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Posts posted by questions67

  1. I'm a huge fan of Supernatural. That has some great horror stuff.

    Supernatural is my favorite show on television. Check out this promo video of supernatural i saw on youtube the other day... so good.

    the promo gives season 5 spoilers so dont watch it if you plan on watching season 5 of supernatural

  2. I am kind of a film connoisseur, and films such as the Exorcism and Rosemary's Baby look so interesting, yet I have yet to watch them becuase I know that we are warned against discussing evil spirits and what not and the last thing that I want is to invite any evil spirits into my life. For you guys that have seen these movies, do you regret seeing them? Or are they simply interesting movies that wont harm the spirit away?

  3. Hi I am new to this site and this may seem like a silly question, but it is genuine. I am a 24 year old young woman and have been a member of the church my whole life. All through my youth I was an extremely active girl, president of all three young women's classes, graduated seminary with perfect attendance, etc. For the past couple of years however, i've been in a relationship where we do not keep the law of chastity. I still know the church is true, but when I am honest with myself I just don't want to live it right now. I will in the future but just not now. I KNOW that is absolutely terrible, but its at least honest. My question is...if I know that I am not trying to be clean, can I still go to church/read scriptures? I haven't in about 9 months because it just feels hypocritical. I know I can't take the sacrament, and I wouldn't, but I just want to go. I still feel the spirit from time to time, and I want to continue to learn...I just don't want to change that one part of my life. I follow everything else to a "T", just not that.

    Would it be wrong to go to church and institute and study scriptures and even maybe pray?

    Go to Church & institute, study the scriptures, and pray, but you will find that you will be being held back spiritually by currently breaking the law of chastity. Please trust me when I say this- Talk to your bishop, stop breaking the law of Chastity, and you will be happier than ever. I was in a relationship for almost 3 years where for about 2 years we were breaking the law of chastity. I thought I was happy at the time. Since repenting and moving on and feeling the fullness of the spirit, I can honestly tell you- I wasted 2 years of my life. I had the same attitude as you- live now, repent later. Although this may seem like a "reasonable" philosophy, it is a slippery slope. You don't want to wake up in 5 years completely inactive because you let your hormones get the best of you. You already said- "I haven't in about 9 months because it just feels hypocritical". This should be a VERY strong sign to you that you should discontinue your sexual practices. You have already been inactive for 9 months because of these sexual practices, don't let the guilt last your lifetime. Talking to a bishop and resolving your sins will help rid you of the guilt and hypocritical feelings you are experiencing.

    Please understand that I hope that this does not seem too upfront or rude, but I just feel the necessity to stress this issue since it affected me.

  4. I am an avid watcher of south park...i know, im probably going to hell haahah (just kidding). If you watch the episode "All about Mormons" (season 7, episode ep. 12), you will see that although they do poke fun at mormons, they really do not make mormons look too bad. They poke a lot of fun at mormon culture, more so than doctrine (which i think is hilarious). All my friends and I at BYU watched the episode last week and were cracking up...the episode is funnier to mormons than non-mormons because Trey Parker and Matt stone will make jokes at mormon culture that only a mormon would understand. However, I will agree that I am a little nervous, but for the most part I think that they will poke fun in a respectful way, just like they did with the episode. i would recommend you all watch the mormon episode before judging the South Park creators, however I know i would get flamed for saying that.

  5. Uruguay? It seems like you are going to drink lots of "mate" (I am pretty sure you know what it is by now, if not you can google it). Not sure what the rules about "mate" and missionaries are these days though.

    From what I hear mate is an iffy thing. I believe missionaries are not suppose to drink it, however investigators can become offended if you refuse because they will assume you think they are dirty or something since you share it. I haven't heard the official statement concerning it.

  6. i talked to the bishop this morning and it went really well. He said he's gunna pray and maybe talk to the stake president about "discipline" concerning when I should be able to receive the melchezedick priesthood, but im pretty sure im ok with BYU. Thanks for helping me take that extremely hard step and talking to the bishop. BTW, today is my bday and i guess there is nothing better than feeling no burden on my bday... :]

  7. If you were to sit back and analyze your comments with some degree of detachment, you'd realize that your primary consideration is what other people think about you (your parents, your bishop, the stake president). What about what the Lord thinks?

