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Posts posted by tat88

  1. I can feel your pain, I am a convert along with my wife she was the first to join the church but now she is inactive. All I can say is be supportive of his feelings , And in my opinion do not try to covertly or otherwise pressure him to do what he is currently wanting. My wife tried that tactic with me with the best of intentions but it delayed me in fully converting for 2 years. Provide the love and support for him and most imprtantly your children. There is a certain pressure in this church to do what is said to be done without question at times. One of my wifes favorite anaolgies is this:

    A Daughter is cooking sunday dinner for her family and is putting the ham in the oven and as her mother taught her she cut off the top of the ham before putting it in the roaster. She was wondering why this had such effect on making the ham so good do she called her mother to find out. Her mother said that she was not sure why as that is what Grandma taught me. When the call was placed to grandma to see if she had a answer she just replied " Because it wouldnt fit in the pan"

    Provide the love and support your husband and children need and along with yours and our Prayers things will work out. My wife is going on her second year of inactivity but is showing signs of softening. And I pray that you will have the strength to continue. God Bless

  2. This is a subject that i have been looking at for awhile now. My wife has a friend that has always been in the picture and she has many male friends which I generally have no issue with. She just started to deal with some major abuse issues from her past in the last couple years this has caused a lot of stress and I know shhe needs a lot of support in that regard. I just found out that she texted this friend ( in another city) over 1000 times last month. the texts have generally run most days from morning till night and I am 99% sure they are just a casual nature. I have spoken with her about this and she said she never thought of it being an issue and that she would stop. She was worried about losing a friend and could not see the difference between her other friends. Her next top texting companion is me at 250 times last month. I know that the reliving and healing of the abuse has caused alot of stress for her and I dont want to add to this. I am very uncomfortable with it and worry that thing could develop into an emaotional connection ( not worried about physical) We have talked more and I said it would be ok if she texts him more in line with her other friends but that just doesnt seem to be happening. She has cut the voulume down but he is still her # 1 texter and she does miss a day or two without texts but it can be all day as well. I have no female friends or anyone I can talk to to get the other side perspective to this and want to make sure I do not impede any healing she needs to do on the abuse side. We are both converts be she is totally inactive and feels happier when she does not attend church. Thanks for any input

  3. He need to know the ramifications of what he is doing to your Family, the Church has a great program that is out there in many areas and is also available by phone. ARP , many Bishops do not realize this is available and is available by phone in if there is not one in your area. This is a 12 step program and as an addict he needs to go through it and work and it will cure him, it might take many time through the step but it works. There is also ones that cover just Porn as an addiction. Encourage him to attend these meeting and make sure he is aware of the ramifications of this on his marriage.

  4. The Church has a divinly inspired program for all addictive behavoirs that can help with all types of issues. Please reach out to your areas LDS Family services Program to find out the meeting time. Most areas will offer a phone in session as well. You are on the right track admitting you have a problem now realize you can not change this with out heavenly fathers help and take the next steps.

  5. The Legal ropute and Evidence route is definetly the way but also remember that taking the high road that heavenly father has laid out for us is not always the easiest but will always be the one you can stand to and be proud of what you ave done..He will provide a way stand firm