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Posts posted by PonderingOnPedestals

  1. Welcome to the site, from one new guy to another! It so great that you were baptized and are looking to increase your knowledge of the gospel and that you want to share that knowledge with others.

    Maybe this forum will help you, I'm sure it will as sure as I am that it will be a good resource for me.

  2. Thanks Keith!

    It is a fairly new blog but it is going to be and already is awesome. Of course my main reason for joining the forum is mostly to see and help people on the forum itself but I believe that my blog is an awesome asset to anyone looking to members for advice and discussion.

    You're going to see me commenting on everything I run across that I feel I should address so keep your eyes open! :eek:

  3. Hey Xenos, you posted this question over a month ago so I'm not sure if my answer is going to help you now but I'm going to answer it for you and anyone else who might want to know the answer.

    I'm 20 years old so I like to think I still qualify in the youth section, it was only two years ago that I was in high school and even as an adult find this a challenge at times. I'm going to post some links and I'd ask that you would follow them, at least the ones with scriptures and what not.

    The scripture I want you to check out is D&C 58:25-28, so go read it real quick for me.

    Now that you have read it I'm going to explain the general message of this scripture: You are entitled to personal revelation for yourself and it is for this reason the prophets don't come out with a weekly list of "What You Can Watch This Week On TV."

    Now that's an awesome principal isn't it? "The power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves..." As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, you have the privilege of being able to have the Spirit with you at all times and as a child of God, you have been given prayer to commune with your Heavenly Father. I encourage you to use these gifts.

    I bear my testimony to you that God listens to your questions and provides a way for you to obey His commandments and that includes understanding His commandments. Pray, read your scriptures, listen to and follow the promptings of the Spirit and you will not fall.

    As a P.S I did see the Dark Knight and found it to be an excellent movie - sadly, at the same time, you are right I don't recall feeling the Spirit during that movie.

  4. Hey, glad to find a forum that seems to fit exactly what I like to do with my free time and that is talk about the gospel.

    If you visit my profile you can find out a little quick thing about me and then there is my blog you are more than welcome to visit and comment on.

    Looking forward to future discussions!