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Posts posted by plunk121

  1. What does this scripture mean, since the word God is not in it? If he is the first and last and that means there are none in between, would you suggest this scripture means you don't exist? If not, what does it mean?

    He doesn't use the word god, but He is saying that He is the first and the last god. He has said that before. Just because the word isn't used doesn't mean he isn't referring to that. He's already said that.........

    Please answer this. Please..........What do you think it means?

  2. You are correct that it doesn't say God. It's saying he's the first and the last. No word 'God' in there. Please explain scripturally how we know he's referring merely to him being the first, last and only God. If you add the word 'God' to his words, you are guilty of what Revelation warns specifically of.

    The word god is used here.

    God said that he was the first GOD formed and he will be the last GOD formed.

    Isaiah 43:10:_"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."

    You still haven't mentioned a word about that.

  3. Perfect! Please justify this:

    "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

    I'm reading this scripture and I don't see the word 'God' in there. I do see how you can get that He is the only one. If he's the only one, does that mean you don't exist, or does it mean something else? Please justify your answer scripturally and not with guesswork.

    God said that He is the FIRST and the LAST. He is only saying that he is the first and the last god. The WORD god doesn't need to be used because we know He is God.

    You didn't answer my question. Please answer it. What does this mean?

    Isaiah 43:10:_"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."

    Mormons believe that God was not the first god, but He said that before Him no god was formed. What does that mean?

  4. All right. I'll bite.

    You're correct - God has never lied and will never lie. Everything he says is correct. Now, there could be several interpretations of this particular scripture:

    1) He means that there is but one God and one God only. If you define a god as 'The most powerful being in the universe', then this would make sense as there can be only one.

    2) That God is the first and eternal and that nothing will come after him because he is eternal. This allows room for others, though none before and none who will persist after him if we believe that scripture(Which I do).

    However, to be able to understand this scripture and have a meaningful conversation with you, I have to ask:

    What do you think of God's assertion in revelations that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End?

    Based upon what your view of the Isaiah scripture you gave is, I would think this would suggest you believe that God saying this means that nothing came before Him and nothing came after Him, which would mean we're all just parts of God. Is that your assertion, or do you have some other interpretation of that scripture?

    Isaiah 43:10:_"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."

    That means that no Mormon will ever be a god. That verse only means one thing. It can ONLY mean one thing.

    When God said that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, that means the He is the only one. He is our only god and will be the only god.

    How is there room for others though? Not once did the verses I mentioned say there would be. In no way did they.

  5. Are you asking because you want to know or because you think you do know and want to argue?

    I suspect the answer is either the second, or that you're like so many others who come on with something trite that they think is controversial, post it, then disappear and never come back.

    I just want to know what Mormons think those mean. I honestly would like to hear so I can know and understand the Mormon belief. I promise you I am not here to argue. I'm just coming here as a Christian wanting to talk. To talk.....

    Why would God say the things He said? God has never lied and He never will.

  6. Isaiah 43:10:_"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after."

    Also these___

    Isaiah 44:6:_"I am the first and I am the last apart from me there is no God.”

    Isaiah 46:9:_"I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me."

    Isaiah 43:10:_"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."

    Isaiah 45:21-22:_"...there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other."

    Now what do those mean? Mormons believe they can become gods right? These verses from the Bible say that won't happen though.