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Posts posted by Urlaubulusprime

  1. Gramps says that he has personally seen a horse skeleton in a Buenos Aires Natural History museum, which was discovered by Charles Darwin in the area, and is all but indistinguishable from a modern horse.

    After some research, I think Gramps may be confused. I see nothing in Darwins writings that says he found a full horse skeleton, but he did finds the teeth of Equus Curvidens. He did, however, find a full skeleton of a giant anteater, which was about the size of a small horse. This skeleton he did haul back to be preserved.

  2. I read this Ask Gramps page and there's some interesting stuff there.

    But can anyone provide any sources on the quotes he uses? I cant find a copy of the "commentary" book he quotes, but would like to see its references.

    Ideally, I would like to see the actual text of Sir Francis Drakes' notes in which he allegedly expresses wonder at all the horses he sees.

    Also, someone else in this thread mentioned that a tribe was found with tens of thousands of horses. Source please?

  3. Hello everyone. LDS convert for seven years. Served in the Philippines Manila Mission from Nov. 2005-07. Honorably released and sealed in the Oakland Temple in June 2010.

    I'm glad to find a mormon forum and look forward to learning from everyone here.