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Posts posted by thebomb7652000

  1. Another scary thing that happend to me when i was 11 i was driving my moms black ford aro star van to my moms house and we kind of live under a hill and it was in the middle of winter and i whent to turn the corner and the van slid sideways and all of my little bros that were in back was holding on for dear life as we came up on 2 wheels lots of fun though.

  2. Working in coal mines give a person a greater appreciation for the time that you work above ground and there is a lot of exiteing and fun things that you find in a coal mine like for instance dinosor tracks and petrified trees and cool things like that.

  3. Another scary thing about working in coal mines is the risk of explosion and also hitting underground lakes the mine that i work for hit a hot spot and we was working in 220 degree conditions the funny thing is that a lot of guys were cooking there food on the equiptment but the scary thing is much over 220 degrees and you have the chance for explosions and fires. :D

  4. The best way to help a kid grow up in a way that is pleasing to our heavenly father is first the parents have to work together second there has to be a good set of rules and third set the right example,example is one of the most powerfull teaching methods out there and it has to start when the kids are very young. :trustme:

  5. That was the good thing some of them had third degree burns but not one of them died and me and my bro had very little burns so it all worked out good some people i talked to said that we were lucky to be alive it blew the walls of the chicken coop 8 inches away from the foundation.

  6. One of the scariest things that ever happend to me was about 6 years ago me and my little bro was raising about 260 baby chicks and we put a wood furnace in there coop to keep them warm and the first time we lit it up the chicken coop exploded and sent me and my little bro flying to the other end of the coop and the whole place was instantly in flames. :combust: