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Posts posted by HerbalLady

  1. I just read a fabulous book...."From Fatigued to Fantastic" and it really helped me construct an action plan.

    I first addressed the sleep issue and have been taking something to help me fall and stay asleep. In the last month, I have been sleeping better and I do feel a difference. I have also changed my supplements and I think that is starting to make a difference too.

    I read this book also and tried several supplements. It was helpful in constructing a personal wellness plan but D-ribose did not 'restart' my hypothalamus as he had suggested. I had better results with an all natural vitamin and mineral, and adrenal gland booster which I purchased from the health food store. I am very interested in your progress, as I have a relative who is still suffering a lot with CF, Fibromyalgia, and Endo. Thanks!
  2. Herbal Lady...did you delete your group or did it get lost with the downing of the site yesterday?

    Thanks. Yes, I did start a new group (Herbal Remedies for Wellness), and used my old avatar- I wrote and asked Heather if she could fix it. I did write a blog responding to your question today. Sorry about the wait. I think it fell into a pit for a while because of the avatar change...
  3. I know when I was used to work in a government lab with mil-spec radios, even the low band emission would be a cooker for the brain and the body. After a few hours we would experience chronic disorders and fatigue would set in. Even the older cell band that was found resonating in the 900mhz band was a detrimental device for humans. The brain cavity does resonate on the same frequency. Looking back at Tesla writings, anything that resonate in the same freq band would cancel each other and could cause havoc ... look around to see what other household products, electronics maybe causing some damage to you.

    I did some research on electronic devices and health problems connected, and I agree. If we want good health, we don't carry electronic devices in our pockets, or put them on our heads. If we do, most assuredly, health problems will follow. Thanks for the post.

  4. Thanks for asking Pam -

    I don't have a group yet, do you think I should make one? I joined this one because I can identify with it's members, and we are all learning the best treatments together. Just yesterday, a member wrote about a new treatment on one of my blogs, and I think we'll try it - it's supposed to work really well for joint pain.

    I do understand how annoying it is to be awake all night because of pain and insomnia, believe me. I take two nighttime pain killers, and two Pain Ease, and put on the pain ointment, and get about four hours sleep before my hips start hurting really bad, and I'm awake, ready for the next round. I don't like taking the nighttime Excedrin but it's the only one that helps me sleep. I read the book about Chronic Fatigue and it says that getting a good night's sleep is one of five things that has to happen in order to recover, so I've made it a point to try to get back in bed after taking the next round of pills. Usually, I can get about six or seven hours, and that's really pretty good for me - as before I was like yourself, and my days and nights got totally mixed up. Anyway, you're probably asleep now, so have a good nap, and maybe I'll talk to you later this afternoon.


    PS The time on this system is confused... I posted at 5:17am my time.

  5. Hi everyone!

    As I read through your blogs, I realized that many of you are suffering with symptoms similiar to what I found associated with aspartame or other chemical poisoning. Please see my post on MS, CF, Lupus, and other autoimmune disorders and aspartame.^_^

    On a more private note, I was exposed to a toxic chemical (a rat poison) at age 30, and it totally ruined my immunity to all illnesses. I had to deal with a lot of MS & CF - like symptoms for years, as well as Fibro and Endo, and could have easily been diagnosed with any or all of them. :huh:

    I would like to share a secret I learned after much pain and illness. Since it has given me a much hope and healing, I hope you will be courageous enough to at least try it.:huh:

    Purchase a bottle of Cinnamon Essential Oil from a Health-Food Store (Aura Cadia or Young Living Brands are best). Rub a thin layer on the bottom of your feet every day twice daily (once before bed, and again in the morning after showering, wait a few minutes for it to absorb, then put on your socks). Drink plenty of water during the day. Do not put the cinnamon oil anywhere else on your body (and wash hands after applying to the feet) since it is a very 'hot' oil. Usually, you will not feel it on your feet.:P

    After only two days, I began to have more energy, and my cold (dry hacking cough, which I alway had) disappeared. My pain levels decreased, and my immunity increased with everyday that went by. After several weeks, I was able to move around freely without hardly any pain, and I had a lot more energy. I cleaned my house, and paid my bills, and called the kids, and did a lot of things I didn't have energy for before. I believe it will work hard for you too. :lol:

    Cinnamon oil has a reputation of cleaning poisonous toxins out of the body. After the liver is cleared, the emotions level out, and the energy levels go up. It will be easier to lose weight after those things happen. Things that now seem impossible, such as sleeping all night, and staying awake all day will be easily accomplished.:)

    Please let me know how it went for you if you do try it because I am interested as to how this oil will work for others. As for myself it worked better than any prescription drug, herbs, herbal formula, or supplement that I ever tried (and believe me, I tried a lot). It really helped my husband also, who had suffered with severe stomach aches and bowel problems for years before using it for several months.:eek:

    In the meantime, remember that the Lord loves us all VERY much, and He is mindful of our needs. I developed a strong testimony of this during my darkest hours.

