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Posts posted by chrismerchant

  1. never been to this site before yet i already love it. something i am wondering though. let me explain my situation first. i have just recently been set apart in to melchidezek priesthood and i have been ordained an elder per melchizedek priesthood guidelines. so i currently do hold melchizedek priesthood. i still need to recieve my endowments as to complete my temple ordinances. in order to recieve endowments a person needs to posess a current temple recommend. i have recieved a 'limited use' recommend in which our bishop has asked we continue baptisms for the dead for the next month or so and then he will issue a 'full' temple recommend. a 'limited use' recommend is only for baptisms for the dead. an actual recommend is for any and all ordinances performed in temple. my wife is endowed and holds a current recommend. once our bishop issues me my 'full' recommend like my wife has in her posession what will i still need to do to recieve my endowments so that we can have our marriage sealed and solemnized in the temple we choose? i know about 'temple preparation' classes in which we need to take yet do i take them before recieving my endowments or do her and i take them after i have recieved my own endowments. i am unsure of what the actual process is for what i am going through. if anyone who reads this can please inform me then i would greatly appreciate it.