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Posts posted by Crow

  1. So what do all you ladies and/or gentleman who have seen the movie and/or read the book think about this article?

    I think this article picks up on the aspect of Edward that one can expect of anyone: he can control himself in a sexual situation. I really do not see how that should be applauded -- anyone should be respectable enough to be able to do such a thing.

    As for the introduction: As usual, I seem to fall outside of everyone's definition of female. :( What is there to love about Edward? He's handsome apparently. I, personally, find his attitude both patronizing and disturbing. He thinks it is okay to break into the house of the girl he likes anytime he wants, follow her around without her knowing or consent, vandalize her property, and treat her like a child. I don't care how handsome Edward is, or how much he tries to excuse himself by saying that he does it because he loooooves me -- if he treated me like he treats Bella, I would at least start by having a serious talk with him.

    I expect more out of guys than just respecting me sexually in a way any decent person already should.

    ETA: Also, this comment: "fight battles for her."



    No, no, no, no, and NO.

    I NEVER EVER want someone who fights battles FOR me.

    I want someone who fights battles alongside me.

  2. When some people have heard it was about Vampires they have been totally turned off. Yes there are vampires in the story but ROMANCE is really more what it is about IMHO. :D

    I come from opposite land.

    Hypothetical person: Hey, there's a movie with vampires in it.

    Me: Cool, cool. I might be interested in seeing that.

    Hypothetical person: It's about romance!

    Me: Ewwwww, no! You'd have to PAY me to go through THAT torture!

    Poor vampires. They've been completely wussified into romantic figures. I can't imagine being a vampire now.

    Me!Vampire: YES, I am a vampire! I prowl the night and drain the blood of my victims! My eyes glow red with murderous intent!

    Fancreature: OMG, you are so HOT!

    Me!Vampire: ...What...? I'm scary. I kill people... See? Fangs? Pale, dead skin...?

    Fancreature: No, silly! There's been a revolution in vampire portrayal! Now you're hot!

    Me!Vampire: Whatever, I kill you! ...Wait... I'm suddenly filled with conflicting feelings! I want to drain your blood, but I also find you attractive for no explainable reason!

    Fancreature: <3 Wait until you step into the sunlight!

    Me!Vampire: What...? OH &%^*, I SPARKLE!

    I think vampires have deviated so far that they'd probably be more accurately considered to be some kind of blood-eating fae.

    I've heard that at least Alice gets a cool scene in the end fight of the movie. Heck, I've heard there IS an end fight. When I got to that part of the book I wanted to repeatedly smack my head against something hard out of frustration.

    I say! The world must be crazy. (It can't be me!)

  3. Inter-faith marriages can work; I'm agnostic and my husband is LDS. He's pretty devoted as far as I can tell. He goes to church and teaches and seems to believe about as solidly as one can believe in a faith without going off the deep end. He comes home with a constant stream of compliments he gets from other church members about his insights and the quality of his lessons. I'm about as lacking in faith as one can get (without being an atheist). I have seen zero solid evidence for deities, and though I can't possibly discount omnipotent beings (on the basis that omnipotent beings can exist very happily without giving any solid evidence of their existence), I don't see enough use for them in my life to make them worth putting time and effort into discovering. And yet, we've been married for several years, and haven't had more than the rare fight as an issue.

    Many people (if not all) have deal-breakers in relationships. I'm guessing here that the problem is less generic inter-faith marriages, and more that her specific interpretation (or, as it sounds, the interpretation she chooses to take from others, perhaps because of social pressure) make an inter-faith marriage a deal-breaker for her.

    I don't really have a lot of happy sunshine advice, (and I have no authority to say anything about mentioned deity's degree of fairness,) but I would imagine that since faith is so highly emotional and highly subjective, neither of you should lie to the other about it. You wouldn't be happy. If you can't believe Mormon doctrine, you can't. You need to be honest and up front with her. Even if she does leave you, I think it would be better than prolonging a failing relationship by trying to prop it up with lies. That just builds up resentment and makes the deterioration slower and more painful. If she can't be married to someone that can't believe Mormon doctrine, she should divorce you for the same reasons. It sucks, but getting it over quickly and moving on is likely the best answer if it can't work out.

    Of course, if your faith in Mormonism does revive, or if she finds she can be married to someone who is not of her faith, then that's great! Hopefully it will either work out, or your troubles will be brief and amount to useful experience.

    That's my experience and two cents. Take it or leave it as you find useful.

  4. Okay, please don't anyone throw tomatoes at me.

    Aww... *sadly puts down tomato*

    Actually, I had to chime in and say that you're not alone! I did get through Twilight, but only because when I see a horrible train wreck I can't stop looking. Though, I probably shouldn't go into detail on what I thought about Twilight because I'd be here all day (and covered with rotten fruit by the end of it).

  5. This is exactly what the title says, the obligatory introductory post. I never know what to say on these things, so I usually avoid them, but there is a little message at the top of the screen saying Why not make your first post today by saying hello to our community in our Introductions forum. HINT, HINT.

    Okay. Fine. Here I am.

    I'm pretty dull. I like rocks. My major was Interdisciplinary Studies (aka: I Can't Decide) with a concentration in Earth Sciences. I'm twenty-something, married to another twenty-something, and I spend my days working a brain-numbing job at a book store before coming home to play World of Warcraft. (Clearly my major in I Can't Decide, but I Like Rocks! has not entirely benefited me.)

    And, erm... That's about all I want to bore all of you to tears with for now.