church doesn't condemn women who have been raped, or whose life is in danger. So the choice should be available to them. But I think there should be stronger restrictions on abortions and the way to get those restrictions is through legislation. It's not about limiting women but about protecting them.

  2. I've read it and it is very good. I also liked it better than the original Twilight, though reading it made me like the original Twilight more because it made me like Bella more. I think it is funny how we've all read Twilight and we know what happens, but when you read Midnight Sun you feel like you are reading a completely different story and you wonder how it is going to turn out :P

    I agree that Stephenie Meyer did give us permission to read it, though she said it would be better to read the finished product and get the full effect. Yet the finished product may never come out, and if it does, I don't believe I will be any worse off for having read it. In truth, the draft is not very messy. It is well written and has very few typos. She doesn't give herself enough credit. In addition, as much as I admire Stephanie Meyer and as much as I enjoy her writing and I hope she will write more, I am not her loyal devotee and humble servant. I would not have gone looking for the illegal draft on the internet, but since she posted on her own website, a legal copy of the draft, I read it. My mother-in-law is obsessed with Twilight and she said she is going to wait a year. If Stephanie Meyer hasn't announced that she will finish Midnight Sun by then, she will read the draft. I respect people's choice to either read or not read it. I feel very bad for Stephanie Meyer and I think it is very wrong that this has happened to her. But I don't feel bad about reading anything that she has willingly posted on her website.

  3. I liked the very very first question that started this post, and the thread seems to have gone off topic from there. What do we do as members of the church to fight the war of abortion?

    Well I've read through the posts and someone said that we need to stop demonizing each other. True, this is a war, but true, we are members of the church. We are supposed to be a cut above the rest. In conference we were told that if someone attacks our beliefs we need to respond respectfully and aggressively. Elder Hales said that when we become aggressive we stop arguing about what is the truth and we start arguing about who is right. The truth is truth and it will win out in the end. So there is no need to be derogatory or disrespectful. We shouldn't villainous those who may have chosen an abortion for whatever reason. Yes, it is hard to have our sins pointed out, but it especially hard when it is done by someone who doesn't know or understand us. It does tend to drive people away.

    I am very much pro-life. And I have become more pro-life since having my first child. Talking about abortion has actually become a very emotional thing for me and it pains me to think of the sweet little children of god who are denied a chance for life. Whenever I talk about abortion I inevitably have to grab my son and hug him and love him because he is so precious, and all little children are precious. I always think that those little babies who are aborted would have grown to be just as sweet and precious as my son. I heard his heartbeat when I was less than 6 weeks pregnant and I knew from that very moment that there was a little life and a little person growing inside of me. From the day I found out I was pregnant, I never thought of him as a fetus or an embryo but as a little baby. A little, tiny, sweet, innocent person.

    People could debate all day about when a fetus becomes a person. But do you know what? No matter what conclusion you come to, abortion is still wrong. Why? Because God has given to each one of us the power of creation. When we engage in that creative process (sex--yes it really is for making babies) we are engaging in a godly process. It is a divine process that God has entrusted to us. And when we engage in that process of creation, and then choose to terminate that which we have created, we are making a mockery of the whole process. The main purpose of sex, between a husband and wife, is to bring God's children into this world. To take the creative process out of sex is to turn it into nothing more than an act of selfishness. It takes all the godliness out of it. It undermines the plan of salvation, which places in mortal bodies, in families on this earth. And when we terminate the pregnancy it is like saying "God, you can't decide when to send your children to this earth. It's my choice." It isn't just about whether the fetus is a living person or not and as members of the church who understand God's plan it should be even more important to us. Abortion is wrong because it makes a mockery of God's plan.

    But back to the original question. How do we fight the war on abortion? The person who started this thread also said that it has to start in our families. I totally agree. We have to teach our children about the plan of salvation and the proclamation on the family. We have to teach our children about the importance of marriage of abstinence until marriage. But we also have to be close to our children so that if they do make a mistake they know that we are there for them and we can encourage them and help them.

    Our families are only the beginning though. As members of the church we can't say "I'll take care of my family and you take care of yours and the world will be okay." As members of the church it is our responsibility to spread the teachings of the gospel to the world. Someone mentioned missionary work. It is so important that we tell others about the Lord's plan. As people come to understand the Lord's plan more they will come to respect each individual life more. So yes, missionary work is powerful tool in fighting abortion and all other practices that don't pertain to the Lord's teachings.

    But action will never happen if we just talk about it. Be involved in organizations that support the right to life. Help educate others, not just your own family. Also, vote for government officials who will also support the right to life. Abortions of convenience will only stop if there is a law to stop them. Look at politicians' voting records in your county, state, etc who will uphold the right to life. Also, did you know that more and more schools are not teaching abstinence in their sex education classes? Be involved in our schools system and look for government officials who will support the teaching of abstinence in sex ed classes. Teaching about birth control isn't enough. The church encourages us every year to look carefully at the candidates before voting and I believe that it is especially important when talking about issues like abortion.

  4. Can boys read Twilight? My mother-in-law (who is obsessed) insists that every boy should read them so they can better understand women. I didn't actually identify with Bella very much so I was kind of offended that she thought all women were like young, stupid, Bella. But then I read Breaking Dawn and I'm not sure I have ever identified with a character more than Bella's love for her unborn baby. So, everyone should read Breaking Dawn, and in order for it to make sense, everyone has to read the first three :P

    Anyway, I read them to my husband (he's not much a reader) and he didn't like them much until we got to breaking dawn. He also liked Midnight Sun a lot.

  5. Let's remember that our families aren't perfect. We are human, they are human, we will make mistakes and hurt each other. I know this because when I was younger there were times when I felt unloved and unappreciated in my family. There were times when I felt like I wasn't important to them or like everything I did was wrong in their eyes. I have a very strict mother and I often felt like I could never make her happy. But at those times I really did rely on the love of the Lord because I felt like that was the only love I had.

    But you know what, as I've gotten older I have seen that my family truly did love me and my mom really just wanted what was best for me. I am a better person because of her strictness. I have also been able to acknowledge my own mistakes and I know that the way I felt wasn't just because of my family's weaknesses but because of my own weaknesses. So I would encourage you to pray not just for the Lord's love but also that you will be filled with love for your family members. Also pray that you will recognize and acknowledge the acts of love that they do show to you. I know that as you do this you will be filled with a greater love for your family. And as you are filled with this love you will find that they love you in return :)

  6. I don't like that heterosexuals are supposed to be tolerant of homosexuals but the opposite isn't true. This video points out that there is no respect for a family's moral beliefs. They are saying the children are not allowed to choose their own moral code, the school is deciding for them. They are undermining the teachings of the parents and that isn't right either. I agree with these parents that they should have been notified. Especially when dealing with children at such a young age. Parents are generally notified about Sex Ed classes because they deal with moral issues. This is also a moral issue.