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Posts posted by marianomarini

  1. I think you there'll be no problem for your return.

    Of course members are not all the same. There'll be different kind of greetings, but I think all of them will be glad!

    My concern is about your "activity". Are you thinking just to attend or contribute to the work?

  2. There was a day when I looked at Adam & Eve story as literaly story. Thinking that is very difficult to explain genetics to man of 3 or 4 thousands years ago.

    Now I've change my mind.

    We can create robots from the dust. Now we can create a new cellula. Not yet able to create life maybe there will be a day when we'll can. So why not could God create man from the dust and give him life?

    I think this is more scientific than beleive that it happen by chance.

    Our limit is to continue to beleive that Man is the Higher form of intelligent in to the Universe.

    Every time we discover something new we think that is the final land.

    After some years we discover that it was a new begin.

    I would be able to argue in English to show you as man continue to beleive to be in the middle of Universe. No more physicaly but mentally.

    Science is not an answer to ALL questions. It apply to few aspects of life. It can't proove that my red is equal to your, it cannot prove what mind is, nor coscience and why we can understand mathematic, philosofy, ecc.

    It seem to me that Einstein was rigth. The incredible is that man can understand the logic of universe. If this happen by chance is not a scientific issue.

  3. Sorry for my bad English. I'm not able to explain clearly my point of view so I'll try to do it with a question.

    No one, till today, is able to have a man from a bonobo. But if someday this will be possible what this prove for you?

    That this can be happen by chance or that an intelligent being can do it?

    And if we can create a robot from the dust (computer from the sand and body from the iron) why is so difficult to accept that a being well higher than us, in skill and knowledge and power, could do better?

    just my 2 cents!

    I cannot explaing in English but adaptation is proven not evolution!

  4. Gosh, and here I was expecting an exciting story about being named hells. But your welcome anyway.


    You are right, but I made a mistake into my first post!

    I was thinking to post into "Italian forum" topic.

    But if you want an exciting story I can satisfy you.

    I have a 27 years old son, unmarried, mission done, ready to married. Just only one miss: "a girl"!

    So Helen (I'm not enough friend to call her Hells) will be a good candidate but .... where she came from?

    Mistery and suspense.

    To be continued ....:D

    Sorry for my bad English.

  5. I went into this kind of troubles after about 30 years of membership, and I grant you that my fillings were not different from yours!

    It was an hard time.But my thought was, and still remain: "I've a testimony about this Church and if there's some who had to leave it, this is not me!"

    Our first idea is to establish fairness. We want that guilta and reasons are fair distinguished. But Gospel is more than that.

    As others said before, watch to yourself. My temple reccomend was ritired, I was not able to go with my son ito the temple for his endowment before going to mission field, ecc.

    I felt bad? Surely, but have Jesus suffered less?

    The Great Italian poet said: "Non ti curar di lor ma guarda e passa". It sound like: "Don't be hurt by others but look and go ahead"!

    Sorry for my bad English. I would be able to confort you the best I can.

  6. Rather than wasting trillions of dollars and giving bailouts to mismanaged corporation or allowing our elected representatives to continue to waste our tax dollars, let's do the following:

    1. Give every working American over 50 $2 million dollars, with the requirement that they must retire. This should open up about 40 million new jobs.

    2. Require each of these early retirees to buy (2) new American cars. This should help the car industry with at least 80 million new car orders.

    3. Require each early retiree to buy a new $300,000 dollar home. This should help the building industry and get lending flowing again.

    As any other "simple solution" to "complex problem" it's fairy but unefficent! Numers and reality rarely fit toghether. Let see.

    1. 40 milion new jobs. How many unemployed for this crisis? In wich field? How many can work into this kind of "new jobs"? Where are they placed? ecc. ecc.

    2. This will require, as mentioned somewhere before, car industry will absorbe a lot of workers. Where they will came if (at least) 40 million are ritired? Other fields? Wich one. Electronic, IT, Wellness, .....?

    3. USA is large I agree, but (at least) 20 million of new houses seem too many!

    Unfortunately economy is a complex system and must be managed wisely and prudently!

    Planned economies (read comunism) have shown that *man* is not wise enogh to do it!

    Sorry for my bad English!

  7. Sorry for my bad English!

    I wonder every time this kind of questions are posed. It seem to me like asking if I would be confortable on killing someone. Nefi does it, Joshua does it, ecc. ecc.

    Yes I'm not willing to kill, not to go into plurimariage, no into divorce, ecc.

    If God will comand I'll obey, not fear not pain. *If, and only if, God will ask to me.

    Sorry again for my English. If I could express my thoughs in Italian probably I would be less sharp and concise.

    So don't be afraid with me.:)

  8. Conosco Giuseppe ed apprezzo tutte le sue iniziative su WEB (conosco solo queste).

    Constato che gli Italiani sono, come al solito, latitanti. Questo potrebbe essere anche un buon segno: "Hanno troppo da fare per perdere tempo in Internet". Io non mi esprimo e continuo a dare il mio contributo per una maggiore presenza di Santi in Rete.

    Apprezzo anche gli sforzi che molti Santi fanno per comunicare con una lingua straniera (io lo faccio in molte occasioni) e penso che la presenza di persone di madrelingua possa aiutarli a migliorare la loro comprensione e capacità di espressione.

    Ah! Dimenticavo. Fornire indicazioni per l'iscrizione ed uso del forum esclusivamente in lingua Inglese scoraggia di molto la partecipazione dei Santi Italiani.

    Sarebbe possibile fornire una versione del forum completamente in Italiano? Io sono disposto a fare il lavoro necessario se serve!

    Mariano MARINI