    He is real. The Church just isn't a club for people who pretend to be righteous. It's a place where we come to deal with our humanity, our weaknesses, and bring them to the Lord.

    You've been taught since you were young that there are standards and that there are consequences to violating those standards. Going to the bishop and confessing your mistakes would be the first truly adult decision you will have made in your life. It's probably the first true act of faith you've ever done on your own.

    I don't care what time it is when you read this in your time zone. Put down your computer and go talk to your father. Then call your bishop. It doesn't matter if it's late. Call him. Tell him you need to speak with him as soon as possible.

    Don't care what people think about you. Think only what your Heavenly Father expects. Go to him with humility and admit your errors. He promises that he will forgive you because Jesus Christ has already died to pay for your mistakes. This will show faith in Jesus Christ and it will be pleasing unto him. It might be painful to do. If so, welcome to the real world.

    Jesus said it is better to to "pluck out an eye" or "cut off a hand" that offends and to enter the kingdom of heaven without them. In the worst case, if you were to have to wait a year to go to BYU, it would be better to "enter the kingdom" of God without schooling than to be an educated, faithless sinner. The sooner you get this resolved, the better you're going to feel. Your family will stand by you. The Lord loves you and he will forgive you.

    There are more important things in life than going to BYU.

    Really great response. My father is deceased, died when I was young, but im going to talk to my sister.

    I really loved your response, and thank you for it, but its easier saying that BYU and an education isn't as important than actually following through with losing it. I've worked my butt off so hard these past 4 years of high school so that I can attend a 4 year university...i dont want to end up at a community college after all my work...i know its selfish.. Im gunna talk to my bishop, just got his cell phone number... but i ahve one last question..

    Would it be harmful in waiting the 2 weeks and talking to my new bishop? tell me straight.

  8. ahh i know i need to do it but im soo scared. My bday is in 2 days as well. That will be a great thing to tell my mom on my bday... "hey mom, thanks for the presents, but btw I've been denied admittance to BYU first semester becuase i lied during my Ecclestiastical Endorsement." Haha, kinda comical when you look at in a sarcastic sense.

  9. Hey guys,

    I had a girlfriend with whom i participated in the precursors to sex with for over a year... Its been a year now since then, the reason for breaking up was largely for one reason- I was Mormon and wanted to stop these practices, and she wasn't mormon and didnt want to stop. Well, to be honest, I never really felt like i HAD to go to the bishop because I already told myself I would never do this stuff again (I say "HAD", cause now i wish i did)....I felt that there was no reason to talk to him since I myself have already repented on my own, and went through the guilt, and eventually I felt the spirit again.

    So here's the issue: Yesterday I had my interview with the Bishop and Stake President about receiving the Melchezidek Priesthood. I told them that I wanted to wait because I do not full-heatedly believe the process of eternal progression yet, which is true- I haven't gained a testimony of it of yet. However, I feel there's an underlying reason-My past sexual sins.

    You see, Now i really want to tell them, but i Know if i do, I Will not be able to attend BYU-Provo, for which im leaving for in 2 weeks...Ill be an incoming Freshmen.

    I wish so bad that I cleared up these sexual sins earlier when I thought i didnt have to, because now I feel like if I tell the Bishop or Stake President about my sins, I will be revoked from being able to attend BYU (Honor Code/Endorsements from Bishop discuss sexual purity).

    I dont really know what advice im looking for becuase im in such a huge can of worms, but any is appreciated....

    THanks for reading such a long post.

  10. Sorry if this is controversial, but if i have a question about the mormon church i ask it here instead of some random anti-mormon site.

    I was debating with my friend who read the book of mormon, prayed, and said she "received confirmation that it was false" (which to be hoenst, was really hard for me to even fathom that idea that she could read it and think its false, but i digress..). Well during the debate, she hit me with a question i have never been asked/accussed of before and i didnt really know what to say.

