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Posts posted by maeidiota

  1. I feel so disconnected with HF except when I'm teaching a class. It's difficult to describe. I really don't know what's wrong with me.

    I go to church, usually love it there. I sub classes lately. I love the gospel, I study occasionally, go to church, pray all the time. But feel like I'm talking to the ceiling.

    I seem only to feel His influence when I'm teaching a class. Doesn't matter which class. I feel lost. I don't know who I am anymore. I'm identified as someone's mom, or my husband's wife. I don't think anyone knows my name anymore. I'm not sure I do either. I've been a mom and wife for 21 yrs. Great relationship with my husband. He's a very man. Very good to me. Just can't tell him how I feel.

    Don't feel comfortable talking to the Bishop. Or Stake Pres. (I'm very uncomfortable with him).

    I'm not sure what do do.