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Posts posted by azaware

  1. A few things you can say. Laugh at them for being so stupid to think anything could be magic. Magic underwear I guess you believe in Santa too. Something like, you have to be pretty rich to afford them or they cost way more then anything you can afford or buy. Try to buy some.

  2. This is just stuff I've heard. The Mexican Flu has nothing to do with pigs. They believe that about 200,000 may have the flu in Mexico, so the deaths aren't many and I haven't heard of any deaths here in the US. It's just a flu.

  3. Well to the negative post I'm just wondering for people so religious why they think it ok to do their normal work around the house, go movies and things I see. I could care lees what they do. And cookie why don’t you get another picture, ever time I see it I think you’re crying. And Snowhead you shouldn't show your eye I can see there pinned. :D

  4. I’m not sure what Church they go to, they are Christian not LDS. The one goes to Church on Sunday and the other might be Saturday. I was thinking of asking them but don’t think I should. I thought I would ask it here. One of the neighbors when they first moved in I was talking to her one day. She started in about the Mormons and I just change the subject. I think sometime later I told him we were Mormons. I believe they have a completely different lookout on Mormons now. We are thinking about moving and they keep saying don't move.

  5. With all due respect to Rosemerry. There could have been some other situation to the problem, which we only have one side of the story. I was wondering is there a fence around there back yard? Have you tried to buy a doghouse for the dog? Or even bought the dog. Should they give up the dog to the pound? We know what would most likely happen to the dog at the pound.

  6. I can think of two signs that the Last Days are still far off.

    • Jesus said that before the Last Days the Temple at Jerusalem would be destroyed so that no stone would remain upon another. The Western Wall is still left, with thousands of stones still upon one another.
    • When Temples in Salt Lake Valley are 7 miles apart, I don't think we'll be leaving them for Missouri any time soon.

    Yeah I guess things will need to get more wicked which you can see starting right here. Here we have a Pres. putting "crooks" in high-ranking positions and crooks already here in the Federal government. Several recent cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of bribery and tax fraud. A Pres. that not only believes in Abortion but not once but 3 times tried to pass a law that if there was a botched Abortion and the baby was living that it be killed. And 52% of the voted doesn't have not one problem with any of it. I think even though we will be headed for a rough road with the out of control spending that in 2010 the Reps will be voted back in to congress and reverse us going off the cliff. But in the end will go as the Jews and the Nephi. As the wicked keeps getting a hold in are Schools, Hollywood, Media and are Government, get to the kids.

  7. What?

    Just a year ago I was thinking I didn't see to much evidences that the end times would be upon us anytime soon. I was sure we might be looking maybe 50 yrs down the road. But just in a short 60 some days that has went right out the window. With the out of control spending reaching 10 trillion and their saying 4 trillion more added to that. What are there? 300 million people in the US? Not sure is my math is right is that $3.3 million per person will have to pay back? I mean give me a $100,000 and I’ll be happy and that’s not counting interest. Its like Obama and the Dems is taking us down the road of no return. Its like please please give us back Bush. If I recall 2 years ago the Reps lost congress because as the media put it they were out of control spending. Well that was chump change to what Obama looking to spend.

    So how is everyone feeling about what has taken place and check this site out to get a respective of just what a trillion dollars looks like.

    What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

    Yes your right. Is there something here untrue?

  8. So if we are to talk about the last days..why does your post end AGAIN with your obvious dislike and distrust of Obama? What really is the subject you want to talk about?

    How can anyone want that blank eyed idiot Bush who was basically nothing more than a puppet?

    I guess your friends with soul searcher so did you not read her post? Who opened the door?
  9. I thought your post was about the last days then it went to Obama and money. Why do all members hate Obama?? I LOVE him! He is charismatic and straight talking and passionate about America. How can anyone want that blank eyed idiot Bush who was basically nothing more than a puppet? Me and my husband watched his inauguration with tears in our eyes at such a profound and historic moment in history I felt proud to be able to witness. Give him a chance he is barely in office and still has learning to do. But he obviously loves America and will come good.

    As for the last days...I really don't think we should dwell too much on it. People in the 1500s thought it was the last days when the Catholic church was destroyed by Henry VIII. I'm sure all the wars in history have been hailed as the end of the world. The 30s depression. Now its the global economic crisis.

    We could use anything as a sign of the end of the world. I feel we should concentrate on living our lives and improving ourselves otherwise we will be constantly looking to the end and death. Focus on living!!

    I don't hate him. We don't know anything about him. We just know he looks good and can read from a teleprompter really good and he has his birth certificate sealed.

    I want to talk about the last days. In the last days from what I understand there will be collapses in are economy. What better way to do this then to spend more money then there is in the world. I guess since it's ok you would do that to your family? Be heavily in debt and then take out another million-dollar credit card and spend it? I mean it's not like he knows what he is doing. Has he ever ran or gave a paycheck anyone? No. And since when has the Government been able to run anything? All I see in this 10+ trillions dollars is a lot of people getting rich. Look and you will find don't believe me. As soon as Obama became Senators out popped a very high paying job for his wife. Mean while look at all the tax dollars that went to her place of work. Then funny the made up job will not be filled. And lets don't talk about how he got has house. Oh yeah and I heard the King had some really nice shoes. That Obama just wanted to get a good look at.

  10. Just a year ago I was thinking I didn't see to much evidences that the end times would be upon us anytime soon. I was sure we might be looking maybe 50 yrs down the road. But just in a short 60 some days that has went right out the window. With the out of control spending reaching 10 trillion and their saying 4 trillion more added to that. What are there? 300 million people in the US? Not sure is my math is right is that $3.3 million per person will have to pay back? I mean give me a $100,000 and I’ll be happy and that’s not counting interest. Its like Obama and the Dems is taking us down the road of no return. Its like please please give us back Bush. If I recall 2 years ago the Reps lost congress because as the media put it they were out of control spending. Well that was chump change to what Obama looking to spend.

    So how is everyone feeling about what has taken place and check this site out to get a respective of just what a trillion dollars looks like.

    What does one TRILLION dollars look like?

  11. I've no idea what the Mormon take would be, but (assuming that you're talking about gambling with cards etc.) QUOTE]

    Thanks for all the reply. It's not the devil and has 52 helpers. :) Thanks

  12. I believe that a person shouldn't gamble for all the above reasons. I believe the reason is that people they get hooked and in the end will lose. But if a person had a gift to win and was able to make a good living at it. Could this be treated as a job and ok as Mormons?