    She accused the mormon church of copying and having connections with the free masons. After doing some research, im confused becuase Joseph Smith was a free mason.... i dont mean to be controversial, i mean i consider myself mormon, im just asking, what is the correct reply to something like this?

  11. So you're saying you don't have any valuable contribution......

    I would caution against saying people of other faiths have a false sense of happiness. I think there are many people of other faiths whose happiness is equally real and oftimes better than the happiness latter-day saints feel. Happiness is not dependent on religion, but dependent of attitude and choice.

    When "they feel their spirit" what makes you think that they're feeling anything different from what you are feeling when "you feel your spirit?"

    ya, that was a stupid response, i dont believe its a "false sense of happiness", im just trying to make my answers so that they wont be offensive to mormons since this is an lds site. Some members on the forum might be offended if i said that other religinos feel the same spirit.

    i have just been kinda enthralled lately with middle-eastern culture and religion. Friend just gave me a Qur'an actually. Its surprising how we hold very similar beliefs. I think all members should explore other religions, not because i think ours is missing any truth, but because learning about other religions has only strengthened my belief in the lds faith.

  12. Questions,

    You just opened a door that I would never open on this forum.

    I dont mean any bad or controversy with this post, thats not what is intended. It might be a regional thing but i am from southern california where there is a large Jewish, Muslim, Chrisitan (non-denominational), and actually one of the largest mormon populations. As well as i am in a formal debate class which deals with world issues and cultures. As you might guess, this results in a lot of personal debates between us. I mean in my one class, there is hindi, sikh, muslim, jewish, mormon, catholic, non denominational christian, and atheists. I feel that it is very appropriate and not harmful to talk and learn about other religions. When you consider that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all abrahamic religions and descend from eachother, its really interesting and worthwhile to explore and talk about topics such as the one i brought up.

    I have a book somewhere - a kind of epistolary novel by a guy called Dick Dowsett. It's called God, That's Not Fair. In the book, a young fella writes a series of letters to Dowsett trying to argue a case for comparative religion and Dowsett replies back demolishing these arguments. (The "young fella" is of course Dowsett himself playing Devil's advocate.)

    I found it a very disturbing book, not least the chapter called "But other religions work!" Dowsett's foil starts by describing how his Mulsim etc. friends say how much comfort and joy from their religion. Dowsett (now in his true voice) responds by saying more-or-less: "Isn't that exactly what you'd expect? The Devil is out to deceive! He'll hand out comfort and joy if that's what it takes to draw people away from the truth!"

    Well there's no denying that possibility, but it opens up a proper can of worms. What does anyone know about their own faith other than that it works? (For them anyhow!) How do we know that it's not Islam that represents the truth, and that Christianity isn't the "Devil's counterfeit"?

    I think the best any of us can do is to look for what "feels" right and what they're comfortable with. People who thump the Bible and say "This is God's revealed word! Ignore your feelings!" should ask themselves why they're so sure it is God's word. I think even for them, it ultimately comes down to what they feel.

    And our feelings can deceive us? Well, yes they can. But that's a risk none of us can avoid taking.

    nice response, makes alot of sense, however i think i might disagree that its the devil bringing them away, but rather just a false sense of happiness? idk, thats why im asking hah. the spirit is a powerful thing and its pretty obvious when you feel it so it makes me wonder how other people feel when "they feel their spirit". Its all just very interesting.

  13. I was talking to my good friend who is muslim and its amazing how much faith she has in her religion. This got me wondering, everyone has so much faith that their religion is the correct one as well as many people claim that they ahve prayed and received confirmation that their beliefs are true (myself included). Where is their confirmation coming from?

    (p.s. this is just meant to be kinda an opinion/philosophical question/thread. i am in no way doubting the truthfulness of the mormon church or downplaying others, simply just wondering how every religion in the world has members who feel that they have had confirmed feelings that their beliefs are true. just something interesting to talk about).

  14. Thanks guys, i really appreciate all the replies. I understand now about the african americans and the priesthood, that makes sense. As for plural temple sealings,i think it is one of those things that I will never really understand and it is something that i just have to put my faith in God in. Lastly, concerning eternal progression, i understand the theory that we could rule WITH God like the last poster stated; i guess moreso its hard for me to imagine that God could have been a man at one point. Its all very overwhelming and i dont know the answer, but i do know that i have had a couple signs to stay strong in my beliefs.

    I am the youngest of 5 and my father died in an unexpected accident when our family was young. 2 years ago, my mom and I were the only remaining active mormons in my family. Since then, 2 of my older sisters have become active again, 1 of them had been inactive for around 7 years.

    This as well as the fact taht i recently felt the spirit so strong at a priesthood meeting that i basically had to bear my testimony of priesthood blessings to the people there or else my heart would have torn out of my chest it was eating so hard haha.

    I feel if i was to give up on the church now, it would be ignorant of me to ignore these signs. I guess yesterday i was just having a rough day and i needed to confide in you guys and get your answers. Thank you so much for your support.

  15. There is no real explanation for the revelation and declaration and one is not necessary.

    Ignore whatever you hear about it. Both reasons you list (immature members and racial dilution) are offensive to many people (including me). Some of the other things I have heard explaining the logic behind the declaration are equally offensive. What is more important is that every worthy male can receive the priesthood. That's really all that matters and the great thing is this incredibly dark period in the history of the church is now exactly that: history. All priesthood-related discrimination is history and I'm glad we're done with it and I personally could care less for any explanation as to why it was needed; I'm just glad for it.

    So then as intelligent people we are taught to question everything. You said you believe Joseph Smith is a prophet of G-d; well, so was Spencer W. Kimball. It is not necessary to know why JS received revelation other than he did. The same is true of SWK. Disregard rationalization for revelation from the leadership of the church. Accept the revelation. It comes from G-d, and nothing H- says needs explanation.

    i understand and appreciate your advice on african americans and the priesthood. What advice do you have concerning the other questions i am facing? About man becoming a god and the belief that god was a man?

  16. uh, that's weird, obviously a man speaking his opinion and not church doctrine.

    and imo you have a lot of growing to do before you consider a mission. I don't think it would be right if you have doubts to even consider teaching others about the church.

    i obviously am asking these questions cause i am seeking answers before going on a mission.... Did you read my whole post? I asked i need some help finding asnwer before i commit to going to byu, and ultimately serving a mission...

    i agree its not right to go on a mission before fully believing, but i feel like your post almost had a condescending touch to it.

  17. Hey guys, i need help :/

    background: Im 18, planning on attending BYU next year, and going on a mission the year after. I battled with sexual problems for a while in highschool however i realized what i was doing and broke free from these immoral activities. I recently felt the spirit for the first time in quite a while and it hit me like a wall that i was on the right track. Since then i have been trying to learn more and more about the mormon religion however i have a problem. i really dont believe that we can become Gods and have our own kingdom and be rulers and waht not. i believe in the other foundations of the mormon religion however.

    What i believe:

    -Joseph smith was a prophet

    -Book of mormon is true

    -God, Jesus, holy ghost all seperate

    -3 degrees of glory/heaven

    What i dont believe

    -Mormons can become Gods and that God was once man just like us. ( i understand the whole cycle effect but i dont really believe it...)

    -That a man can be sealed to more than one woman and therefore almost look at poligamy as a divine practice.

    -Beliefs about african americans. ( I thought that blacks didnt receive the priesthood until the 70's because of racial tension in society and taht doing so probably would have destroyed the church; however, i asked my bishop about this and he told me that the African American Race has progressed while becoming more mulatto since the beginnings of the church. This really offended me).

    As you can see, im in a real big pickle here, im planning out the rest of my life around being mormon but at the asme time i disagree with some of the beliefs..... What do i do in a situation like this. I know i should pray, but i almost am scared i may get an answer i dont want (that the church is not true).

    Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  18. im guessing if its already been cleared by your home bish, you are kosher

    not cleared by home bishop...... will they really send you home for trying to be a better person after doing something stupid a year before?