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Posts posted by glindakc

  1. i used to cut, and so i know and understand what you're talking about. first of all... thank you. thank you for being such an understanding sibling. thank you for wanting her to get better. thank you for trying to help. i guarantee you, this will help her a lot.

    most of what helped me to get over cutting is learning how to get the pain out with ways which are not physical. i know this totally sounds cheesy, but venting really works. allowing her to have a place to go is really the key thing. and whether she takes advantage of that - well, that's where personal growth comes from.

    a journal, a pet, a sibling, anything will do. thank you for being open to her. keep letting her know that you're there. even tho she may push you away, she really will be happy to kno sumbody luvs her.

    and tell your parents. get her to a doctor who she's comfortable with. medicine does help. take it from one who knows.

    thank you, good luck, and best wishes


  2. it was definitely very cool. but i had a migrane going into it and... well... fill in the blanks. but i was totally scared the natives totally freaked me out like no other. ya, it is sweet how she learns to love him, and you seriously feel for king kong. you start to like him. i love how it totally divides nature and civilization... there is hardly any talking in the nature section - all animation and music. it was great, except for the splitting headache.

  3. that is so awesum that you're deeply considering joining the LDS church. let me tell you - i luv it and it's brought nothing but joy into my life.

    yes, i think if you can get your mother's permission, the Lord would prefer that. i will be praying for her heart to be softened by the Spirit. just keep on trying and enduring to the end. that's all the Lord asks for.

    have you had the missionaries over to your house before? i don't know if your mother would be okay with this, even if you say it's casual. i've known people who have taught at other people's houses with the missionaries and it's amazing to see how the parents gradually ease into it. good luck with that. like i said, you'll be in my prayers!