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Posts posted by Mormongirl_611

  1. Welcome to LDS chat. I haven't been on for a few weeks, RL has been busy w/ Christmas, but anyways your in my prayers. I am very happy for you that you have found the gospel. I will pray for you that your mom will let you get baptized.


  2. Cool,

    Write them as soon as you get time!! I love hearing stories....let me try to think of a scary story of mine...oh wait here we go...ok Well I we have a chihuahua and my bro were mowing down some tall grass, and I had to walk around this patch of grass to make sure there were no big rocks in there...well I started walking on this patch and felt something beneath, I was about to bend down and check but luckily my bro got impatient and said just move out of the way..Well my bro started mowing and after he got down I walked over there to move this rock and stepped on a huge fat snake!!! All the sudden it popped up and I about had a heart attack!!! IT WAS SCARY!! I thought it was a rattle snake!!

  3. Hey everyone...If you read this and want to respond tell us your favorite movie and describe it. My favorite movie I would say is Rose Red. It is about this haunted house that actually kills people and comes alive and stuff like that its really good..It probably isn't my fav. but I have to think a little more about it lol.