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Posts posted by DefendingMormonism

  1. "Banned" Mormon Cartoon: Anti-Mormon Tactics Exposed!

    Videos ยป LDS Mormon Network

    I think it's important for members to be aware and prepared to deal with anti-Mormon tactics. It is only by being exposed to it, that we can know how to confront it.

    Unfortunately, many members are overcome by doubt created by ridiculous propaganda like "The God Makers." For this reason, many members treat anti-Mormon literature like pornography, calling it evil and encouraging everyone to steer clear of it completely.

    I think there must be a happy medium, though...moderation in reading it and careful self-examination and prayer after being exposed to it. I think that people can slowly build up an immunity to it. They can then become empowered to react correctly to it without losing faith in Mormonism.

    Personally, I have overcome anti-Mormon-generated doubt by simply focusing on the innumerable positives that have come from my membership in the church, all the spiritual experiences I have had throughout my life, and all the wonderful and amazing people in the church that I have interacted with. In the end, I feel I am a more powerful instrument in the Lord's hands because of my ability to compare and contrast the negativity of anti-Mormonism and the beauty of Mormonism.

    What do you think? I'm sincerely interested in hearing your thoughts.

