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Posts posted by glennh

  1. A week or so back I opened up my homepage,, and noticed the big headline "hottest woman alive" smack dab in the middle of the page. It had a bunch of pictures and articles about this pretty young actress and even touted her as the hottest woman of the century. Fast forward to this morning when I opened up the same homepage and voila! last weeks hottest woman of the century was decrowned in favor of a new under fed actress under the headlines of the "new hottest woman alive". I am in no way, shape or form righteous enough to level any judgement at any of this (I was actually looking at the articles) but after I thought how silly and pointless all this was. . It is a good lesson on what the world wants but also how valuable you are if you subscribe to the worlds agenda. One week your the bestest thing ever and next you ain't.The articles reminded me that beauty and riches fades as all things in this world, that's why one cannot truly be satisfied with the things of this world as they are only dust. Just my 2 cents.

    P.S. I'm looking for a new homepage, anyone have any suggestions?

  2. Greetings, I was reading the Book of Mormon last night and came to 1Nephi, chapter 11, verse 8.

    8 And it came to pass that the Spirit said unto me: Look! And I looked and beheld a tree; and it was like unto the atree which my father had seen; and the beauty thereof was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty; and the whiteness thereof did exceed the whiteness of the driven snow.

    Nephi remarks that this "Tree"s whiteness exceeded the whiteness of driven snow. Now would have Nephi seen snow before seeing he was from Jerusalem ? or am I missing something?

    Thanks for your time.

  3. Kind of a coincidence as I stopped meeting with the missionaries due to my wife's concerns about a year back, but have started reading the BOM again and I feel I should start meetings again..... I am very happy for you and I pray for Heavenly Fathers blessing on your journey.

  4. Hey folks, I was on another website the other day ( non-LDS ) and found some of their doctrines kind of interesting. They are a Sabbath keeping church ( Saturday worship ) and make the point that both Easter and Christmas were never celebrated by the first Christians and that we shouldn't celebrate them either as they were pagan celebrations "Christianized" by the Catholic Church. They also say that Christians are to keep the Holy Days as commanded in Deuteronomy ( passover, feast of tabernacles etc. ). I am wondering what the LDS stance is on this? Thanks for your time.

  5. If it did really happen then you're asking the wrong question: Rather than asking, "what [does] the LDS church finds wrong with traditional Christian churches?" you would be asking, "what does God find wrong with traditional Christian churches?" Again, not the answer that Joseph Smith was expecting, but if that answer truly came from God, then every person on this earth had ought to give heed.

    As an investigater I am full of questions, The missionaries do very well with answering them but your response has set me straight. Thank you very much. The faith I find with LDS members is a hundredfold more than I have ever seen at other traditional churches I have spent the better part of my life attending. It humbles me. Thanks again for everyones responses.


  6. Hello folks, as a long time traditional Christian and short time LDS investigater, I was wondering what the LDS church finds wrong with traditional Christian churches. ( I'm have my own humble opinions but as an investigater I'm not sure I'm right) Thank you all for your time.

  7. Greetings all, I have been investigating the LDS church for the last 6 months. recently my estranged wife has moved back in with me and our son. This is all good as I prayed alot for the healing of my family, but my wife is totally against the LDS church and me getting together with the missionaries. Since we have been trying to save our marriage I haven't been overly confrontational with her on this subject so as not to start another argument. Since I stopped meeting with the missionaries I have been finding myself very confused on what to do next with my faith. I was attempting to be baptized in the LDS church but had to cancel it and I feel ashamed for letting the missionaries down and I feel very much a flake now.

    Any advice or comment will be highly appreciated.
