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Posts posted by RangerPrincess

  1. There are a lot of things in the bible and BOM that might not make total sense to us, but I am just starting to realize I can be ok with that. Arguing over details seems silly when the message is so clear.

    I also only recently learned that Joseph Smith really struggled with implementing polygamy, it seems to me that he loved his wife dearly and did not really want to participate in this practice. But God had and always has had a bigger plan. It seems to me the practice of polygamy in mormonism was always about the eternal aspect, it is just our society that turns in into a sexual thing. If someone chooses not to consider or investigate Mormonism because of this one facet then they are missing the big picture. Whats that saying "You can't see the forest for the trees" or something along those lines.

  2. I think it begins at conception. At that point it has the possibility of becoming a person, and should be considered a living thing. And as several others have stated, since we don't know I would rather err on the extreme side of caution in this case and say it begins at conception.

    Having carried three babies, I think its kind of silly to say the spirit doesn't enter the body until birth. You can feel the baby moving, it responds to your voice and to other loved one's voices, responds to music and sounds, and certainly with my three the exhibited parts of their personality even in-utero.

    All of that said, I still support the woman's right to choose until the pregnancy is viable and can survive on its own. I personally could not have an abortion because of my beliefs, but I do not think my religious beliefs should dictate other people's actions who believe differently. They will have to face the consequences of their choices.

  3. Does your family know Jesus? I do not understand why being closer to Jesus is so wrong. Do not worry about your family. Follow the Spirit. Do what the spirit tells you is right, Jim

    No. They do not. Thats basically the issue, at least for me I cant speak for the original poster.

  4. I don't really know what to tell you, except I'm kinda in the same position. The only thing really holding me back from going to church all-out is that I know my family will completely flip. They have stated repeatedly that it would be something they could not tolerate. Its a tough position to be in.