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Posts posted by Michael220

  1. Hey I looked at this mayan piece. Im sorry I dont understand the value of it supporting a Jewish migration though. It's clear their are "mayan" ruins in south america. No one is denying this. But the problem lies with the fact that their is no "Hebrew" similiarities. All the ruins down in that area are full of "pagan" artifacts. Also none of the writings depict any linguistical similiarities with the Hebrew tongue. Again, their is no historical evidence of any cities named, "Zerehemlah Bountiful" etc. Palenque has no record of being called these names.

    The Majority of cities recorded in the Bible still have their original name, from thousands of years ago. When cities change names their is a history kept of it.

    I appreciate your post, but im sorry. I dont see anything with any evidence to even show that a people called the "nephites" existed.

    Also the Hill Cummorah, 1 million people dying in a battle, that is almost equivalent to taking all the people in the Salt Lake Valley and having them pass away on one relatively small hill and their not being one piece of evidence later. This is impossible. How could it be?

    Many Blessings to you.


    not one piece huh? try again.


    Book of Mormon/Warfare - FAIRMormon

    John 8:32

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." NKJV

  2. see:

    "Debating the Foundations of Mormonism: The Book of Mormon and Archaeology

    2. Ancient Writing

    Another fact obvious that September day was that some ancient Americans were literate, a ludicrous claim for anyone in upstate New York to make in 1827. We now know of at least six Mesoamerican writing systems that predate the Christian era. This should count for something, but it is not enough for dedicated skeptics. They demand to see reformed Egyptian, preferably on gold pages, and to find traces of the Hebrew language. There are leads on both, but nothing conclusive yet. New scripts are still being discovered, and many texts remain undeciphered. I was just in a meeting two weeks' ago in Guatemala City where a scholar presented evidence, then just a few hours' old, that Maya writing dates back to 400 BC instead of AD 300. The origins of Mesoamerican writing is a topic that is just taking off, so we can expect new scientific revelations in the coming year. This example of an early script was recovered 57 years ago and qualifies as America's earliest writing sample, but so far nothing much has been made of it, and most scholars have forgotten that it exists.

    3. The Arts of War

    The golden plates ended up in New York because the Nephites were exterminated in a cataclysmic battle. The Book of Mormon account brims with warfare and nasty people. Until 20 years ago the book's claims on this matter were ridiculed. Now that Maya writing can be read, warfare appears to have been a Mesoamerican pastime.

    etc. etc., you can read the entire link

    not one piece huh? try again.


    Book of Mormon/Warfare - FAIRMormon

    try again.

    Topical Guide/Book of Mormon/Archaeology and the Book of Mormon/DNA and the Book of Mormon - FAIRMormon

    Maya murals are surfacing which clearly depict dark skinned and light skinned people.

    Posted Image


    More Amazing Photos - Book of Mormon Evidences - LDS Scriptures Supported by Science

    have you ever been to mesoamerica? the cities exist.

    If you are serious about researching this stuff, read through the fair site, LDS FAIR Apologetics Homepage read through farms, read through Mormon Truth and Book of Mormon Evidences: Not Proof, But Indications of Plausibility as a start if you want. These are all quesitons that have been answered.

    or, I should say, they have been answered to the same extent that they have been answered for the Bible. (The same types of issues/questions can be asked of both books)

    not one piece huh? try again.


    Book of Mormon/Warfare - FAIRMormon

    Hey I looked at this mayan piece. Im sorry I dont understand the value of it supporting a Jewish migration though. It's clear their are "mayan" ruins in south america. No one is denying this. But the problem lies with the fact that their is no "Hebrew" similiarities. All the ruins down in that area are full of "pagan" artifacts. Also none of the writings depict any linguistical similiarities with the Hebrew tongue. Again, their is no historical evidence of any cities named, "Zerehemlah Bountiful" etc. Palenque has no record of being called these names.

    The Majority of cities recorded in the Bible still have their original name, from thousands of years ago. When cities change names their is a history kept of it.

    I appreciate your post, but im sorry. I dont see anything with any evidence to even show that a people called the "nephites" existed.

    Also the Hill Cummorah, 1 million people dying in a battle, that is almost equivalent to taking all the people in the Salt Lake Valley and having them pass away on one relatively small hill and their not being one piece of evidence later. This is impossible. How could it be?

    Many Blessings to you.


    not one piece huh? try again.


    Book of Mormon/Warfare - FAIRMormon

    John 8:32

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." NKJV

  3. Hello Maxel.

    I love the passage of scripture you posted, (Matt 15:16-17) and I agree with it. But, Jesus also said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! John 14:6. So in a whole we cant throw out truth and research for an experience alone. We are told "Test all things" 1 Thessalonians 5:21

    Since Jesus is the "truth" that would mean history would honestly expose any scripture we had that came from Him. So if the history is false, it cannot reveal Jesus, because He is the Truth!

  4. Is our faith based upon something historical? Very important question to ask ourselves. I have been researching for ancient documents or archeological evidence to support the stories that the young joseph smith wrote about in the book of mormon. Joseph stated that the Nephites were people of great writings and record keeping. But we dont have a single ancient papyrus or scroll or even a fragment of this history prior to 1830. With the Bible we have the dead sea scrolls which reveal that the ancient writings of old are accurate with the kjv Bible we still have today. Dead Sea scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    We read about the battle that took place at the hill called kumorah, over a million people died on this small hill and not one piece of archelogical evidence has been found to support this. Also it has been proven that the native american people came from east asia, and migrated down from their. If you look at pictures of the peoples from east asia and compare it to the native americans you can clearly see the resemblance, also the archeology of native americans shows simularities between the people. And last but not least is that DNA evidence proves that the native americans are from east asia. This same DNA evidence is used to put criminals behend bars, would count the book of mormon as a fraudalent book. Have you ever been to zerehemlah,ancient bountiful? Nobody has, these cities do not exist. But we can go to Jerusalem,Bethlaham,the sea of Galilee, and all the cities the Bible speaks of.

    These are sincere questions, that I believe are worth looking into. If someone has some evidence please let me know.

    Many Blessings!