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Posts posted by sunny

  1. IN town an automatic is the best way to go but when on a farm and driving through fields i like a standard trans. In the long run reckless driving is not the way to go it causes more accidents and it cost money when it comes to insurance it is not worth the riskes

    Yeah it's funny in print, but not in real life, for sure. I drive like a little old lady. (Wait I AM one!) Proud of it too! I had some guy almost hit me when he tried to pull out in front of me, while I was doing 50 on a country road a couple of days ago. There are a lot of fatal accidents around here. It breaks my heart when I go by a corner with no stop sign, and see 4 crosses in a row with childrens names on each one, decorated with grieving flowers, and notes, and offerings of love for the young lives that have ended all too soon.


  2. Just today it was in the sixties a cold front has come thru and we had storms and tornadoes and a cold front.....the high tomorrow will be 26 degrees and lows in the teens at night.....if you don't like the weather here in Misery just stick around it will change.......LOL!!!!!!!!!! B)

    Hey it's even cold here in sunny California! :cold:

  3. It is amazing how one can read that, but personally I got a headache from it.

    I have to decipher handwriting/ typing all day long where I work. Emails, written letters, even manuals. Believe me there is more incorrect spelling and grammer than you would believe. On your Word program there is the best tool that MS has yet to invent. It is Grammer Check. Not only does it check your spelling, but it also checks your grammer and offers suggestions (depending which upgrade you have) It also tells you what reading ease and grade level your document is at.

    When I get emails, or attachments that boggle the mind, I copy and paste it to Word, then do a spell/grammer check. I then 'correct' it, and read it again. Helps tremendously! Spell check is wonderful, as long as you don't use a sound alike for what you mean. Strait for straight. Diner for dinner, etc.

    Some days I go home from work with a killer headache from the bad spelling and poor grammer.

    :offtopic: <<<Rant On>>>One thing that really sets me off are the silly abbreviations that are used in chats and sometime on the posts. pple, u, r, and such. Come on, write out the entire word. To me it is just lazyness.

    Okay, <<Rant Off>>

    Thanks Mrs. S that is so true! My Business English teacher would have a hissy if she saw how I typed in chat! :ahhh: There's no better place for me to start cleaning up my act than here! Love Sunny :)
  4. 1. What time did you get up this morning?

    9:30 am It's Saturday!

    2. What do you prefer diamonds or pearls?


    4. What is your favorite TV show?

    The CSI's, Cold Case, Lost, Grey's Anatomy. All My Children, One Life to Live (okay thats more than one)

    5. What do you usually have for breakfast?

    Some raisin toast and peanut butter & some Honey Nut Cheerios with OJ

    6. What is your middle name?


    7. What is your favorite food?

    So many! Mexican Food, Steak & Potatoes, Chinese...I LOVE food

    8. What foods do you dislike?

    Mushrooms, Scallops, anything too bitter

    9. What is your favorite chip flavor?

    Plain Tortillas with Guacamole or Salsa or Bean Dip

    10. What is your favorite CD at this moment?

    Stuck in the 90's for some reason with Depeche Mode Exciter and Duran

    Duran Greatest Hits

    11. What kind of car do you drive?

    Cars....not my thing.....Toyota Tacoma truck

    12. What is your favorite sandwich?

    Roast Beef w/cheddar cheese on wheat...everything but pickles

    13. What characteristic do you despise? Lying, Manipulating, Spite, Cruelty

    14. What is your favorite item/outfit you like to wear?

    Black velour "da judge" robe

    15. Where would you like to travel?

    England, Ireland....heck...Europe...anywhere!

    16. What color is your bathroom?

    White with a touches of seafoam green and yellow

    17. What is your favorite brand of clothing?

    Could care less...whatever fits that I like

    18. What location would you like to retire?

    Temperate, pretty, very quiet.....not sure yet

    19. What is your favorite sport to watch?

    Don't care for sports much...Ice Skating I guess

    20. What is your favorite sport to play?

    I love to swim and dance....not sure if that counts, but hey thats me

    21. What is your goal in life at this moment?

    To finish school with good grades, and recieve my certificate for admin. suppot

    22. When is your birthday?

    September I'm a Vertigo oops Virgo

    23. Your favorite flower?

    Just about any, but if I have to pick today, I might say daffodils

    24. Are you a morning or a night person?

    Morning...mid morning....LOL

    25. What was your childhood dream of becoming?

    Some type of entertainer

  5. Raven Danishs' trembling hands carried the tray down the hallway toward the parlor. She hoped no one would come barreling out of the blue,

    and make her drop it. Her cheeks turned pink just thinking about last week, when she had tripped over that frightful Mr. Butler. Her arms

    had been full, with stacks of clean linen. He had been on the floor looking for something, she supposed, so she had never even noticed him, until it was too late

    The sheets went flying, sprawled out in a disarray, all over the parlor rug. Mrs. Fournier had seen this and rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue.

