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Posts posted by Addz25

  1. Hey all, I was listening to my iPod today and after hearing a couple songs that to me bring up a stronger religious feeling, I was curious to hear what songs to others (that may not necessarily be the intent of the song) raise a feeling of God or another religious aspect. So to start, hear are the songs that speak to my spirit:

    Son of Man, by Phil Collins (yup, from Tarzan):

    Wake Up, by Story of the Year (this one's sort of punk rock/alternative, but no swears!):

    Now hear are the lyrics if you don't feel like listening to the songs, or you don't understand them: Son of Man - Son Of Man Lyrics - Phil Collins, Wake Up - Story Of The Year - Wake Up Lyrics

    I know there are some lines in these songs that underscore the purpose I'm trying to give them, but here are some that I like...

    Son of Man: "On this journey that you're making/ There'll be answers that you'll seek/ And it's you who'll climb the mountain/ It's you who'll reach the peak", "Son of Man, look to the sky/ Lift your spirit, set it free", "In learning you will teach/ And teaching you will learn/ You'll find your place beside the ones you love", "Though there's no one there to guide you/ No one to take your hand/ But with faith and understanding/ You will journey from boy to man"

    Wake Up: "Are we missing what it is to be alive?", "Our innocence is a virtue/ But our arrogance will only leave us blind, unattended/ Without anyone to save our idle lives", "One by one the pieces fall/ Until our pride defeats us all/ Or we learn to live without it", "WAKE UP - to the sound of this time bomb"

    What I like about the two songs are that first, Son of Man teaches of a journey that you yourself have to make, that will grant you strength and wisdom, which I relate to following in the footsteps of Christ. Another connection I found interesting is how in the BoM it often mentions the "children of men" - "Son of Man". What I like about Wake Up is that it talks about how we are forgetting why we're here on Earth - to serve Heavenly Father. It states our time on Earth isn't infinite, so we must repent, and rid ourselves of pride and arrogance. So what other songs do your souls delight in, that you find may send a message?

    P.S. - mods, if you find this is in the wrong forum please move it - I just thought it would fit nicely here

  2. To keep it short, I'm young, and I've been trying to have a "steady" relationship with my girlfriend. I know I'm not going to try and break the law of chastity, and I try to put her first and I respect her, but I've really been trying to put my heart into our relationship and now I find out that I'm not supposed to do that. I don't know what I should do. I feel like it's already decided that we'll break up inevitably sooner or later, so what's the point in continuing the relationship? Should I break up with her? I'm really lost, and torn, and confused, so help would be greatly appreciated. My problem is I can't have a casual relationship with this girl. I don't think I can have a casual relationship with anyone. I thought that in any relationship, you should always look ahead towards marriage, and in mine I was looking towards the future and always considering it as a possible option. I know I'm now not supposed to, but I don't know if i can. Help?

  3. YES OF COURSE it does!! Im just interested to see which is used more... out of-... nevermind. thought this might be jsut a for fun thread

    EDIT: but of course if you think it doesnt matter than feel free to lock it haha, your say over mine

  4. After countless interviews with our youth (young adults), mastabation is linked to internet porn. Sad to say, I believe it is still the number one problem in the church right now.

    Although this is slightly true, it isn't entirely. I struggled with masturbation for a few years but I've been able to overcome it and break the sin. i often didnt watch porn. in the non LDS world where sexual experimentation and the like is often glorified, both masturbation AND porn I feel become 2 separate, although related problems.

    More on topic, definitely masturbation and sexual sins are struggles, as well as I'd say wearing provocative clothing, and definitely being shunned or not accepted by non LDS members. on a smaller scale not swearing and not using the Lord's name in vain as well

  5. I'm not one for vibrant colors on the walls - my bedroom has 3 white walls with a black accent wall (fancy, amirite???) and i have a black rug, and a black-and-white overall bed as well, but then i let pictures and posters and "stuff" bring out the true feel and color of my room. Personally I think it looks really good!

  6. I was horrified until I read this: "his friends decided to take him to the hospital. But they got nervous and instead dropped him off on the side of the highway." That just made me chuckle a little. I mean really, that is still awful, but who throws their burning friend out of the car? Alcohol, my goodness.

  7. Well for one thing your parents would have to give permission for you to be baptized. If that is not a possibility, you might have to wait until you are 18.

    Well my parents have always been really supportive of my sisters and I, and of this I have very little doubts. If anything, my parents would probably be happy for me to hear that I'd be converting (or at least hopefully!)

  8. Most musicians, especially those in the Rock and Roll field, are anti-Military, anti-USA, and phenomenally anti-conservative.

    Good on Gene Simmons and his band!

    You're definitely right about that! Personally I'm a big fan of Rise Against and Story of the Year (both punk bands) and have a pretty good range of songs from hard to soft, and some of their songs have really good lessons, but at least Rise Against is really anti-military/US
  9. Well, in short I'm 15 years old and strongly considering converting at some point in my life. I know I still have a lot of learning ahead of me before I can make a valid decision, but I'm reading the BoM and I really like it, and the teachings and views of the church. At this point though, I'm really confused about when I should convert. My family is catholic (not devoutly) and my personal feeling is that being a LDS in a non-LDS family (or rather, growing up in one) would be pretty difficult. I know many are going to say "now is the best time", but I don't really know if that's the best choice logically.... Hope I'm making sense here haha

  10. Ok, so my girlfriend is mormon, and she has really interested me with the religion and I've been trying to live a much more mormon lifestyle (i.e. increased prayer, stop drinking caffeine, reading The Book of Mormon, etc.). Anyway, what I'm asking is that I know what "boundaries" per se the church sets. She has set her own specific boundaries, that she is very adamant about, which I respect, but I just want to know how things are viewed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Like, we "cuddle" or whatever you want to call it on the couch (just like, holding each other or an arm around or something - nothing intimate), and then we've kissed before. Any advice/insight is greatly appreciated!

  11. I'm a member on other forums so I'm not exactly new to this, but I'm definitely new to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! My best friend and girlfriend turned me on to the religion, and thus far I love it - I like every new thing I learn. I'm currently reading The Book of Mormon and maybe someday might convert - I've already started a much more pure lifestyle. I joke about being a nonmormon mormon. I'm hoping to learn more and simply delight my soul! Thanks, Addz