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Posts posted by sdorociak

  1. NEW YORK – Some children get severely obese because they lack particular chunks of DNA, which kicks their hunger into overdrive, researchers report.

    The British researchers checked the DNA of 300 children who'd become very fat, on the order of 220 pounds by age 10. They looked for deletions or extra copies of DNA segments.

    They found evidence that several rare deletions may promote obesity, including one kind they studied further and found in less than 1 percent of about 1,200 severely obese children.

    That deletion, on chromosome 16, apparently causes trouble because it removes a gene that the brain needs to respond to the appetite-controlling hormone leptin, said Dr. Sadaf Farooqi of Cambridge University.

    In her study, children with a chromosome 16 DNA deletion "have a very strong drive to eat," said Farooqi, who co-led the research. "They're very, very hungry, they always want to eat."

    The work, reported online Sunday by the journal Nature, has already produced a real-world payoff. Farooqi said four children with the chromosome 16 deletion had drawn the attention of British child welfare authorities, who blamed the parents for overfeeding them.

    "We were able to intervene" and get the parents of two children off the hook, and the other two cases are under discussion, she said.

    That's happened before when the scientists uncovered genetic causes for severe childhood obesity, she said.

    "It's a slightly unusual outcome of our research, but one we think is very important," she said.

    While scientists had previously discovered particular genes that promote obesity when damaged, the new work looked at larger chunks of DNA that can span several genes. The chromosome 16 deletion includes nine genes.

    Eric Ravussin, an obesity expert at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., who wasn't involved in the study, said the work provides "a gold mine of information." That's because it identifies specific chromosome areas that scientists can explore to discover obesity-related genes, he said.


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  2. Let's see... there is Thyroid disease, tumors (dependent on where they are located), treatments for other disorders that cause uncontrollable weight gain, and at least twelve or more other common factors and conditions that create an inability to control ones weight, none of which are "rare". Several conditions are caused by medicines. Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes is caused by a combination of factors one of which is weight gain. Juvenile diabetes is not caused by excessive weight gain.

    Congratulations on your successful ability to realize that you had a problem and your choice to try to control it. Others are not so fortunate. Perhaps you should have read and comprehended the WOW sooner.

  3. Yes, I am sure. Genetics or illness might very possibly influence obesity, and it is even possible that for some very few people, the alternative to obesity would be even more severe disability or death. Nevertheless, the statement is true as written.

    Be kind! Obviously VORT isn't familiar with the many medical issues that create obesity, beyond the obvious... eating more than the system requires.. If that be the case, then perhaps she will take this opportunity to become enlightened on a subject that it appears she is deficient in.:o

  4. Mrmarklin::

    Originally Posted by talisyn View Post

    You've watched them eat all of that? All of it in one day? Like, you made a list of all the stuff these people ate in one day? Because I would hate to think you were just idly speculating cause you got your feelings hurt by a bunch of fat people

    As a former fat person I can say, one does not have to watch them eat to know that they do so to excess.

    Doesn't really matter whether it's pizzas, hamburgers, burritos or Pate de fois gras. Fat people eat too much.

    Many people suffering from excessive weight have more creating the obesity than the inability to push away from the table. Do you feel any better having said that? Case in point: sometimes we make stupid choices and in doing so live with the consequences. Having said that, it is also up to each of us to recognize those less than desirable choices and make corrections. That includes trying to be tactful, well mannered, gracious when given things, and learning to live in a more Christ-like manner.

  5. It IS OK to drink Pepsi. I know several people who are totally addicted. They're temple going Mormons too.........:eek:

    mrmarklin, perhaps the solution isn't in telling your brother "He should not", but instead explain why you do not. The fact that your Dad drinks Pepsi is not necessarily a reason he should. Yes, we as parents need to be "good" examples for our children and others. We aren't always successful. Simply because our parents do something is not a reason we should. Each of us needs to make wise choices and understand that to do otherwise has consequences that come with it. Sometimes we should choose otherwise because what they are doing is not a good choice. My mother drank alcohol to excess and growing up I saw what it not only did to her but to our family as well. I chose not to drink, not because it was so much what the church taught, but because I saw what it did to our family and to others.

    You be the example for your brother and who knows your example may just make the difference.

  6. Ninelegyak, Your secong point is accurate. These individuals are no different than an alcoholic who lives with their "cross" daily aware of what the wrong choice can bring. I was told a long time ago by a homosexual that it is their test, their cross just as we all have tests and crosses to bare along lifes path. Yes, there are those in our religion as well as other religions who have made the choice not to relinquish themselves to these promptings.

    As to your first comments, I must beg to differ with you. A case was just won in Pensacola, Escambia county, Florida regarding this topic and one is to open shortly across the bay in Santa Rosa county. The ACLU brought the cases against the schools, yeachers, students. You may want to read up on this as it is not an isolated incident, but is happening all across this nation.

  7. Maxel, you are right on the money and until the vast majority begin to see that and fight against Satan's deception... Well, until then we are in deep trouble, this nation and the beliefs it was founded upon. I believe several of our prophets said it best... "...this nation and her Constitution will hang by a thread..." Joseph Smith, Jr. (White Horse Prophesy) and Brigham Young. You should read the White Horse Prophesy if you haven't already read it. In fact I wish every member and non-member would read it several times. Thank you for responding to my ramblings. It is good that we have a forum to come together and discuss our thoughts, beliefs, yes, even dreams to bolster and re-affirm our beliefs. We should take advantage of that sharing with other Saints for as long as we are permitted to do so. We should remember also..."where two or more are gathered in my name... there I am also" and He is as my grandmother taught me... always with us. How very blessed we are.

  8. Anatess, I am not really the one to ask about civil law, but I believe there is a difference in a "public business" open to all and a "private" one. Although I do remember certain "private" establishments being sued, i.e a men's club in Britain was sued and then after loosing had to also admit women, along with two of our military Academies. An apartment complex just as a rental house cannot discriminate potential rentors based on certain criteria, race, gender, religion, etc. They can however, place certain restrictions such as no pets, no smoking, no loud noise or parties after a certain time, etc. The private school can differentiate between parishioners and non-parishioners, just as a college can charge more for out-of-state-students. As to your private business... like the Distribution Center for example they differentiate in the selling of certain items based on "Temple Recommend" holders and non-holders.

  9. I will do my best to explain my comment. We, as adults, have been taught from birth and those ideas have slowly formed our beliefs, our opinions, our understandings while also giving rise to questions often unanswered by our parents. Not because they would not or could not answer them, but simply because they were not present when the question was asked. In the Old Testament, I believe, there is a scripture that says that given the first seven years of teaching to a child and they shall not depart from their ways (understandings). Some of the greatest and most subversive leaders in history were also aware of this premise and initiated change by altering the teachings of the children in schools to accept new ideas, ideas that were contrary to those of their parents. Parents who in many cases were not aware of these subtle changes in their children's thoughts and understandings.

    Over the course of my lifetime I have seen these subtle changes take place. There was a time when children were sent to school after Mom prepared breakfast and she was there to greet them when they came home. She was there to answer their questions, correct information that they had heard, help with homework. She was the nurturer and teacher. Now, many children leave home without breakfast ( a vital meal to the learning process), they may grab a breakfast at school, then they are subject to all that is taught them during the hours from 7:45-2:45 or later. Many leave school to go to a day care and again the sphere of influence that encompasses that period of time. They hear other adults teaching them the accepted ideas and ideals of the day. They hear the child understandings as related from their friends and classmates as perhaps these children have over heard other adults talking about specific topics. When they do get home, often there isn't time for questions and so the ideas they have been surrounded with stay and wait to be added upon instead of corrected.

    In the past 35 or so years this nation has seen many things that we have considered in the past to be wrong become an accepted right. There is no longer prayer in schools before the day begins, it is now acceptable to decide you do not want the baby you are carrying for whatever reason even if the child is full-term, it is also acceptable to end the life of someone considered terminal (something I have always found laughable considering each of our lives is terminal), we now embrace the concept that lifestyles contrary to biblical teachings are good and allow each of these "changes" in thoughts to be taught in our classrooms, yes, in our elementary, middle, high school, and college classrooms. We allow topics and conversations once considered horribly offensive to permeate our airways, newspapers, magazines, and even billboards. In addition, in these same classrooms they teach contrary to the teachings of the Bible, evolution, new family units, living together, and quietly remove our precious celebrations of the birth and death of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. They are also altering history in tiny increments and teaching that multiculturalism, political correctness, and not assimilation is best and that national pride and unity is wrong.

    Yes, we are each sinners. Many of which are striving hourly to become more like our "Savior". Yes, we are taught that we should love others as He has loved us. But, let me interject something here that I took the time to teach my children at home and to their friends when the occasion arose, in schools where I taught, in church primary, and in the hospitals where I have also worked. There is a distinct difference between loving someone and liking someone, just as their is a difference in loving the person and not liking their choices.

    The church, President Gordon B. Hinkley and the Twelve Apostles issued the Proclamation on the Family on September 23, 1995. Within those beautifully penned words the family is defined and the duties of parents are also made very clear.

