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Posts posted by Crazygamer

  1. I went to a public school where in the whole school there was only two members! and we're talking this is out of 1,200 students. So you think you've got it tough I was lucky to have the other member in my class 5% of the time. The thing that kept me going was knowing that my every move, my every word and my every action in the school was reflecting upon heavenly father and reflecting upon the church I once had a teacher that though it was funny most days straight after school I was out with the elders. I once by mistake knocked on this teacher's door after school hours with the elders from the church who where serving here at the time and the teacher said " He is a fine young man and a person you should be proud of he has never be accountable for any problems in any of my classes" just knowing that made me just thought them. Seminary was a great help too but I'd try to listen to church podcasts and church music during recess and lunch if I could and mormon channel if i could find a free wireless signal in the school somewhere. The hardest part was everyone asking a million questions about my religion why when I was asked out by a older girl I said no, and I said because that is what god would've have done because that is what is right. I decided to make a stand one day in a english class we had many oral presentations that needed to be done. we each had to pick a topic and I picked the church. I pulled out a big post of the articles of faith and spoke about each one of the articles and the meanings of every one of the articles and the duty to god and everything. I got though that final year by just knowing making a stand and spreading the word was a tad bit of help that day on no one ever looked at me the same it soon got around the whole school yard what I did and people where starting to pull me aside at recess and lunch and asking questions about the church and I referred them to full time elders/sisters and a couple got converted in to the church in other branches/wards/stakes. just think of god standing next to you your every move would you do that if he was right there by your side.

  2. I forwarded this idea to the seminary website. I am one of those all up there with technology members. I find gospel library for Apple iPad & iPhone super useful and so much more lighting than your quads. I came up with this idea when noticing in the gospel library there are no seminary resources in the library or made accessible to people who do seminary. :( so it made me think and I pitch this idea to seminary church office " One you add the seminary stuff like manuals and mastery cards in to the same old gospel library app or you make a new app called youth library sure other non-church approved apps feature some of the seminary stuff but it would be handy to have it all in the one place and when I say all I mean all the manuals the scriptures, the mastery cards and other required resources and it would make seminary so much more easier."

    Would you find this useful? Do any seminary students currently use gospel library?

  3. Sodapop I might be out of place here but I just thought I would comment, I know when new families have moved in to my branch/ward the people have spoken behind there back and it is wrong and totally out of place and not right. Just because your different don't be put back by these are small milestones in life, any one experiencing this I always tell them the lord loves us for who we are not what we are and it's not what the other people think of us that matters it's what god thinks of us, and don't let gossip bring you down and names will never hurt us if anything we should get stronger spiritually from them. Hope this helps I've experienced stuff much the same myself sodapop please if you need any one to talk to day or night please contact me and will get back to you right away, also god be with you.

  4. G'day, I am Nathan Henry aged 17 from a small branch of around 21 people in victoria in Australia. I was baptised in to the church on the 13th of december 2008 by Elder Brit Dalton who was serving in the melbourne east mission at the time. I am in to gaming and watching tv and bike riding I joined this site in hopes to make new friends. and talk to other members.