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Posts posted by carlymomof3

  1. TOO PICKY? What I want a man who has a job, a testimony, isn't abusive, not a pedophile, takes showers, and isn't lazy. Is that too much?

    You sound like me except that I'm just getting back into church again and am getting back my faith in Heavenly Father when I thought he left my life but now I know that I walked away from him!

  2. I hate to cook and wish I like it more. I dread even getting out stuff like pots and pans. The clean up is the worse too. If I could afford to eat out 3 times a day I would. I fix alot of frozen things, microwave stuff and food in cans. I have 3 boys and they haven't complained yet but I feel like they are being short changed.

  3. I'm new to this forum. I have great faith that the gospel is true. Its very hard for me to put things like this into words but I wanted to introduce myself. I'll go back to lurking now LOL
