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Posts posted by katiejill

  1. Thanks Parakeet and Chrissy!

    I have talked to my therapist and she says she will support me and feels I am ready. I have learned so many skills and have really discovered a lot about myself. I have a number of tools that include journaling, music, going on a walk, and scripture study.

    Thank you for the support! Those thoughts are comforting and I have to remember not where I was but how far I have come.

    I am fully confident that I will be able to emotionally handle a mission. I have a positive outlook on life and have discovered where my issues stem and how to validate myself while recognizing any negative thoughts. It has been a ton of work but I am moving forward!

    I also never feel more content and loved than when I am close to the Spirit. I know that a mission is a very spiritual experience and so I am more confident that I can handle myself. Putting everything in a spiritual perspective is a tool I use.

    I know the Spirit will guide me while I prepare for a mission. I appreciate the point about having a greater compassion because of what I have experienced.

    And Parakeet I am so happy that you are in a much better place! Let's never go back there again. I am happy that you were strong enough and brave enough to look at yourself and decide to change. Go us! Moving forward one step at a time!

  2. Hey Everyone!

    So I am planning on going on a mission! I am really excited about it and have been praying and feel like it is what Heavenly Father wants me to do… which I guess answers my question since if Heavenly Father wants me to do it everything will work out.

    But I am still a little concerned. I have had a history of depression and I attempted suicide two years ago. I still see a therapist, more since as a result of the attempt a lot of family issues were brought up and so my family now goes to family therapy. My therapist helps me work through all of that, but I have made leaps and bounds from where I was two years ago. I no longer have to take medication and wouldn't say I am depressed anymore.

    There are questions about these sorta things in the paperwork so thats why it is on my mind. My concern is that the hospitalization after the attempt and continuing with the therapist today would somehow impact my mission call. Will it?

    The concern is still there, but I suppose I need to remember Heavenly Father will guide me to where I need to go and what I need to do.

    I guess I just need some reassurance. Thank you all for your time!

  3. Hey!

    So I just got my patriarchal blessing a few weeks ago (the hard copy came in the mail today! yay!). The patriarch talked to me some before the blessing and he referenced a talk that I would love to read, but he said he heard it so long ago and doesn't remember who its by or anything. So I hope you guys can help!

    He said he thought the title was something along the lines of "The Reality of the Pre-Earth Life."

    The topic had to do with the pre-earth life and how we chose to accept the Plan of Happiness. However, those who chose the Plan of Happiness did so with varying degrees of faith, and our faithfulness in the pre-earth life influenced the circumstances we were born into (or something along those lines). There was more but my mind is drawing a blank at the moment.

    Anyway… I don't know how much of what was discussed came from the talk and how much came from my patriarch, but any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks so much for your time!

  4. Thanks everybody for their thoughts! I just really need to buckle down again. I was pretty focused for the first test, studied a ton, almost everyday in the library for weeks. And then I got my test back and I got a 49% which wasn't bad considering 65% was an A. I got a high C.

    I want to go on a mission so I've been overly distracted by that. I am/was spending the time I would usually spend studying on studying the scriptures. I think I need to balance a little better.

    Luckily he drops one exam, so this last exam will be dropped. Better buckle down! I really appreciate the comments on how this is preparing me for my future.

    Thanks again!

  5. Yeah it is too late to drop, unless I wanted to drop and have a "W" on my transcript… not exactly sure how much that would hurt my transferability.

    I guess I am going to have to force myself. There isn't much of a choice. I figured as much, but was hoping that maybe there was some magic way of looking at things that would help. Oh well.

    Thanks Vort!

  6. Hey everyone! Okay… so here is the deal…

    I am currently attending community college to get my associates in chemistry and then transfer (BYU… UCLA… UCSD… I don't know where yet). I am taking biology, calculus, and organic chemistry. Not exactly a walk in the park, but I have always pushed myself academically. In college I have gotten all A's except one C which is a long story.

    So this semester all my motivation is gone. In math and bio I am still doing alright (probably a low A right now) and am relatively motivated. But organic chemistry… I am dying. I am dying because it is a RIDICULOUSLY hard class for one, and the fact that I don't even try anymore isn't making the class any easier. I always work hard and do my best, but this class I haven't been. For example, we had our second exam today and I did the first 2 pages of the like 12 page test, hardly even looked at the other pages, and left the other pages blank. I was feeling sick, had a headache, mouth hurt, and a stomach ache, but even with all of that, I have never not given some sort of answer for a problem, even if I totally guess.

    What also is alarming is how much I don't care. I mean, I care enough that I want to care, but that's about it.

    So… any advice? How can I motivate myself?

  7. I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I was scared to death before I went to talk to him. Let me say that while it is difficult, your bishop loves you and Heavenly Father loves you. They want what is best for you. Talk to your bishop and he will lovingly help you through the repentance process. Everyone makes mistakes.

    After I finally talked to the bishop and went through the process I was overcome with love and happiness. The Atonement is an incredible gift.

    You can do it! You will feel so much better in the end.

  8. Hey everyone! Not sure if this is the right place to post, but oh well! Thanks for the warm welcome! Can't believe its been like a year and a half since I posted. I actually completely forgot I made an account and thought I made another one and used the same username and everything and it linked me back to this one! I fell away even more from the church. I am trying to find the motivation to return, but the journey has included confusion, obvious emotional ups and downs, and some mistakes… quite a few mistakes. I am afraid to go back to church. I know I need to talk to the bishop about some things, except I first need to get to know my new bishop. Oh well. Just saying hi and hopefully I will stick around this time. :) I will definitely need the support!

  9. Hello everyone!

    My name is Katie, I am 17, a senior, and I have been a member of the church all my life. Unfortunately, I have not been extremely active throughout my high school years and it is definitely starting to take its toll. I never really connected with the youth my age in the ward, so there were times when it was difficult to go to church. I find myself very lost and in need of some good ol' church support! I have a feeling that the people here will be able to provide that for me! I am excited about this community and becoming part of it!

    Can't wait to meet everybody.