    Herbal Lady:)


    "When you push against the boundaries of experience into the twilight of the unknown, the Lord will strengthen you. The beauty of your eternal soul will begin to unfold." Richard G. Scott, Ensign, Nov. 2003, 41

    "Some have supposed that trials are reserved only for the disobedient. But the scriptures make it clear that even the humble and obedient will face tribulation. Experience is a great teacher, and sometimes our hardest experiences can be our greatest teachers (see D&C 122:7). This may be why we are commanded to give thanks for all things (see Eph. 5:30). Some blessings come to us painfully. But the Lord promises that 'he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be glorious'. (D&C 78:19). - Carolyn Wright, Tambuli, Nov 1994, pg 11.

    "He who takes offense when it's not intended is a fool. He who takes offense when it is intended is a greater fool." (Brigham Young)

    WOW Quotes. Get your daily Word of Wisdom Quotes by signing up at DailyWOW - Quotes for Mormons and LDS Members


    "I have a theory about the human mind. A brain is a lot like the computer. It will only take so many facts, and then it will on overload and blow up." - Erma Bombeck

    "I haven't trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I've never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for ...." - Erma Bombeck

    "I never leaf through a copy of National Geographic without realizing how lucky we are to live in a society where it is traditional to wear clothes." - Erma Bombeck

    "I take a very practical view of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms: 'Checkout Time is age 18.'" - Erma Bombeck

  6. I agree with Gwen,

    I didn't focus on questions, I focused on being closer to the spirit through fasting and prayer. I admit being worried that I would chastised for things I needed to change... But when I finally got around to counting, my blessing was 80% blessings and 10% instructions and the rest were statements of fact, such as 'the Lord loves you very much', etc. All in all, my blessing was wonderful, and I think yours will be also.

    Hang on to Hope until Help and Other Possibilities Emerge.

  7. This is the quote from Mormonwiki:

    "A Patriarchal Blessing is a special blessing "given to worthy [Mormon] Church members by ordained patriarchs. A patriarchal blessing contains the Lord’s counsel for the person receiving the blessing and declares that person’s lineage in the house of Israel. Fathers may give special blessings as the patriarchs of their families, but such blessings are not recorded or retained by the Church."[1]

    Every Mormon can receive a patriarchal blessing once in his lifetime. This usually is done when the person is a teenager."

    So if you have already been baptized, I assume you can get yours done anytime after you turn 13 since before that you aren't a teenager.


  8. Dear Jolee65-

    My mom has beliefs other than myself and my children also. I warned the children ahead of time about our differences. I let them work with her, and surprisingly, their patience has gone a lot farther than my impatience. One daughter in particular (now age 27) formed a good relationship with my mom (who frustrates me). I think it benefits them both. My daughter has a strong testimony of the Church, and it gets stronger as she expresses her feelings to my mom. When she first moved near my mom, her testimony was weak.. but it has grown much stronger... just in working with non-member family members (my brothers, cousins, etc.) Of course, my daily prayers on behalf of all my family members makes a difference, I am sure of it.


  9. Dear Ravenbsp,

    I too, went through great physical hardships, pain, depression, and I believe have developed the antidote (with the Lord's help) for both depression and cancer of all kinds.

    If, and when, you are willing to consider using herbs as an alternative to drugs, I would be happy to tell you more.

    Just a thought: the Lord DID provide the answers to health problems of all kinds - it's just that most of us don't recognize them.

  10. Hi. My family has been using herbs as long as I remember. My father built water distillers and sold them to herbal stores. We grew herbs and dried them and sold them when I was little. As a mother I learned much about practical application and use of herbs and essential oils. As a grandmother, living in the middle of nowhere, among Navajo friends and fellow saints, we do a lot with herbs. We are the herbal resource of our area.

    I don't know everything, but I do know somethings. If you need help, please feel free to ask, and I'll do my best. My husband and I signed contracts with a sales representative in Holbrook to offer our products, and some of the formulas, which have, for the last five years, achieved amazing results. I can say with all honesty that these are not my formulas. They were given to me by Heavenly Father through the spirit and tested on many volunteers with faith. This is the reason they work so well.

    But I am not here just to tell you about them. I am here to make new LDS friends. As a empty-nester mom, I find myself wishing for others to talk to - and if it is wanted, to be able to help. I have several family members living in Salt Lake, some in Tucson, and one in Florida - so as you can imagine - we don't get to visit in person very often. This doesn't stop us from sending emails, letters, pictures, and from phoning each other as often as possible. But none of them are my age - so there you have it.