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Posts posted by lds4ever

  1. I don't think I took it out of context. I agree that he states that they are for our use and thanksgiving, but he also makes it clear that they should only be used in times of need. When not a necessity, there isn't a good reason to eat it. The tithing comment isn't a good comparison to the point I was making.

    He also mentions the following in D&C 49:

    18 And whoso forbiddeth to abstain from meats, that man should not eat the same, is not ordained of God;

    19 For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and that which cometh of the earth, is ordained for the use of man for food and for raiment, and that he might have in abundance

    It just seemed pretty clear that he wanted them to be used during specific times. Those are just my thoughts.

    12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

    13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

    14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;

    15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger.

  2. I was reading about the word of wisdom today and I remembered the class room discussions about eating meat sparingly. I noticed that the classes never talked much about verses 13 & 15.

    I know vegans & vegetarians have a negative rep., but the lord in chapter 13 states:

    And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.

    Since we are not in the same situation as the people in 1833, we have warm homes, and are not experiencing famine... would it not please the lord to avoid meat completely?

    And #15: And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger.

    Refering more to wild animals.

    I am not vegan or vegetarian, but I thought it was interesting nobody goes much into it.