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Posts posted by Run0750

  1. You do realize I've been teasing you, right? I hope you got that I was funning you, not trying to be nasty.

    Just shake your head north and south and say "yessir," and we'll get along nice...

    Don't make me start my "You listen here, son. I was humping 200 pounds of gear through a stinking jungle while I carried a machinegun and shot people for a living at the same time your poop looked like mustard, so you can show me some respect, or I'll pummel your buttox until you do" speech...

    Again - I mean this humorously. What fun would the internet be if you could actually ask a serious question and get a serious answer without some wiseacre making fun of you??? Do you really want to live in a world like that???

    lol yea I get what your saying but I really could use some advice and some knowledge about the situation

  2. You know maybe Im not from the old school way of thinking like you. Heck maybe we just plain think differently period. But I asked a question for some good reasoning of why things are so I can learn. Some people dont know eveything and have some questions so I see no harm in asking. I mean if I never ask how can I know. But thank you for your "advice" sir. But can anyone help me out so I can learn what the reasoning is behind this. So I can "learn".

  3. well. I have a very very close firend who is a girl who I have invited to my setting apart. I would like to give her a hug instead of just a handshake. But if I do that is my bishop and such going to flip out and delay my mission. Are there serious consequences for something as little as a hug for someone who means alot to you?

  4. ok. So what is the reason behind once you are confirmed an elder you cannot hug someone? I dont quite understand? Im talking about hugging someone who is a close friend to you but is of the opposite gender. Why cant you say goodbye and hug?

  5. Thanks for all the advice you guys. I really appreciate it. Im going to take it and try my best to apply it. I know that I must serve a mission and I am happy to serve one. And I know that if Heavenly Father wills it we will be together. Ill try to write her. Thanks everyone.

  6. ok. But like I know the odds are for sure not in our favor. But I would like to stay in contact with her through letters but her parents dont even want that. And if she does accept the letters odds are her family will harass her for it. Is it that bad to want to write her and remain associated with her?

  7. Well shes not going on a mission. I am. And we've talked about it so much and she says she wants to wait for me and I believe her. I love her. She has brought me closer to Heavenly Father and Im so grateful for it. I know that im going on a mission not for me not for her but for the Lord and the people who need him. But theres one thing I want and pray for and thats to be with her afterwards. But her family tells her that im no good. That shes changed. I have tried talking with them but they keep pushing me away and keeping her away. I want to have a good relationship with her family but they wont give me the chance

  8. ok so Im planning on going on a mission soon but I have a girlfriend. She and I love eachother and she has helped me become more prepared and ready for a mission. Sadly we made a mistake a while back and things were nasty. We ended up patching them up and now things are good. But her family hates me. Her sister thinks im a no good loser. Im trying to convinvce them that Ive changed but they wont accept my apology and they seem millions of miles from forgiving me. My girlfriend and I want to be together and remain in contact on my mission but its splitting her family against her and thats not what I want. She and I love eachother but she gets so much stress from them over it she doesnt know what to do. Im going on my mission but I would like to remain in contact with her. What should I do?