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  1. Okay, here's the link to the new group, LDS Animators. It's a private group for those of us who're serious about it. Groups ยป LDS Mormon Network There we go.
  2. I've considered starting a 'production company', but considering all the people who would be interested probably don't live near each other, it'd be web-based for the actual 'production' section, and then it'd be trying to approach various stores or distributors about actually selling the finished product. I think one of my biggest sticking points, and I think its one that all writers have, is that I'd like to see what I write up on screen how I write it. Of course, there's always a loss in translation between page and screen, which is why I've had to really practice using as little action as possible and concentrating more on dialogue. It should be up to the actor (or in this case the animator) how certain scenes should be shot/created. Me, I'm fine with giving up that section. I'll even go to the whole 'change the dialogue so it suits the actor/voice actor's own way of talking. I'm mainly worried about plot changes. There are certain elements in my scripts, LDS or not, that are for, say, PG-13 audiences no matter what. I would be willing to cut down on ones where they're more explicit, but I still want the idea of what's going on to cross the minds of the watcher. I've noticed that a lot of LDS filmmakers, in an effort to capture the whole 'LDS Spirit' in their films, have cut off the realism of it. Dutcher was an extremist: he either went on the whole 'Spirit' or he went for the 'realism'. For examples, the two God's Army movies. First one was humorous but was also focused more on the spiritual side of LDS missionary life; the second had a more temporal feel to it. In animation, things would be different, I think. For one, we wouldn't be bound by the problems involved with 'big-movie budget' shots. I think the Book of Mormon would be told much better in CGI or something similar, and you can apparently get that when using the program I mentioned earlier, plus I think a couple of others. Also, who wouldn't want to see if the Work and the Glory could be continued or even re-done in animation? One thing I've always wanted to do is make a CGI LDS movie, show it to someone like Chris Heimerdinger, and see if they'd want their book made into a film like that. I know a lot of people focus on stuff like 3D Max and Maya, but there is plenty of freeware 3D engines and development programs out there; you just gotta look. Anyone whose interested in making an actual filmmaking group for LDS Animation, either contact me or lets set up a group here on LDS Mormon Forums so that we can chat about it extensively. Oh, what the heck. I'll set up the group right now if I can.
  3. Animation is one of those things that can be hard to get into, if you don't have a basic idea of how things work. Me, I'm going into it blind because I've got a whole bunch of story ideas going around in my head, some of them only suited to an LDS market, even if its only Direct-to-DVD style. My original project ideas were to bring some of the stuff we see in theaters to the LDS market, but with the focus more on family themes along with trusting in the Spirit when making tough decisions. My first idea was about a some men who'd formed a group in high school to try and keep some of the more 'bad' elements at bay. (gang members, criminals, etc.) And, as the stories always go, one of them goes bad and starts a 'gang', which becomes more of a terrorist organization. I've been re-working the story idea for years, and I've got a pretty good idea where I want to go with it now. I'm interested in teaming up with others who are into this stuff, especially since they'd understand some of this animation stuff that goes over my head. Anyone here ever try Blender? From what I've seen, if you combine their stuff with one or two other 'freeware' things, you'd get a pretty good animation. If anyone would like to hear the synopsis/summary of the idea mentioned above or one of my others, feel free to reply to this post. Its hard to want to do any kind of filmmaking without dealing the problems regarding money and such. Here's a idea I had, though I don't know for sure if it'd work out. Make an animation (shorts or feature length), get it formated to DVD files, and then go to Lulu.com to use their free self-publishing service. As Utah is the main area of focus, talk to places like Seagull, Deseret, and locally-owned bookstores, and see if they'll carry it, even if you have to write the 'corporate' section of the place. Anyways, I gotta get to something else, but I thought I'd put in my two cents.
  4. Thanks. Just a bit hard to feel as though I'm gonna be able to date when I tend to run from the very thought of asking a young woman out on a date. Only been able to do it twice, and both times they had boyfriends. I'm glad to hear that your friend can date; gives some hope here.
  5. I'm quite certain that I'm a hopeless case when it comes to dating, much less marriage. I'm 24, never been on a date, and will likely never be able to. But I figured I'd post what's called 'stats' here and just hope. I'm 24, as I've said, and I'm a writer. I haven't published much, but I hope to soon. I am unable to hold down a regular job, and one of the reasons is because I have a form of Autism. I'm up front about having Asperger's Syndrome, since I don't like to lie to people. Recently I learned about some kind of group or blog on Facebook that warns women that Autism equals very bad things. Its one of the reasons I'm not too sure about ever getting into a relationship. I'm a bit of a romantic, but I don't have a lot of money. (I'm on SSI and living in my parents basement). I can't say I'm mister emotional, since I don't like showing it too often. I'm a very extreme individual, so if I get into a serious relationship, I'll be more open with my feelings, but before that point I'll be very stand-offish. I live in Logan, Utah and can't drive. Literally, if I get to 25 mph while behind the wheel I freeze and my foot becomes a brick. I don't like to see guys who practically undress a woman with thier eyes. Its very offensive to me to see such antics, and I've told off my friends a fair few times, even if they insist that women don't mind it. I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to wanting to date, since I can't drive but have this idea in my head that the guy MUST do everything. In a way, I think that stamps over a woman's independence, and I don't like the idea of doing that. If anyone likes what I had to say, and wants to talk more via email, contact me at JDBentz(at)gmail(dot)com.
  6. Hi, my name's Jonathan, and I've been a member of the Church my whole life. I'm a writer of action/science fiction/fantasy works, and I enjoy watching films like Star Wars and Harry Potter. My favorite LDS Book series is Chris Heimerdinger's Tennis Shoes Adventure series, with Wendie L. Edwards' Millennial Glory being my second. I'm not the best at talking with people in person, so online forums are a salvation of sorts for me. Hmm, can't think of anything else to say right now that I won't mention in another forum, so...