    The workings of the adversary are often very subtle and come slowly to alter what is acceptable by Heavenly Father's standards. No, it is not our place to judge, but it is our choice to understand the difference between rights and wrongs according to our scriptures. And it is our responsibility to uphold those values as written and taught. To do otherwise... well John Adams said it best in an address to Congress... "When this nation turns from God... this nation will fall." As I also understand the Ten Commandments that are no longer allowed in schools, courthouses, or public places... the Ten were not given as a pick and choose proposition.

  10. I would agree with this. But using this idea to lord over other people who are perfectly capable of making a decision for themselves is stupid.

    I get really aggravated when other Mormons try and tell me that i'm not temple worthy for buying my Diet Coke. Then they use the "brother's keeper" nonsense whenever I politely tell them to mind their own business. It's a moot point.

    Making your stance and concern known to another person is perfectly acceptable. A child telling an adult what to do is not. The OP made it clear that she was trying to force her brother to stop behavior she disagreed with. This is not okay.

    Rachelle, there is a distinct difference in "lording over, "forcing", and caring. And, even though you may not wish to hear this " out of the mouths of babes..." is a very valid and wise quote. I clearly remember my own 4 year old daughter, very wise beyond her years, comforting me because as a very tired and frustrated mother, I had screamed and yelled at her for doing something... normal and childish. Then upon seeing her face I collasped in tears. She, my darling little four year old, crawled up on the couch, kissed me and rubbing the tears from my face told me it was okay. That she and God knew I was just tired and not mad at her. The she said, "It's okay Mommie, I forgive you and I know you won't ever yell at me again, 'cause you love me." Rachelle, my child was teaching me and yes, lovingly chastising me too. Something she did many times before she was called home because she loved me and as many have told me she was closely in tune and knew what I needed to hear and become.

    As to drinking a coke, iced tea (I'm a southerner), a beer, or even a glass of wine. It isn't so much a "law" as a practice at being obedient. I look at it this way, if you can learn to do the little stuff... then when He asked more of us, obeying comes without much thought at all.

    None of us can be "forced" to become compliant and if we think we can force someone into a different behavior, we are only fooling ourselves. A person can and will do only what "they" decide to do and not one second sooner. The idea is as my child taught me... to make someone want to change, be it a habit, a behavior, or what ever. It has to be their decision. Force is not part of the equation even under hypnosis.

    You might want to reverse the tables so to speak by replying to the "good intentioned", "I know, but giving up something I enjoy so-o-o much and not really understanding where in the WOW it says I mustn't drink a coke. It talks about eating meat sparingly, eating the herbs of the field and grain and vegetables and no strong drink or tea. How do you comply with each part of the WOW?" Ask them to show you where this is written and do so without showing any anger or agitation and be open to what they say. Remember, it is you and only you who can exercise your free agency. We are supposed to be here to help each other home... not to judge.

  11. This discussion has focused on what is not in the Word of Wisdom, but there is several things that ARE in the Word of Wisdom that most people don’t think of:

    10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man— Have we forgotten that these wholesome herbs are used for healing as well as flavoring our foods?

    11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. - We are being reminded to eat wisely (prudence) and to be thankful that they have been given to us for our sustenance. Have you ever noticed that the vitamin and mineral contents of the fruit of each season does not diminish if eaten wisely throughout their seasons?

    12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;--- Many of us, myself included overlook the word "sparingly". It is the key to how these items should be taken into our systems to maintain our health.

    16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground— Again, the Lord is giving us direction for our health and what is of the utmost importance in our daily diet.

    18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;

    19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;

    20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.

    21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.

    He has directed us and given us a promise if we hearken to His word.

  12. I'm seeing a bigger issue here...

    :o If your brother is an adult, then it's no ones business.

    If we were to follow this premise then anything one did or the choices one made as an adult would be none of anyone elses business. If that be the case then why do we work so diligently to bring the gospel and its teachings to those who are unaware or to those who have wandered away from the church? Are we not our brother's keeper? Is it not important that we not only teach by example, but by word as well? Each soul is important, is it not?:rolleyes:
  13. I would say that this could conceivably be classified as a conundrum. Yes, we are commanded to "love one another" and "not judge least we..." However, several years ago one of the General Authorities made an interesting comment that is worthy of extremely deep thought and consideration in today's world. He said and I paraphrase, we have allowed little wrongs to become rights while letting rights become wrong.

    Yes, everyone should be allowed to work and support oneself. And, everyone should also be allowed to have a place to live. There is no question about this regarding the rights of every individual. But, at what point do we mark the point of infringement into the lives of those who choose not to live by those standards. At what point do we teach our children that this is not an acceptable lifestyle for us when it is becoming the norm in magazines, books, newspapers, public education, and even churches. Aren't these the little wrongs now being taught in a very subliminal manner in many cases that are slowly becoming "rights"?