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Posts posted by disturbed

  1. Breathe No More

    I've been looking in the mirror for so long.

    That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.

    Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.

    Shards of me,

    To sharp to put back together.

    To small to matter,

    But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.

    If I try to touch her,

    And I bleed,

    I bleed,

    And I breathe,

    I breathe no more.

    Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.

    Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.

    Lie to me,

    Convince me that I've been sick forever.

    And all of this,

    Will make sense when I get better.

    I know the difference,

    Between myself and my reflection.

    I just can't help but to wonder,

    Which of us do you love.

    So I bleed,

    I bleed,

    And I breathe,

    I breathe now...


    I bleed,

    And I breathe,

    I breathe,

    I breathe-

    I breathe no more.

  2. When I think of nothingness I think of a never-ending blanket of white. But white is a color, and a color is something. So nothingness has to be made out of something, you know what I mean? Now i don't know if nothingness actually involves colors, or if it is just clear, but then what is "the clear" made up of? It has to have some substance in it, so it IS something... grrrrr that's confusing :bonk:

  3. My view on aliens:

    I think they are real. I mean, we got proof. (Roswell, New Mexico) :dontknow:

    I don't believe they are evil. I'm not saying that they are harmless because every species has to defend themselves one way or another. But I think they have good intentions.I don't think they were trying to invade our planet and take over the world when they came crashing down in Roswell. WE'RE the one's who conducted experiments on them. You didn't see any aliens trying to cut us humans open, did ya? Who knows? Maybe their coming to earth was an attempt to further progression in space travel. Just like us humans send our men out in rockets, the aliens could've sent their men out in spaceships to explore. Many people dont believe in aliens because they ain't buying the whole green skin, buggy eyes, sci-fi stuff, but it says in the scriptures that God has created many worlds. Who says the beings on them all had to look alike? -wait hold on lol- it did say that we were created in his own image... :hmmm: But are there not other Gods with other worlds? Maybe they look like aliens and they created aliens in THEIR own image.. But I don't want to get into that more than one God thing cause its confusing so anyways :backtotopic: Do I believe in aliens? Yes. But it will forever remain a mystery to me..

    P.S. Aliens rock!!!! :notworthy: