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Posts posted by durante_angelo

  1. I have been wondering about this. some time ago i got told that the people who wasn't born in the covenant (non-jews) would be described as heathens, that someone who is adopted into the covenant would be a heathen. Can someone clarify this for me?

  2. I was thinking...

    - Is it okay to look at a girl? (casual or because you think she's cute)

    - Is it okay to look at a girl in a porn magazine? (even if you just think they're cute)

    Then ask yourself why and think about if it's the same situation.

    - Is it okay to eat/drink vanilla essence?

    - Is it okay to drink vodka/beer/something else?

    Then ask yourself why.

    Remember, God didn't command us certain things just for fun, it's to protect us and increase our potential. I don't believe that he would command us something unnecessary, and if it's not in the scriptures, think rational. If vanilla essence or something else is not written in the scriptures or in the spoken word, think about if you know it's bad for you and pray if it's not that easy

  3. I haven't got my endowment yet and i want to make sure when it's even possible (I know about the worthiness and such). Some missionary pair told me i need to be a member for at least a year, my first bishop told me i needed to be 24 and my currently bishop tells me that i need to go for a mission or preparing a marriage before you can get your endowment so well... i'm i'm very confused in this case.

    Can someone please answer this question for me?

  4. Challenges related to something that can falter my faith:

    Absolutely nothing! I know what i went into and i love it!

    Challenges related to practicing my faith:

    Enduring to the end can be quite challenging some times, especially when we live with peoples with other standards.

    Challenges related to when i confront others with my faith:

    Well, some atheists (mostly them) have a really hard time not being extremely literally (no, we don't believe that we should eat God or that there will actually appear big monsters with many horns and heads!)

  5. I think the problem lies here. I have the bible. It contains the Word of God.

    We have the Bible too. It's awesome!

    You have another word and this word conflicts with the bible. This is why we have heated discussion.

    Oh... i only knew we had an open canon. Conflicting scriptures are not welcome...

    The LDS position is that "Yes, we use the KJV....as long as it is interpreted correctly".

    Yea, i hate language errors too. Luckily, we have lots of bible versions today to use!

    Through LDS posts I have learned that you believe the bible has been corrupted by man through the years. For this reason the LDS consider the bible as suspect and secondary to your other scriptures.

    But... it's still readable?

    don't diss The Bible, it's unreplaceable...

    I have a huge problem with this philosophy. First I see the Bible as truth and not corrupted by man.

    Well, you can't blame those guys who made errors. The Bible is not God himself and therefore not perfect.

    The LDS gospel is so very opposite the gospel presented in Paul's epistles. Paul's gospel is one of Grace. The LDS gospel is of works.

    The gospel is not of Works neither of Grace, it's about both. Faith without Works is dead, you know?

    You believe in plural Gods

    I prefer one true God than plural Gods.

    and baptism of the dead ( I know Paul mentions this, but his epistle was a sizzling rebuke).

    Exatly! that's why I like those verses!

    I am not sure who Jesus is in your belief. I know that He is my Lord, God and Savior and He is one part of three that make up God.

    And that's exatly what God is! :D

    If Paul were to write a letter to the LDS church today, would you be apprehensive to open it? Would Paul ask you why you have abandoned the Grace which saved you for another gospel. Who has bewitched you?

    Nah, i think he would say "Good job guys!"

    Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. But what has he come to steal, kill and destroy? God's Word. Jesus warned us of false prophets and contrary teaching because it is of Satan who has come to steal, kill and destroy God's word.

    Yea, we also talk about that. We should be careful, there's lots false prophets out there.

    When you disregard the Word of God in the bible you are yielding to satan. This is why I am so passionate regarding God's word. I stand with God's word in the bible. I don't pick and choose for when we start down this road it always leads to destruction.

    And that's why we should be careful not to be led astray. Many people wants us out from christianity, and it won't be pretty out there.

    Because we are so opposite in view and have little common ground, I feel that my continued participation on this forum would only bring strife and that is not my intent. This is your forum and you have been so gracious for letting me in.

    A discussion doesn't need to lead to strifes, it's what you want it to be.

    And you're welcome. We need to be like Christ and show the attributes of the Prince of Peace.

    God bless all of you, He loves you so very much. He even gave His Son for you. In the name of Christ Jesus, Peace

    God bless you too. God loves all people even if they don't deserve it. Remember, even the smallest can be great in God's eyes.

    If you want to know more about us, visit Mormon.org.

  6. Hey all,

    Sorry I've been away. I'd like to continue this discussion. Rather than emotion, lets bring this thread back to my original question: Does the Mormon believe that God created the world from pre-existing material? According to the BoM, yes. But, my issue is that this view goes against contemporary science (well, ancient church fathers had the same view as today's science) and the Bible. This is a HUGE stumbling block for me and why I can't accept the BoM.

    I have to disagree with you, doss. No "big bangers" believes in ex nihilo, hence i got almost slapped because i accidently told a science nerd that they believe that the universe was created out of nothing. According to scientists, the universe started from already existing matter that collided and started the big bang. Some new discoveries even gives scientists a hint that there maybe was a universe before this universe as they speculated about in years

  7. I just found this on the internet. It's about the earth getting two suns in 2012.

    Jorden får to sole i 2012 -  GoWild News - FÃ¥ overblikket over dagens vildeste nyheder

    translated part:

    "It's one of the most bright stars on the sky, Betelgues, that's about to lose mass, wich could indicate that it's about to "collapse", wich again could mean that the star is a "supernova".

    When that happens, the earth will get two suns on the sky. at least in some weeks, tells Brad Carter. And possibly there won't be night in a period"

    Sounds alot like when Christ was born to me, and i have something in my mind telling me that there was some relation to that sign and the second coming. Then again, i could be wrong.

    What do you think/know about this?

  8. ok, this is last time or else i will be too emberassed.

    it's mark 16:16 where he says:

    16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    It's "o pisteusaV kai baptisqeiV swqhsetai o de apisthsaV katakriqhsetai" in textus receptus, byzantine majority, latin vulgate ect.

  9. Hi there. I didn't know where i should belong so i just put it in here (then you can move it somewhere else if it doesn't belong here)

    Well, i have a buddy in school and he seems to be very confused with the whole thing about baptism and its importance. no wonder when our bible translation is... just bad. I don't know what they were thinking and there's only this one besides the modern versions wich is even badder compared to others (they are easily misunderstanded because of words that can mean many different things)

    So i decided to show him some scriptures in different languages directly translated, it should help a lot with the understanding :)

    The last one i want to show is the greek version. I got an idea how it should be written but i want to be absolutely sure before i'm going further, so if anybody is able to help, it would be great!

    The text is Mark. 3:16,

    o pisteusaV kai baptisqeiV swqhsetai o de apisthsaV katakriqhsetai

    Durante Angelo.