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Posts posted by mmaverick

  1. So I've heard it said that a mission, "if it's right for you", will happen. Problem with that is that a mission is a "priesthood duty, an obligation". Therefore, it is right for you if you hold the priesthood, and so there is a way.

    I was baptized about 4 months ago. I've been dating an amazing girl for a little less than that. Well, even though it would be really hard for her, she has told me she would try to wait for me if I served a mission. I hope she would, but I also know I can't use that as a criteria.

    Couple that problem with this though: My brother is 4 years younger than myself, and has Down Syndrome. Neither of my parents are members, and my mom left my dad about 10 years ago. Since then, I've been the one to help my dad out with my brother. It's not easy for him to be able to go to work all the time if my brother gets sick, or if school is out, or if my dad has to work on a weekend, or in the evening. I live at home and attend a University 15 min from where I live so I can help my dad.

    Another thing is that I'm a philosophy major. I can't really do anything with that, so I'll have to go get another degree in something else. I would like to get a law degree, and I have considered finding an accredited online program to do that. My dad is not in great health, and always intimates that he's just hanging on until he knows I can take care of myself and my brother, then he's ready to check-out.

    I have no problem with serving a mission. I don't know much, but I know the Spirit would guide me. I don't have any problems with giving up everything material. I've learned plenty of patience from taking care of my brother. Nothing about actually serving a mission scares me. What I worry about is my family. I don't feel like I can leave my dad and my brother here on their own and put myself 2 years father back from being able to take care of myself. If I stay I can still take care of my brother. Work and go to school, help my dad pay for me to get another degree. Also, if I stay, my girlfriend would probably transfer to the school I go to, would live nearby, and help me help my family even more.

    I'm worthy, I'm physically and mentally able. But am I able to do this to my family?

  2. I was introduced to the LDS faith a little over a month ago by a new friend that I met. Ever since first learning about it I have tried all I could to learn more and better myself. I've met with the missionaries a couple times and I've been attending church.

    The missionaries are now pushing me to get baptized. I feel like I'm probably ready, but I've been going back and forth with myself. If I do want to, they said I can do it later this month. Only thing is that I live away from my mother. She is not LDS, but supports me and said she would want to come. The day the missionaries scheduled it she can't make because she lives on the other side of the country. Would there be any problem with waiting for an indefinite amount of time to get baptized so I could be sure my mom could make it? I don't want to insult anyone or make it seem that I'm not doing this for myself. I want to get baptized, but I want my mom to be able to share that day with me too.

    Thanks for your help.
