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Posts posted by sojourner

  1. The fascinating thing is in Christendom Melchizedek has such a small role in Christian faith. When I was a young Bible student the fact that there was little or any information about him sparked my imagination since Hebrews mentions he has no begining or end, almost as if he was a spiritual personage, like a fictional character that has always been.

    - Justin


    Can I just call you Goth,for any future reference? :)

    It's interesting that you view Christians as assuming Melchizedek to have a minor role in our faith.

    While many Christians do not address Christ as Melchizedek,that is exactly who Christ is,as our High Priest.Without beginning and without end,indeed.There is none other qualified to assume this priesthood,and there will be no other.A perpetual priesthood,without beginning and without end.

    The book of Hebrews,you mention,fully explains Christ as Melchizedek,and His unique role as High Priest.

    The name 'Melchizedek' is translated as 'The justifier of those who dwell in Him.'None other than Christ.

    If you would like to ask me any questions,on the above,or present your own views,I would be more than happy to discuss.

    Many thanks
