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Posts posted by zutty_chick

  1. My kids like the cd's from singlesward, RM & home teachers, the songs from Primary and some Hyms are done with a little pazzaz!...............


    WooooHooooo lisajo... ^5!


    Errmm... Teens or anyone should be able to hear whatever they want. I mean you can warn them about some music but if they choose ignore it well, then thats their fault . Kay, Kay :) Rock lover here ! errm.. kay ( Rock on ! )

    Well mine listen to what they want when they are 18, Most what they have chosen to listen to is not bad stuff, i'm not saying they have to listen completly to Mormon music, I my self have ended up bying some cd's they like because i ended up surprizing likeing it, and i must say some of it is not what i thought, mainly i dont care for rapp and my kids know this, but now they are older they do most of the choosing..........Rapp is still not allowed in my home, unless i have listened to it first and approved it, now i must say i have liked some of it but most of it i turned down,

    Thats pretty awsome :) a ! :) errm.. well, I can't really give a response to this taking in mind that I'm not a mother . But errm.. yeah I guess but I still think teens should be able to listen to what they want. Errm... Guess because thats How it was in my case . But, knowing the church standards and errm.. kind of changed a bit to no bad word music . ( well, I try ) :) Well, yeah not all music its bad . For example I love classical rock and a mixture of rock music, the beatles, queen, black sabbath ( I don't think its such a bad band ) Pink floyd ect. My brother loves rap music but there are some rap songs that aren't so bad. :)

  2. My kids like the cd's from singlesward, RM & home teachers, the songs from Primary and some Hyms are done with a little pazzaz!...............


    WooooHooooo lisajo... ^5!


    Errmm... Teens or anyone should be able to hear whatever they want. I mean you can warn them about some music but if they choose ignore it well, then thats their fault . Kay, Kay :) Rock lover here ! errm.. kay ( Rock on ! )