    She was grateful that her benefactor had not chastised her loudly, like they had done with her at her former "home". The rolling of th eyes and the "tsk" were enough.

    Raven was so grateful that she had a home and a job. She did not dare want to do one thing to make anyone think of sending her back to that dreadful orphanage.

    She had lived at the Elmwood Orphanage most of her life. Her 16 years had not been ones of ease and gaity. Her parents had died when she was very small.

    She could not summon any images of them in her mind. She wished she could, and she had tried so hard, but none would come. She wanted to draw them.

    Raven Danish was an artist. A very good one, but no one had ever told her so, at least not at the orphanage. She figured no one here would

    encourage her drawing either, suspected they would frown on it , as they had at the orphanage. So she kept her artwork and love of artwork

    hidden. When Raven was sure no one was around, she would admire the paintings on the walls in the big house. She figured Mrs. Fournier must love art too,

    since she had so many beautiful pictures. Mrs. Fournier had a temper, and Raven was much too timid to strike up a converstion with her. After all, she was only the maid. There was also a very tender side to the mistress of the house, as well, but the people at Pleasant Manor did not see that side of Mrs. Fournier very often. After all

    she had to run this whole house and all the people in it. Raven knew how hard that was. They had worked her hard at the orphanage. Lots of cleaning, and looking after the younger children and helping Cook in the kitchen. She knew what hard work was. She snuck away every spare minute possible, to the cellar, to work on her "scratchings", which she kept hidden behind the potato bin. A worn tablet, and some stubby pencils were all she had but she treasured them. She would be glad when Saturday was here, because Sally had been giving her 50 cents each week. Since she would have some free time that same afternoon, she planned to walk down to the country store and get a new pad and some pencils, maybe some colored ones! She would wander the fields in her old straw hat, painting pictures in her young mind, dreaming...........

  6. Sally Smith minced her portly frame back to the kitchen, with her brow furrowed in concentration. She wondered where that mousey maid had drifted away to. "Raven!" "Miss Danish!" She waited for the dark haired waif to appear, but knew she would most likely have to go hunt her down again. "Well, thats what we get for takin' in an orphan. We can't really send her back off to the orphanage if she's not up to snuff. Mrs. Fournier would not think of such a thing. Yet it's up to me to mold her!" Sally listened for the sound of footsteps, since she knew that the girl would never speak loud enough for her to hear. "I need an ear trumpet to hear her!" "RAVEN!" She sighed and picked up a tray loaded with sparkling clean silverware and fine china.

    "Yes Ma'am? Sally barely heard the soft voice coming from the back door of the kitchen. "Sakes child " Sally gently griped at the poorly dressed slip of a girl, who stood shyly in the middle of the doorway, as if any loud sound or harsh movement would send her quickly away to wherever it was she had previously hidden herself. "Here, take this tray to the parlor and put it on table and look smart about it then Miss". Sally used the kindest voice she could muster, trying her best to hide her impatience, lest she set the girl to tears, or worse, flight. Miss Danish ducked her head shyly and gently removed the tray from Sally's hands and slowly, with a humble regalness, marched her thin frame down the hall and toward the parlor. Sally made a mental note to ask Mrs. Fournier for some more suitable clothing for the poor thing. She began brewing another pot of tea since she knew one pot would not be enough. It never was. That addled Mr. Butler could usually be counted on to drink at least 3 cups. In between his carpet sniffing ritual. Sally chuckled to herself as she remembered the first time she found George in the parlour, sniffing and drooling all over the rug. He had looked up at her and smiled a blissful smile and stuck his thumb at her from his crouched position over the floor. "Not a sign of blush or shame", she mused. You've got to admire him for that. He is guileless.

    Sally listened for the sound of Sundash's hoofbeats, to signal the arrival of Gwynn. She crossed her fingers that the girl had remembered to bring her the camomile and sassafrass. With Gwynn, you never knew. She was a busy girl, with plenty of suitors, and plenty of dreams, so she sometimes forgot she promised to keep the kitchen supplied with herbs. Well she's a dear girl. Now we just have to make sure she chooses a dear man! As Sally approached the parlor with the second pot of tea, she thought she heard footsteps coming up the walkway.........

