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Posts posted by SOONtoB

  1. I have sent in my mission papers... just last week I was told by my stake president that I would have to lose 15 pounds to get my papers processed and 10 more to get into the MTC.... I am mostly muscle... I mean i bench 375 and can squat 520 in my day... but I weighed 275 and I have been running and now I am down to 263 in one week... i feel like I am losing it in a unhealthy way... I run and ride a bike watch what I eat and take diet pills just to speed up the process because I want to leave... My stake president told me he would talk to the lady at the department and see what the decision was but he hasnt called me... So I am wondering should I try to contact them and see what they say? If so is there a way for me to e-mail them? Thank you for the answers....

  2. I have a girl friend also and I will be sending in my mission papers very soon, I also want to marry this girl but we have been dating for two years now.... I think you need to continue praying... yes if you stay you may be helping her life and yours perhaps... but if you go think of all the people you will be helping by spreading the gospel to them... Bringing the love of christ into their lives... also it will strengthen your trust in the lord... what happens when your gone is for the best... the lord takes care of you in his own ways.... I am just giving advice you do not need to listen to me haha.... just a suggestion though...

  3. well even if you are not worthy right now pray to the lord, he is always there for us with his arms stretched out to embrace us... he loves us all and wants the best for us... Look towards him in this time of need and he will comfort you, it will just take longer then you expect probably and definately talk with your bishop begin the process of repentance as soon as possible!

  4. I have a few questions, why are people so threatened by the LDS church, why do they say we are not christians, last time a checked I am a christian.... They like to say they know there religion is true based on archeology and mine is wrong because its based on feelings... When I hear someone bashing on my religion I see red.... I just wanna start yelling at them and everything.... Does this make me a bad person haha... I love my religion and everything it stands for....

    I will share an experience when I was at college I saw a man holding a banner that says jesus saves on it.. well I went to investigate (after I did some studying of course haha) and saw that he was against mormons.... he said we are Polytheistic because we believe that we can become gods ourselves, telling us that we dont beleive in the same christ as others, I was getting so angry that I just had to leave, but now I am preparing for a mission haha.... I need some things to say to people when I hear them bashing on the religion I will be preaching... I know I will learn some in the MTC but are there any scriptures I can learn in the HB that go with the BoM like that prove its right I know of some in Isaiah but that is all.... any help is greatly appreciated... thanks

  5. Well I talked to my bishop today and I feel a lot better.... I realised earlier that I dont care if my home bishop found out... it doesnt really matter I sould tell him to... but now I can start my road to repentance I thank you all for your posts!

  6. Over the years I used to have a problem with Pornography, and with pornography came the masterbation... I did talk to my bishop about it many times.... and one of the problems has came back... the pornography is really not a problem anymore.... I was just wondering if I should still talk to my bishop... I have talked to him before.... i feel sorrow for my sins.... and they always seem to come back just when I stop reading my scriptures daily... I would love any advice... and I know my Bishop is there to give me advice... and he has and he has helped me... I see what I am doing wrong.... If I keep reading my scriptures I wont be tempted to do this thing... So I was wondering if I still NEED to talk to him... because my savior and father are the ones who forgive me right? the bishop is just there to Help??