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Posts posted by Flyingbeliever

  1. Wow! Thank you so much for all the replies everyone! I’m overwhelmed by the fact that so many of you would come to my aid on this subject.

    I have re-read parts of my post and i see how the title as well as some of the things I wrote may create a bit of misunderstanding. What I meant to say in the title was that my wife doesn’t seem to want to understand (or be open to) why I want to be a member of the church and she won’t really accept my explanations for why either.

    At the same time she says she accepts and have no problem with me believing she will challenge the existence of God with the argument that “why are so many bad things happening in the world if there is a God” an “why does he take people we love away from us”. There are no scientific arguments at all actually but it comes down to why would I spend time on this when so many bad things happen all around us? The issue here is that while I’m probably not the best person to try to “defend” God or the gospel she is not open to hear my feelings on the subject or the answers and/or explanations that I have to offer. All because I “may try to change her”.

    After some initial discussions we agreed that I would attend the church and not bring it home or discuss it with her. This was not a problem and I never initiated any discussions on the subject or bring it home in any way shape or form. However, after doing some research about the church of her own she decided to change her mind as she has taken in a lot of the negative information and very little of the good. This is what created the situation described in my previous post where I had to basically stop any involvement (studying, attending or otherwise). Any attempts to since open the discussion back up has led us nowhere as she is certain that I will change into a Christian fundamentalist and be brainwashed.

    As I mentioned in my previous post I have offered to “just” attend church and to hold off with being baptised until is sits comfortably with her, however long that may take. As spamlds mentioned; not being baptised doesn’t prevent me from studying the scriptures, attending church, and living the gospel. I think that me having (already) expressed a desire to be baptised may have made this a problem though as I believe she now thinks that me being involved with the church in any way would result in me getting drawn in deeper and deeper... Even without the baptism.

    Melissa569 I believe yo got it exactly right with the paragraph where you said:

    “Your wife (and my husband) may be getting angry because she's afraid that your involvement with the church is going to drive you both apart. She probably thinks the deeper you get into it, the more you might be trying to convince her, or bring more church activities to your home. And the less you will have in common.”

    I can honestly say though that it’s not about convincing her of anything and I also do not believe that it would result in us having less in common. We still do the things we used to do together, I still have the same interests outside of church and we still talk about the same subjects we always have. In addition I have always believed in God and read the bible (granted not as much as now). As such that part is not really news to her. Now, having said that I think that she may still think that is what is going to happen.

    Like many of you have said: it should be a case of I respect you so you should respect me. It feels good that so many others agree with that line of thinking and that will be the base for our next discussion on the subject. I’m just going to take it one step at a time... First step is to be able to attend church without it creating an issue.

    Thanks again for all the wonderful answers and great input.

  2. Hi everyone!

    Well this is my first post here and I'm really hopping that it will generate some good ideas and/or input.

    First a bit of background: I am not yet a member of the church but I have met with missionaries and I have spent a lot of time reading and studying the Book of Mormon as well as all the other standard scriptures. I attend the sacrament meetings, sunday school and priesthood meetings at my local branch as often as my work allows me.

    Doing the above as well as doing a lot of praying I found that the church is the right thing for me. I believe in what the church stands for and what it teaches. I have been blessed with a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and as such I have made the decision that i want to get baptised and become a member.

    Now for the problem: My wife doesn't believe in any of this. In fact she doesn't even believe in God. That in itself has never been a problem as she has respected my believes as I respect her non-beliefs. However, as I started talking about becoming a member my wife started to have a bit of an issue with the whole thing. It developed (for the "worse") as she read a lot of the negative things about the church online and it even led to a point where I had to stop reading the scriptures and stop attending church for a while. As I did so I felt this huge emptiness inside me. Like something was missing from my being and my life all of a sudden.

    I have since started reading the scriptures again as often as I can and that has helped the feeling somewhat but I still feel like I am letting myself and Heavenly Father down when not attending church. I want to go but I don't want to go behind my wife's back and she is not very open to a fair discussion on the subject at the moment (by fair I mean this is the only subject where we can't have a discussion without her Getting very upset. Not necessarily at me but at religion and my believes - so Yeah, I guess me). She is not open to me trying to tell her about my believes and of the church as she thinks I'm just trying to change her mind (and possibly convert her). This is of course not the case. I believe everyone should have their own choice and i would never try to force my believes on anyone.

    I have offered to hold off with the baptism for as long as necessary and just attend church like I have been doing for quite a while. She doesn't like that idea as she is afraid "they" will convert (or brainwash) me. I have tried to explain the church doesn't work that way and that there are a number of couples where only one person is a member. Unfortunately it doesn't convince her...

    I love my wife very very much and I don't want to do anything to jeopardise our relationship but i also know that I want to have Heavenly father, Christ and the church as a part of my life.

    I'm sorry this is such a long post. I just don't know what to do and was hoping that someone here is able to help... Maybe someone has been in a similar situation?

    Thank you in advance for any advice or input.