  7. Sally Smith fussed over the culinary offerings she had carefully arranged on the round, ornate, elegant serving table in the parlor. She knew Gwynn would be walking in soon, since she had just heard Sundash's hooves come galloping up the drive. Sally always made plenty of food, since people frequently stopped by the manor, invited or otherwise. Mrs. Fournier wasn't in one of her "moods" this afternoon, so Sally's brow was wrinkle free, until she heard that cloddhopper of a stablehand come clomping into the house. She knew why he was here, making an excuse to crash the afternoon tea party, instead of eating with the other "help" like he was supposed to..the "to get a chance to moon over Miss Gwynn" she thought to herself, before she hollered to him, "wipe your feet Edward Jones!" She hissed at him as he started to pass her by, "if you must lurk about and gawk at Miss Gwynn at least try not to break anything while you're here." Soon after that, Miss Gwynn herself walked through the door holding a bundle in her hands. Sally smiled, her plump cheeks rosy, as Gwynn waved the parcel at her from across the room. "Thats my girl, bless you Gwynnie!" The portly cook finished arranging her tea display and then took the crinkled bag of herbs from the young lady and as she started back to the kitchen, she heard someone coming up the steps. See who that is, would you Gwynn dear?! She wondered where that addled Mr. Butler was. He was usually the first one in the parlor after she rang the tea bell. Well, she had enough to worry about, like how she was going to coax the people of Pleasant Manor to polish off her fabulous Bran Muffin Casserole. Tsk...she clucked to herself, now where has that little mouse of a housemaid Raven wandered off to when I need her most!

  8. Hi all...I have not been too active in participating in discussions or posting much in my blog. I am going to college for the first time ever! (On-line, but that still counts!) I going for my Admin. Support 1 Certificate. I want to be qualified for more jobs, since the market is a bit sparse these days. I am almost 50 years old and that can sometimes be a strike against me. ( I have been unemployed since Aug. of last year.) I have been looking for work, but it IS kind of nice to take a break after working almost non-stop for 20 years. I am getting a chance to take care of a lot of repairs and things around my place that I have been to busy to do. I also figured it might be a good time to get some more skills and training. Plus I get a chance to spend time with my granddaughter too, and that is pure gold!

    Well anyway, I am kind of using this as a subsitute blog since after today I finally decided to put in another entry, but I can't get there! It says page not found. I am slowly discovering how to utilize all the personalization features that we have for this site, and I was just wondering if anyone knew, if you lose your blogging space if you don't use it after a certain time. Do I need to e-mail the powers that be (Heather) ? I was hoping there was a simple explanation for it.

    Anyway... I made a vow to myself to participate more here at this wonderful site. I enjoy the chat room, when I can get there, and enjoy the friendship and all the fun we have in there. I love the play, The Thing That Swindled Snarkily, that I am a part of! Check it out! I play Sally Smith, the cook and we are always looking for new people who are interested in doing something challenging, creative and fun! Well I just wanted to say thanks for all of you who have responded to my blogs and comments. I look forward to participating more often as time goes by.....................Have a great day!!!

    Love Sunny :computer:

  9. Our Ward gave every family a copy of Preach My Gospel. Our family mostly uses it for FHE lessons. It really is a great tool akin to the old Gosple Principles manual.

    It feels great to have your missionary efforts rewarded!

    Cool story! The people who I used to work with all figured out I was LDS before I told them because they saw my institute parking sticker. I was always treated with a special kind of respect, they were careful not to be too crude around me, and now and then I would get some interesting questions, usual comment and cautious attempts at finding out more about our church. Of course lots of people are afraid you will try and pressure them into something they are not ready for or don't want to do. I have never had the pleasure/opportunity to find someone seriously interested in the gospel, much less the chance to teach them or put them in touch with those who can teach them. I can only imagine what kind of joyful feeling it would be to know that I was somehow instrumental in guiding someone to higher truths! Sunny :angel:

  10. Sally Smith slammed the oven door closed with a loud metallic “thunk”. She wiped the damp wisps of soft white curls off of her warm forehead with her now free, chubby left forearm. She gently set down on top of the woodstove, a large pan of steaming Bran muffin casserole. She knew there would be protests, but she was used to that. She was bound and determined to keep the people of Pleasant Manor healthy and regular despite, their complaints. Surveying her domestic “domain” with a critical eye, she noticed her sassafrass & chamomile supply was getting low. She wrinkled her brow and wondered if Miss Gwynn had remembered her promise to refill her herbal supply. All at Pleasant Manor loved Gwynn dearly but were all too familiar with her flighty ways. ” I’ll bet she’s off with that Mr. Jones fellow and forgotten all about the herbs.”

    Miss Smith then began assembling the tea tray, arranging among a few other small delights, a large amount of the peculiarly “fragrant” casserole in beautiful, flowery, hand painted bowl, hoping to “encourage” the people of Pleasant Manor to partake of it. Carrying the tray, she trotted purposefully into the parlor and set it down. She picked up the little bell on the serving table and rang it. “TEA everyone”! She eyed the room. She then stuck her head out the window and hollered “TEA”! She hoped Mrs. Fournier was in a good mood today, and of course she was going to keep an eye out for that odd Mr. Butler, as she found him rather amusing. She was bound and determined to round everyone up………
