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Posts posted by gigi

  1. Yes, and if you are afflicted with this issue, or any addiction, check out an LDS Addiction Recovery Program group near you! It's modeled after the AA 12 Step program, but is centered on the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ. It's safe, anonymous, and powerful! My husband and I are LDS Family Services missionaries for the program and it's one of the most spiritual experiences we have each week.

  2. I just feel this thread is paranoid. Not that it couldn't actually occur. I'm just not feeling it. I read this thread for helpful ideas, those I appreciate. Plan for the worst and make things the best you can. Or I guess we could just fill our storage with fear and anger and feelings of injustice, betrayal, whatever. Things are not going to be pretty, one way or another. We're assured of that! My take is . . . you put your trust in the Lord, be obedient and deal with the rest by the Spirit. Positive legal ideas and helpful hints appreciated.

    Sorry, I'll leave the thread.

  3. PS That whole less valiant/fence sitter thing was never doctrine! Poor Elder McConkie had to apologize for several doctrinally inaccurate things in Mormon Doctrine. That book is not doctrine. Men, apostles, prophets have said many things. Some of us believe them, but still.....just the ideas of mortal men at the time unless 'signed, sealed, and delivered' by the First Presidency.

    The great thing about the gospel is that we never take things at face value. We pray and receive personal revelation to confirm that which is true. We are so blessed to always be led by a prophet of God. Prophets are not perfect. Christ is perfect. Some people believe 'folk' doctrine (they've heard it, so they believe it). The Lord won't let the prophet lead us astray. Don't deny yourselves the blessings of the fulness of the gospel. The Lord loves you. More than you could ever imagine!

  4. I joined the Church when I was 9 years old. As a teenager the priesthood/race issue was huge for me. My wonderful seminary teacher brought in his father who gave his opinion. that Black people would hold the priesthood when White people were ready -basically he explained that he thought it was our (White) punishment that we weren't spiritually mature enough for the priesthood to be extended to Black members. We were losing blessings because of that. I held on to those thoughts, which kept me from leaving the Church (cuz some of those teenage boys were quite racist.....those particular boys all became inactive in high school).

    Why the Lord has restricted the priesthood to different groups in different ages eludes me, but I'm positive He has a purpose in it. Maybe His purposes, when fully understood, will surprise us.

    Gospel Doctrine is that which is 'signed, sealed, and delivered' by the entire First Presidency. Bretheren speak on issues according to the light and understanding they have on a given issue at a given time.

    I always knew that the doctrine of the Church was that the priesthood and temple blessings would be available to all. Period. It was difficult being patient, but That Revelation is the sweetest thing to me. The very sweetest!

  5. Dear Rachelle,

    Even if you are full of hate and betrayal for the moment I want you to know that God loves you. That doesn't mean that He makes everything work out the way you know, that free agency thing. What it does mean is that, if you let Him, He will help you through this horrible time. I promise that if you put your trust in Him that you will not only get through this, but that you will find lasting happiness. Seriously. We can't control what others do, only what we think, say and do. Trust in the Lord, always, and know that many of us are praying for you.

    Please, Rachelle, don't give up on the Lord! He won't give up on you . . . . ever.

  6. Also, read to him. Go to the library and find books that he'll enjoy and read to him everyday. The books he can't read, but can understand, will help him understand and appreciate language. Point out words similar to the words he learns to read, help him hear similarities. Rhyme words. Play with Nursery Rhymes, simple poetry, sing. He can label things when he starts reading so he can recognize the words in context. Just have fun!

  7. I don't think it's worth judging someone else for. It would be better to sell the candy bar to get double (plus) the money, but I wouldn't have bad feelings for the Scouts or their parents for doing otherwise....besides, you don't know that the people who donated basically let the Scouts believe that they could have the candy. I bet they wouldn't mind at all. Boys/candy, ya know? I think the purchasers/donators probably wouldn't care so much; but I wasn't there.

    The great thing about our ward is the spirit of unity, love, forgiveness, and acceptance. That's so much more important than holding grudges or judging others when maybe, perhaps, we don't know the whole story.

    Set your standards high and realize each one of us is probably 'off' is some areas. Let's not pick each other apart, but edify one another. It could make the difference of a boy going on a mission, or feeling unworthy, or picked apart, or whatever to come to church.

    Set the example and remember we're all on this journey together and our job, unless we're called to be the 'judge' is to love each other and love our Heavenly Father.

  8. I'm in the company of Mother Teresa and Tarnished as an INFJ. A good career for such a person is a librarian. I actually wonder if being a librarian has made me more of an INFJ than I was as a classroom teacher? I'm sure my experiences, callings, etc. have influenced this as well. Personally, I'd classify myself as an XQZ, but that's just my opinion.

  9. Having grown up in Vegas where driving down the street is quite similar to viewing porn I agree with Stampede. It was easy being LDS here (70's), because all our other school friends had a certain expectation from us. Not everyone 'held up' - but it was so different from the Utah kids who stood out by being 'bad' - just my experience. It does seem like Satan's strategies would center on the strong....wherever they are.

  10. Are you kidding? The only people I know who like that movie are Mormons. I can't stand it.


    I live in Vegas and all the teenagers were absolutely N.D. fans. Although the movie was semi-lovably LAME (shallow and plotless), it was so refreshing to hear quotes that were not offensive ('cept maybe to your IQ) in the halls at school.:P

  11. Yea, maybeinNH!!! Sounds like you had a great experience with your husband and the missionaries! It's quite a blessing to be able to start on this adventure together. Welcome to the site and our prayers are with you. Keep us 'posted' . . . .